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오늘의 팟캐스트

<NPR Podcast: Life Kit

Your Technology Is Tracking You. Take These Steps For Better Online Privacy>의 단어/구문/문장해석 정리를 참고하세요====================================




영어공부 NPR 팟캐스트(Podcast)로 해결!

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NPR Podcast: Life Kit

Your Technology Is Tracking You. Take These Steps For Better Online Privacy


Day  1(10/26)


*문장정리 해석

This episode, we're digging into digital privacy and security. 

이번 에피소드에서 디지털 사생활과 보안을 한번 철저하게 파고 들어보죠.

The goal is to help regular people with no special technical skills get a better handle on their digital lives. 

특별히 전문적인 기술없는 평범한 사람들이 디지털 생활에 잘 활용하도록 하는 것이 목표입니다.

The people who tell you that they have nothing to hide are people who just haven't thought about it very carefully. 
숨길 게 전혀없다고 말하는 사람들은 그것에 대해 그다지 신중히 생각해 보지 않은 것 뿐이에요.

But she says we all express different aspects of ourselves in different parts of our lives. 

하지만 그녀는 이렇게 얘기합니다. 우리 모두가 각자 삶의 다양한 부분(역할안에서 우리 자신의 여러 모습을 표현한다고요.

These are things that we do every day in order to protect our privacy and security. 
우리가 매일 우리의 프라이버시와 보안을 지키기위해 하는 것이 바로 이런 것들이죠.

The last company I worked for was in the marketing technology business, the industry devoted in part to tracking people and merging their information so they can be advertised to more effectively.

제가 전에 일했던 곳이 마케팅 기술관련 업종이었는데 사람들을 추적하고 그들의 정보를 취합하는데 몰두하는 그런 업계인 거죠. 결과적으로 그들에게 더 효율적으로 광고를 선전할 수 있게요.

The more I learned about this, the more I wanted to protect my privacy. 

이 사실을 더 알고나니 제 프라이버시를 더 지켜내고 싶어졌어요.

And it became clear to me that the Internet was still the Wild West.
이제보니 인터넷이 강탈과 무법천지이던 서부개척시대라고 이해되는군요.

Our personal information is being collected and sold in massive databases to anyone who wants to buy it. 
구매하길 원하는 누구에게나 우리 개인정보가 수집되고 대량으로 데이터베이스가 팔리고 있어요.

So for this LIFE KIT, I wanted to reach out to some tech experts who are deeply knowledgeable on this subject to find out the steps that they take to protect their data and to find out what regular folks like you and me can do to make our digital lives more secure.
그래서 이번 LIFE KIT에서 저는 이 분야에 정통한 테크전문가님들을 연락해 보려 했어요. 그분들이 하고 계신 데이타보호를 위한 조치들과 우리같은 일반인들이 디지털 생활을 더 안전하게 할 수 있는 일이 뭐가 있는지 알아보기 위해서요.

Security generally refers to protecting against someone trying to access your stuff - stealing your credit card number, hacking your accounts. 
보안이라함은 일반적으로 누군가 당신의 신용카드 번호를 훔치거나 당신의계정/계좌를 해킹하는 등 당신의 소유물에 접속하지 못하게 막는 것을 말하고요.

Privacy is more often used to talk about keeping your movements from being tracked for purposes of advertising or surveillance. 
프라이버시는 광고나 감시를 목적으로 당신의 행동 움직임 하나하나가 추척되는 걸 막는 행위를 이야기할 때 더 많이 쓰여요.

Eva says there are some steps that make sense for almost all of us, including using strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and downloading the latest security updates. 
강력한/안전한 비밀번호 사용과 이중인증, 최신보안 업데이트를 받는 것을 포함해 우리 대부분이 분명하고 쉽게 이해되는 몇 가지 단계가 있다고 Eva는 말합니다.

You don't want all of your accounts to be compromised just because one of them gets hacked. 
단지 당신 계정중 하나가 해킹당했다고 해서 모든 계정도 뚫리길 원하진 않으니까요.

And the answer is you don't. 
그리고 답은 안해도 된다 입니다.

Usually, you're asked to put in your cellphone number. 

보통은 당신한테 핸드폰 번호를 입력하라고 하겠죠.

SMS messages are sent unencrypted and can be intercepted by anybody who buys the right equipment and is appropriately nearby or by your ISP or by your government, by law enforcement. 
문자는 암호화되지 않은 채 전송되고 적합한 장치를 구매해 어느정도 당신 근처에 있는 사람 누구나 아니면 당신이 거래하는 인터넷 업체, 정부나 사법집행기관이라도 가로채 갈 수있어요.

And those nudges you get from your computer or phone to install the latest security update - you should download those. 
당신이 가진 컴퓨터나 핸드폰에 최신보안 업데이트를 설치하도록 유도하는 일종의 부드러운 개입이라고 해두죠. 꼭 다운 받으세요.

Most applications, when they're compromised, are compromised by problems that everybody knows exist, that have been publicly reported and that the company has fixed and they have issued a patch in their security update. 
대부분의 어플리케이션이 손상될 때 이미 잘 알려지고 공개적으로 보고되서 해당 회사가 수정하고 보안업데이트에 패치까지 배포했던 문제로 인해 보안이 뚫리게 됩니다.

But not all attacks on our security come through malware or hackers invisibly breaking into your account. 
하지만 보안관련 모든 공격들이 악성코드나 몰래 당신의 계정에 침입한 해커를 통해 이루어진다고 볼 수 있는 건 아니에요.

But there are often signs that these messages aren't legit.
하지만 메세지가 불법(스팸)이라는 표시들이 종종 있어요.

And one of the things that you can see in the email is that it is not coming from the person that it's supposed to be coming from. 
이메일에서 당신이 발견할 수 있는 것 중 하나는 발신자가 잘못된 경우에요.

So those are all a bunch of tells. 

그러니 그것들은 거짓이란 걸 알려주는 모두 증거들인 셈이죠.

If it feels fishy, it could be phishing. 
수상하게 느껴진다면 피싱일 수 있어요.

So those are some security basics that are a good idea for just about everybody. 

그래서 이런 것들은 거의 모든 사람에게 적용되는 기본적인 보안사항입니다.

But depending on your situation, you might want to take additional precautions to safeguard your privacy and security.

하지만 당신의 현재 상황에 따라 프라이버시나 보안을 위해서 추가로 예방 조치를 취하고 싶을지도 모르겠네요.

I mean, I have the luxury of working mostly with marginalized people,so mostly with undocumented people, Black and brown people. 
그러니까 제가 말하고 싶은 건요. 제가 주로 소외된 사람들과 함께 일하는 특권을 누리고 있는데 그 사람들 대부분이 서류미비자 그리고 흑인과 남아시아, 남미사람들이에요.

And the reason why they never say that is the harms that come from exploiting identities - they have lived experience, and their family and friends have a lived experience with those harms. 

또 그들이 자신의 신분을 악용 당해 생기는 피해라고 결코 말하지 않는 이유는 그들은 그 피해를 실제로 경험하고 살았고, 그들의 가족과 친구들도 경험하며 살았기 때문이죠.

But when someone else has, like, downloaded all their stuff or an ex has taken intimate pictures and put it in a public place, everyone will have a way to that. 
하지만 누군가가 그들과 연관된 자료들을 전부 다운받았거나 전남편이 은밀한 사진을 찍어 공개해버리면 모든 사람이 그렇게 반응하게 될 수 있지요.





Day 1에서 외우고 싶거나 알아두면 좋을 것 같은 단어나 문장을 최소 5개를 골라 댓글로 작성해 주세요. 


*열심히 직접 타이핑해서 만든 자료입니다. 

*댓글과 공감은 계속해서 포스팅할 수 있는 힘이 됩니다~*







=============<팟캐스트로 영어 공부하면 좋은 점>을 더 보시려면 아래를 보세요. 




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