2. A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 알게된영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.
What were they talking about? She knew that place like the back of her own hand.(57p)
*know…like the back of one's hand …을 속속들이 알다, 손바닥 들여다보듯 잘 알다 +)As a chemist she knows chemistry like the back of her hands. 그녀는 화학자로서 화학을 자세히 안다. +)I know LA like the back of my hand. 나는 LA를 구석구석까지 알고 있어.
There wasn't a single drop of water on that spot, unless it was raining!(57p)
비가 오지 않는 한 그 자리에는 물 한 방울 없었다!
*unless[부정어 뒤에 쓰여] …하는 일 없이는, …하지 않는 한은(but, but that)
Sure enough, there were now three women giving water to the men on the ground.
Like a miracle, the small amount of water revived them.(58p)
*sure enough 아니나 다를까, 역시
+)Sure enough, he showed up. 아니나 다를까 그가 나타났다 +)Sure enough, there isn't much change. 역시 아니나다를까 변함이 별로 없습니다.
If he were older and stronger, would he have given water to those men? Or would he, like most of the group, have kept his water for himself?(59p)
As they trudged through the heat, Salva finally had a chance to talk to Uncle about a worry that had been growing like a long shadow across his thoughts. "Uncle, if I am in Ethiopia, how will my parents ever find me? When will I be able to go back to Loun-Ariik?"(59p)
*a long shadow across his thoughts 머릿속에 길게 늘어진 그림자처럼 계속해서 걸쳐진 어두운 생각
"Salva, few people survived the attack on the village. Anyone still alive would have fled into the bush, and no one knows where they are now."(60p)
"There will be many other people in the camp. You will become friends with some of them - you will make a kind of family there. They, too, will need people they can depend on."(60p)
Salva shook his head, unable to imagine what life would be like in the camp without Uncle. He squeezed Uncle's hand tightly.(60p)
Salva swallowed hard.(61p)
Salva felt a tiny spark of hope.(61p)
*swallow hard 침을 삼키다
*a spark of hope 한 가닥 희미한 희망
Early that afternoon, they came across the first evidence that the desert was receding: a few stunted tress near a shallow pool of muddy water. The water was unfit to drink, but a dead stork lay by the pond's edge.(61p)
*recede[rɪˈsiːd](서서히) 물러나다[멀어지다]약해지다, 희미해지다, 벗어지다
+)The flood waters began to recede. 홍수로 불어난 물이 빠지기 시작했다. +)At 22, his hairline began to recede. 그는 22살부터 머리가 벗겨지기 시작했다. +)Many guys now worry about their receding hairline. 요즘에 탈모 때문에 고민하시는 분들 많이 계시잖아요.
*a stunted trees 성장을 저해당한 나무, 졸든 나무
*unfit (특정 기준에) 부적합한, 건강하지 못한, 몸 상태가 안 좋은
*stork 황새
As the bird roasted, Salva could hardly keep his eyes off it. there would only be enough for a bite or two for each person, but he could hardly wait.(61p)
*hardly 거의 ~ 않다
*can hardly (can, could와 본동사 사이에 쓰여)거의 ... 할 수가 없다[...하기가 무척 어렵다]
*keep one's eye off …에 눈길을 보내지 않다
*could hardly keep his eyes off 눈을 뗄 수가 없었다
Along with the rest of the group, he turned and saw six men coming toward them. As the men approached, he could see that they were armed with guns and machets.
"Sit down!" "Hands on your heads!" "All of you! Now!"(61, 62p)
*machete [məˈʃeti] 마체테(날이 넓고 무거운 칼. 무기로도 쓰임)
*armed with guns and machetes 총과 칼로 무장한
Salva was trembling. Even in the midst of his fear, he realized that for the first time on the trip, it was a good thing to be the youngest and smallest: The men would not be interested in his clothes.(63p)
When the men had finished their looting, they picked up Uncle's gun. Three shots rang out.(63p)
*looting 약탈, 부정이득
*ring out 크게 울리다[들리다]
3. 게시물 숙제로 A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며배운 단어나 구문을 넣어 자신만의 문장을 하나씩 만들어 보세요.
I've read this book so many times, I know it like the back of my hand.(know…like the back of one's hand…을 속속들이 알다, 손바닥 들여다보듯 잘 알다)
매직북클럽에서 A Long Walk to Water와 함께 하시느라 수고많으셨습니다.
한 주를 마무리하며 새롭게 알게 된 어휘나 기억하고 싶은 구문이나 문장을 차근히 정리해보는 시간을 가져주세요. 매주 5분의 차이가 큰 결과를 만들어냅니다. 몸도 마음도 편안한 주말 보내세요.