2. A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 알게된영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.
Nya still making the two daily trips to the pond. Each time she returned, she could see that slowly and surely the patch of cleared earth was growing larger.(64p)
*uprooted 뿌래채 뽑힌
+)uproot (나무·화초 등을) 뿌리째 뽑다, 오래 살던 곳에서 떠나다[떠나게 만들다]
*scythe [saɪð] 큰 낫, 낫질하다, 베다
*hoe 괭이, 괭이질을 하다
*slowly and surely 천천히 착실하게
+)I looked and I listened and slowly but surely I learned. 지켜보고 귀 기울여 들으면서 천천히 그러나 확실하게 배워나갔습니다.
+)Slow and steady wins the race. 일을 급히 서두르면 망친다, 은근과 끈기가 성공으로 이끈다는 것을 뜻하는 속담
*patch (특히 주변과는 다른 조그만) 부분, 조각, 덧대다[때우다] (=mend)
The earth was dry and rock-hard. Nya felt puzzled and doubtful: how could there be water in such a place?
And when she asked Dep that question, he sook his head. She could see the doubt in his eyes, too.(64p)
Out of respect for him, the group walked no more that day but took time to mourn the man who had been their leader.(64,65p)
*out of respect for …에 경의를 표하여, 존경심에서
+)Fireworks shows, however, were cancelled out of respect for victims of a December 22 tsunami that killed more than 400 people.
하지만 폭죽행사는 400명 이상의 목숨을 앗아간 12월 22일의 쓰나미 희생자들을 존중하여 취소되었다. -The Korea Times +)He has that position just out of respect for his seniority. 그는 다만 연장자라는 이유만으로 그 자리를 유지하고 있습니다.
Salva was too numb to think, and when thoughts did come to him, they seemed silly. He was annoyed that they would not be able to eat after all: While the men had been looting the group, more birds had arrived and pecked at the roasted stork until it was nothing but bones.(65p)
*it was nothing but ...에 지나지 않았다
+)It was nothing but a joke. 그것은 그저 농담에 불과했다. +)It was nothing but the heart rate goes up, right? 별거 없는데 심장 뛰지? +)It was nothing but fun, as I look back on now. 지금 돌아보니까 굉장히 즐거웠던 추억인 것 같아요.
The time for grief was short, and the walking began again soon after dark. Despite the numbness in his heart, Salva was amazed to find himself walking faster and more boldly than he had before.(65p)
No one shared anything with him, neither food nor company.(66p)
*neither A nor B: A도 아니고 B도 아니다, A도 B도 아닌
+) neither fish nor fowl 이것도 저것도 아닌 +) neither here nor there중요하지 않은[상관없는] (=irrelevant)
Neither Jack nor Annie could speak.(매직트리하우스 4-9/58p)
As the crew unloaded the boat, neither Jack nor Annie spoke.(매직트리하우스 22-7/50p)
Somehow it was clear to him, back in 2003, that I was neither emotionally nor spiritually prepared to bring that phase of my career to a close. (98p)
2003년(오프라 쇼를 그만둘까 고민했던 시기)으로 거슬러 올라가보면, 그(매티)는 내가 오프라 쇼의 마무리를 위한 감정적이고, 영적인 준비가 되어있지 않다는 것을 느끼고 있었다는 게 분명하다.
1. A와 B 자리에 명사가 오는 경우
+) I’m neither a maid nor slave!
난 식모도 아니고 노예도 아니란 말이야!
+) She can speak neither English nor French.
그녀는 영어도 불어도 할 줄 모릅니다.
2. A와 B 자리에 있는 단어가 동사가 필요한 경우 동사처리 문제
+) Neither the cat nor dogs are in the house.
고양이도 개들도 집 안에 없어요.
-수일치는 B에 합니다. B가 동사에 가까이 있으므로 B에 해당하는 동사에 맞추어 준다고 생각해 주세요.
B 자리에 dogs가 복수형이기 때문에 be동사로 are 사용
+) Neither the students nor teacher is allowed to smoke.
학생들도 선생님도 흡연이 허용되지 않는다.
-B 자리에 있는 teacher가 단수형이라 is 사용
But it seemed they had all forgotten that, for Salva now had to beg for scraps, which were given grudgingly.(66p)
+)He has a grudge. 뒤 끝 있으셔... +)There's no grudge! 뒤 끝 없어!
The way they were treating him made Salva feel stronger still. there is no one left to help me. They think I am weak and useless. Salva lifted his head proudly. They are wrong, and I will prove it.(66p)
Salva had never before seen so many people in one place at the same time. How could there be this many people in the world?
More than hundreds. More than thousands. Thousands upon thousands.(66p)
*upon <수·양이 아주 많음을 강조할 때 씀>
+)thousands upon thousands of letters 수천 수만 통의 편지 +)The result is that thousands upon thousands of families live in fear. 그 결과로 인해 수천명의 가족이 공포에 떤다
People milling around, standing, sitting or crouching on the ground, lying down with their legs curled up because there was not enough room to stretch out.(67p)
*mill around 서성거리다 (→milling) +)Fans were milling around outside the hotel. 호텔 밖에서는 팬들이 서성거리고 있었다.
+)While he was milling around, someone stole his bike. 그가 서성거리는 동안, 누군가 그의 자전거를 훔쳐갔다.
The refugee camp at Itang was filled with people all ages - men, women, firls, small children...(66p)
*all ages 모든 연령대[층], 모든 시대
+)It's for all ages. 전체 관람가예요. +)Men and women of all ages... 남녀노소 전 연령층의.. +)The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups. 그 디자인은 남녀노소, 모든 사회 계층의 관심을 끌어야 한다.
*double danger 이중 위험
*schoolmaster (특히 사립학교의) 교사
Now, among strangers once again, he felt uncertain and maybe even afraid.(67p)
He felt his heart sink a little, but he clenched his hands into fists and made himself a promise. If they are here, I will finnd them.(67p)
*boiled maize 삶은 옥수수
*emaciated [ɪ|meɪʃieɪtɪd] 쇠약한, 수척한
+)After that bad cold, he looked emaciated. 그는 감기를 심하게 앓고 나더니 얼굴이 반쪽이 되었다 +)Emaciated children are begging in the street. 앙상하게 마른 아이들이 거리에서 구걸하고 있다 +)He was emaciated by long illness. 그는 오랜 병으로 쇠약해져 있었다.
A half-sob broke free from Salva's lips. He mustn't lose track of her!(69p)
*lose track of somebody…을 놓치다, …와 접촉이 끊어지다
+)lose track of time 시간 가는 줄 모르다
3. 게시물 숙제로 A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며배운 단어나 구문을 넣어 자신만의 문장을 하나씩 만들어 보세요.
By practicing every day, you can slowly and surely improve your English speaking skills.(slowly and surely천천히 착실하게)