매직낭독을 마무리하는 마지막 책, 매직트리하우스 Magic Tree House 28권 High Tide in Hawaii의 챕터별 요약정리 영어노트입니다. 매직트리하우스 28권 High Tide in Hawaii 의 줄거리 영어단어구문 문장정리해석을 참고해서 내용을 파악한 다음 입으로 하는 영어공부를 해 보세요. 반복낭독하며 영어체화학습의 효과를 누려 영어낭독하며
Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.
매직트리하우스 1권부터 자료정리 - 줄거리/ 단어구문/ 문장해석 정리 바로가기
*look up 올려다보다, 찾아보다
She looked up into the sunset.(28-1/3p)
Then he looked up at Squanto and nodded.(27-9/66p)
“Got it,” he said, looking up.(27-9/66p)
He pulled out their book and looked up eels in the index.(27-5/31p)
But he took out the book again and looked up clams.(27-5/34p)
He looked up Pilgrim children.(27-5/35p)
Then he looked up drummer boys in his Civil War book.(21-8/56p)
Jack looked up from his notebook.(21-8/56p)
When he reached the entrance of the tent, he turned and looked back.(21-8/60,61p)
-’look up’이 올려다보다, 찾아보다의 두 가지 의미, 문맥에 따라 살펴봅니다.
*get to (어떤 상황 상태에) 이르다[되다], 닿다, …에 도착하다
When they got to the sidewalk, they started running.(28-1/4p)
+) I get to say. 할말이 있는데.- 말에 이르게 되니 할말이 있고
+) You get to choose. 선택권 줬잖아요.-선택에 이르게 되니 선택권이 있고
+) We get to focus. 집중하게 돼요. -집중에 이르게 되니 집중하게 되고
+) Let’s get to work. 일이나 하죠.- +) Let’s get to work. 일이나 하죠.
기본 동사 Get 쉽게 사용하는 방법 원어민이 실제로 가장 많이 사용하는 핵심 쓰임새 6가지 아띠나쌤의 생활영어
5. Get + to 장소 = ~에 도착하다
When did you get to town?/ Just yesterday.
<길을 물어볼 때>
시청에는 어떻게 가나요?
How do I get to the city hall?
How do I get to the train station?
How do I get to Brookyln?
기차역까지 어떻게 가는지 알려줄 수 있어요?
Could you tell me how to get to the train station?
회사에는 어떻게 가?
How do you get to work?
*Home, here, there 등은 장소 부사- 전치사 to가 붙지 않음
여기 언제 왔어?
며칠 전에 왔어.
When do you get here?
I got here a few days ago.
보통 몇 시쯤 집에 들어가?
What time do you usually get home?
All right. Get home safe./ You, too.
*시간을 나타내는 전치사 in
In the last light of day, they hurried between the trees.(28-1/4p)
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the past
in the future
in May
in winter
in the 1990s
in the 20th century
등등 비교적 긴 시간을 나타내는 말 앞에는 전치사 in
*Good going.(28-1/4p)
=Well done, congratulations. 잘했어. 축하해.
*stick out of (~에서) (툭) 튀어나오다, 밖으로 빠져나오다
A piece of paper was sticking out of it.(28-1/5p)
A piece of paper was sticking out of it.(27-1/5p)
A piece of paper was sticking out of the book.(26-1/6p)
It looked like a horn and two sticking out of the water.(19-6/42p)
Jack pointed to a tangle of old tree roots sticking out of the bank.(11-4/20, 21p)
A red silk bookmark stuck out of it.(2-2/11p)
A blue silk bookmark was sticking out of it.(1-2/8p)
He noticed bookmarks were sticking out of many of them.(1-2/7p)
-여기저기서 툭툭 튀어나와 이제는 너무나 익숙한 stick out of ~
How do you know you love it?(28-1/7p)
네가 좋아하는지 어떻게 알아?
*have never been ~해본 적이 없다
We’ve never been to Hawaii.(28-1/7p)
+) I’ve never been to Europe before. 나는 전에 유럽에 가 본 적이 없어.
+) I’ve never been tested. 검사해 본 적이 없어요.
+) I’ve never been treated that way. 그런 대접은 처음 받아봐.
+) Love! as if you have never been hurt!
사랑하라! 한 번도 상처받지 않은 것처럼!
-다시 들어도 좋은 노래,
한 여자로서 생각을 많이 하게 되는 노래, 같이 또 들어 보아요.
I’ve never been to me -Charlene
-have never been에 better가 붙이면
*have never been better 더 좋은 적이 없었다
+) I’ve never been better. 컨디션 최고야.
+) Trust me, things have never been better between us.
정말이야, 이렇게나 우리 사이가 좋았던 적 없었어.
+) But my grades have never been better.
그런데 내 성적은 이보다 나은 적이 없었어.
*brush 스치다
*brush against ~을 스치다/ 스치듯 지나가다
A gentle wind brushed against his skin.(28-2/9p)
He felt freezing water brush against his shoes.(17-5/42p)
*brush 덤불, 잡목림
Jack stumbled back through the brush until he came to a thick wall of plants.(26-5/34p)
He kept smiling a friendly smile as he crawled through the brush toward the clearing.(26-6/37p)
He stumbled blindly through the brush.(20-5/39p)
-brush가 덤불, 잡목림이란 뜻으로 명사로 쓰였었죠.
문장 안에서 brush가 동사와 명사로의 쓰임 확인해 봅니다.
*flowery 꽃이 만발한, (향기가) 꽃같은, 꽃무늬의
The palm tree was the edge of a flowery meadow.(28-2/9p)
There was beauty everywhere: ~ and tiny yellow birds.(28-2/13p)
-여기가 바로 파라다이스,
상상만해도 멋진 풍경
*gush (액체가) 솟구치다[쏟아져 나오다]
Waterfalls gushed down their sides.(28-2/10p)
Suddenly, steam gushed out of the ship’s smokestacks.(17-3/22p)
1. <전치사> …(위)에[로](표면에 붙어있는 느낌)
2. <부사> (쉬지않고) 계속하여, (계속 끊이지 않고) 죽, 다시 (계속)
*read on 계속 읽다
He read on:(28-2/11p)
+) walk on 계속 걷다
They walked on through the forest.(19-2/15p)
-여기서 on은 부사로 무언가를 계속 하다의 의미를 가지고 있어요.
Sounds of music and laughter floated on the breeze.(28-2/12p)
-미풍에 실려오는 음악과 웃음소리, 정말 예쁜 표현이죠.
*whoop (기쁨·흥분 등으로) 와 하는 함성
*a whoop of laughter 우렁찬 웃음소리
Jack heard a whoop of laughter in the distance.(28-2/12p)
Jack and Annie whooped with joy.(21-10/73p)
Kah and Ko whooped as if laughing at Annie's joke.(19-2/13p)
She whooped as she slid down the ice.(12-5/37p)
He whooped.(1-9/56p)
*bathe[ beɪð ] (빛, 열 따위가) 둘러싸다, 미역을 감다, 세척하다
*ba bathed in ~에 잠기다
Everything was bathed in a golden-red glow.(28-2/13p)
*to the music 음악에 맞춰
Most of villagers were dancing to the music.(28-2/14p)
A young couple danced to the music.(17-4/34p)
+) to the fast music 빠른 음악에 맞춰
*get carried away 몹시 흥분하다, 자제력을 잃다
Don’t get carried away!(28-2/14p)
흥분하지마! 분위기에 휩쓸리지마!
+) We got carried away. 좀 필 받았어요.
+) Elle and I kinda got carried away. 엘이랑 제가 좀 흥분했었어요.
▶catch sight of ~/ lose sight of ~ 구문 비교
*catch sight of 흘끗[언뜻] 보다, ...을 찾아내다
A girl caught sight of Jack.(28-2/15p)
Priscilla caught sight of him.(27-7/48p)
Then he caught sight of Jack.(25-7/50p)
*lose sight of ~을 시야에서 놓치다, ~을 기억에서 잊다
The ship slid past the iceberg until they lost sight of it.(17-2/18p)
*look about one’s age 나이쯤 되어 보이다
She looked about Annie's age.(28-2/15p)
She pointed to a boy in the crowd who looked about Jack’s age.(28-2/18p)
The boy looked about Annie's age.(23-4/21p)
*let alone ~커녕, ~은 고사하고
*let alone the hula 훌라는 커녕
He didn't know how to do any kind of dance, let alone the hula! (28-2/17p)
+) He got mad at me, let alone apologize.
그는 사과는 커녕 한술 더 떠서 내게 화를 냈다.
+) Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone three.
그녀의 수입은 아이 세 명은 고사하고 한 명 먹여 살리기에도 빠듯했다.
-leave alone의 형태는 정말정말 많이 봤었죠?
이번에는 ‘let alone ~커녕, ~은 고사하고’
'let alone the hula 훌라는 커녕' 잘 기억해 봅니다.
*open face 정직한 얼굴, 사심없는 얼굴, 천진한 얼굴
They all had friendly, open faces.(28-2/18p)-
-다정하고 순박하고 하와이 원주민들의 모습을 표현하고 있어요.
*break in 끼어들다, 방해하다, 침입하다
But Jack broke in.(28-3/19p)
“Oh, forget it,” Annie broke in.(27-5/35p)
"If who yells rude things?" Jack broke in.(25-6/39p)
"That doesn't make any sense," Annie broke in.(12-9/62p)
-잭이든 애니든 다급하면 끼어들 수 밖에요.
*loom 어렴풋(흐릿하게) 보이다, <거대한 것이> 불쑥 나타나다
He pointed at the mountains looming in the distance.(28-3/19p)
Dark shadows loomed.(3-2/14p)
The huge castle loomed out of the fog.(2-3/17p)
Jack watched as a wave loomed over them.(28-5/39p)
The commander-in-chief loomed above the crowd of soldiers.(22-4/27p)
In the next moment, the commander-in-chief loomed above them like a giant shadow.(22-6/47p)
*loom 베틀, 직기
She pointed to an open porch where young woman was weaving cloth on a loom.(14-3/16p)
-2권 캐슬북부터 loom이 ‘어렴풋이 보이다’로 나왔었죠. loom이란 단어가 다소 상반된 의미로, <거대한 것이> 불쑥 나타나다’의 의미도 있어요. 22권에서 조지 워싱턴이 등장했던 장면 기억나시죠? 또 ‘베틀, 직기’란 뜻도 있어 견우직녀 이야기 나왔던 14권에도 나왔어요.
loom이 명사로는 ‘베틀, 직기’란 뜻이고,
동사로는 ‘어렴풋이 보이다, <거대한 것이> 불쑥 나타나다' 다시 기억해 봅니다.
*scoop (큰 숟갈 같은 것으로) 뜨다[푸다], 스쿠프[한 숟갈]
*lick 핥다, 핥아먹다
*lick off ...을 핥아먹다[없애다]
She scooped some poi out of the bowl and licked it off of her fingers.(28-3/20p)
She stuck her fingers in the bowl and licked off the poi.(28-3/20p)
He licked off the gilded honey.(11-7/45p)
-lick에 off까지 붙어서 야무지게 핥아먹는 모습을 표현해주고 있어요.
◈poi 포이(하와이의 토란 요리)
하와이를 비롯한 폴리네시아 지역에서 먹는 음식이다. 토란 껍질을 벗기고 으깨서, 물 좀 넣어주어 며칠 발효시켜 먹는 것으로 약간 신맛이 난다고 해요. 카마의 말처럼 여기에 과일을 조금 넣어 먹어도 좋고요. 플레인 요거트에 과일 넣어먹는 맛이 아닐까 싶어요.
*bitter and sweet 달콤 쌉쌀한, 좋기도 하고 슬프기도 한
But when he licked it off his finger, it had a weird taste - both bitter and sweet.(28-3/20p)
Parting is such sweet sorrow.(25-9/65p)
-셰익스피어의 어록 중 하나 sweet sorrow가 떠오르네요.
*crack 갈라지다, 금이 가다, 깨지다
*crack up 마구 웃기 시작하다, 웃음을 터뜨리다
= to start laughing a lot = to make somebody laugh a lot
They cracked up laughing.(28-3/21p)
Jack cracked up laughing.(26-8/55p)
-(웃음이) 빵 터지는 아이들 모습, 상상만으로도 기분 좋아요.
*invite somebody to ~를 ~에 초대하다
Our mother invites you to sleep at our house.(28-3/22p)
*as a pillow/ for a pillow 베개로
He used his backpack as a pillow when he lay down.(28-3/24p)
Jack used his backpack for a pillow.(26-8/50p)
-베개 삼아 가방베고 눕는 잭
*no kidding 정말이야[진짜 그래](무엇이 사실임을 강조하거나 남이 방금 한 말에 동의를 표할 때)
Kama: “We’ll have fun.”
Annie: “No kidding.”(28-3/24p)
*steady breathing 규칙적인[안정된] 호흡
Jack heard steady breathing.(28-3/25p)
-아이들이 잘 자고 있는 모습을 안정된 숨소리로 확인할 수 있죠.
*fast asleep 깊이 잠들다
Soon he, too, was fast asleep.(28-3/25p)
Annie was fast asleep in the grass!(26-5/30p)
-fast가 있어 빨리 잠든 줄 알았는데 ‘fast asleep‘는 깊이 잠들다
성격좋은 애니는 어디서나 잘먹고 잘자고,
드디어 잭도 깊은 잠에 빠졌어요.
*taro (타로)토란
*squash 짓누르다, 으깨다, 찌부러뜨리다
*poi 포이
She pointed at the squashed white vegetable.(28-4/28p)
When you add fruit to it, you get poi.(28-4/28p)
-’poi 포이’가 타로뿌리로 만든 음식인데 그릇에 담겨 나온 poi는 신성한 것으로 간주해서 만약 싸우다가도 그 음식 앞에서는 다툼도 멈출 정도였다해요. 조상분들인 haloa의 영혼이 임재해있다고 믿었기 때문이라 한대요.
-하와이 전통음식 라우라우
돼지고기나 생선 등을 타로 잎에 싸서 쪄 먹는 전통음식인데 poi랑 같이 많이 먹는다해요.
<포이와 라우라우 사진과 설명은 1기 회원님께서 알려주셨어요.
덕분에 매직방 식구들이 풍요롭게 공부합니다. 다시한번 더 감사드려요.>
1. 두드리다
Boka was pounding a wide strip of bark with a wooden club.(28-4/27p)
Kama was using a stone to pound something that loo ked like a fat sweet potato.(28-4/27p)
2. (가슴이) 쿵쿵 뛰다
-If your heart is pounding, it is beating with an unusually strong and fast rhythm, usually because you are afraid.
His heart pounded.(27-3/23p)
Jack's heart pounded with excitement.(8-2/13p)
Jack's heart was pounding.(3-7/42p)
Jack's heart was pounding so hard he thought he might faint.(3-5/26p)
-문장 안에서 pound의 쓰임 복습겸 확인해 보세요.
*would … 일 것이다(상상하는 일의 결과에 대해 말할 때 씀)
-half hope이라는 표현이 재미있어요.
He half hoped their parents would say no.(28-4/30p)
Jack knew she wouldn’t change her mind.(10-4/28p)
*crack 갈라지다, 금이 가다, 깨지다, 부서지다, 금
*into halves 반으로
*crack into halves 반으로 쪼개다
Then they found rocks and began to whack the hard shells.(28-4/32p)
They whacked and whacked until their coconuts cracked into halves.(28-4/32p)
*take a bite 한 입 베어물다
Jack peeled his and took a bite.(28-4/33p)
She took a big bite out of her potato, too.(23-5/31p)
Jack took a bite, too.(11-8/52p)
-11권 Masai warrior 만나 피넛버터 허니 샌드위치를 나눠 먹을 때,
23권에서 케이트와 윌이랑 생고구마를 나눠 먹을 때도 나왔던 표현이에요.
*‘최상급+ had ever p.p’ ~ 한 것중 가장 …하다
It was the best banana he’d ever eaten.(28-4/33p)
The sky was the bluest blue Jack had ever seen.(28-4/33p)
The grass was the greenest green (Jack had ever seen).(28-4/33p)
It was the softest fur he had ever felt.(20-4/30p)
It was the sweetest honey he had ever tasted.(11-7/46p)
Hawaii is like a garden paradise, Jack thought.(28-4/33p)
-이런 곳이 바로 파라다이스죠. 나이어린 잭도 그렇게 느끼나 봅니다.
▶against의 다양한 쓰임
한글로 번역했을 때 딱히 표현되는 말이 아니라 어렵게 느껴집니다.
여기저기서 많이보아 익숙한 단어인데 활용이 잘 안 되는 게 함정이죠.
지금까지 매직트리하우스에 나온 against 한번 정리해 봅니다.
*against ~를 배경으로, ~와 대조적으로
The gorilla's fur was very black against the green leaves.(26-3/17p)
A ship was outlined against the sky!(15-5/39p)
*against …에 반대하여[맞서]
*against the law 법에 반하는
They are against the law today.(25-3/21p)
Surely you know it’s against the law for girls to go on the stage.(25-5/30p)
This is against the law.(19-7/48p)
+) It's against school policy to give out students' personal information.
학생의 개인정보를 알려주는 것은 학교 정책으로 금지되어 있다.
*against ~에 붙여, 대항하는/ 마주하는 느낌
Big, foamy waves crashed against the shore.(28-4/34p)
Rain tapped against his window.(26-1/3p)
Miss Neely and the three kids were pressed against the dirt wall.(23-8/53p)
Raindrops tapped against the tree house.(21-10/70p)
He hid his face against Lucy's coat.(17-7/48p)
He felt freezing water brush against his shoes.(17-5/42p)
The sound of the waves against the rocks grew louder.(15-7/47p)
She pressed her boot against his and pulled him up.(8-4/29p)
She pushed her feet against the side of the pit.(7-7/45p)
She kept pressing against the side of the pit.(7-7/45p)
-무언가를 밀 때도 against와 잘 어울리죠.
7권에서 구덩이에 빠졌을 때 발로 디디며 올라오던 표현에서도 against를 썼죠.
*생활영어 표현
By the way, do you ever build ships?(28-4/29p)
What for?(28-4/29p)
To sail away?(28-4/30p)
Why would we do that?(28-4/30p)
Can I help?(28-4/30p)
May we take Jack and Annie to the ocean?(28-4/30p)
그런데, 혹시 배 만들어 본 적 있어?
배타고 떠나보려고?
왜 그래야 하는데?
내가 도와도 될까?
잭과 애니를 데리고 바다로 놀러 가도 돼요?
*slip ( 옷 등을) 재빨리 입다[벗다] <on/ off를 더해 쉽게 표현함>
*slip off one’s clothes 옷을 훌훌 벗다
When he stepped onto the beach, Jack slipped off his shoes.(28-5/37p)
He and Annie slipped off their shoes and socks and threw them toward the tree house.(9-2/15p)
-slip off가 옷을 벗다면 slip on은 입다가 되겠죠.
우리 7권에서 이미 배웠습니다요.
빙하시대 갔다가 추워서 코트를 재빨리 입었던 거 기억나실까요?
*slip on (옷 등을) 재빨리 입다
-to put clothes or shoes on quickly and easily
He slipped on the coat.(7-4/26p)
-slip은 다양한 뜻을 가진 동사로 미끄러지다, 빠져나가다, 살짝 가다[오다]로,
단어 자체가 가진 의미가 정식으로 무얼한다기 보다는 재빨리 하는 느낌입니다.
그러니 옷도, 신발도, 양발도 재빨리 입거나 훌훌 벗어버릴 때 쓰기 좋은 단어에요.
*as 형/부 as ~만큼 …하다
It felt as soft as silk.(28-5/37p)
It was as tall as his dad.(28-5/37p)
-정말 마르고 닳도록 나와주시는 as 형/부 as 구문
*mind (특히 의문문/부정문에 쓰임) ~하는 것을 꺼리다, 언짢아하다
*wouldn’t mind ~하는 것을 꺼려하지 않다, 개의치않다
*take a walk = go for a walk 산책하다
"Actually, I wouldn’t mind just taking a walk on the beach," he said to the others.(28-5/37p)
Will Brutus mind? said Jack.(13-4/34p)
Do you mind taking us back to the tree house?(12-8/55p)
저희를 트리하우스까지 데려다주실 수 있나요?
*breaker 흰 파도, 백파(해안을 향해 부서지며 달려오는 큰 파도)
*catch a wave 파도를 잡다
We'll paddle out to catch a big wave!(28-5/40p)
*very (다름이 아닌) 바로 그[이], (장소 시간을 강조하여) 맨[가장]
But don’t try to stand up the very first time!(28-5/41p)
The very first Thanksgiving turkey, he thought.(27-6/41p)
Today's your very first day?(23-4/22p)
*zoom (아주 빨리) 붕[쌩/ 홱] 지나는 것[소리]
Jack zoomed toward the shore with amazing speed.(28-5/41p)
Then they zoomed toward the pass.(8-6/41p)
*out of the corner of one's eye 곁눈질로 보고, 흘낏 보고
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Boka and Kama -and Annie! - all standing up.(28-5/42p)
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jeb sitting by himself.(23-5/32p)
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jeb writing very slowly.(23-6/38p)
*bob 까닥거리다, 깐닥거리다, 단발머리
*bob up (표면 위로) 불쑥 나타나다
When his head bobbed up above the water, he choked and coughed.(28-5/44p)
-bob하면 떠오르는 bob cat^^