NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화 CONSIDER THIS Mosque project tests South Korea's tolerance for increasing diversity Like many nations, South Korea has an aging and shrinking workforce, and the country looks to immigrants to bolster it. But a case in Daegu, South Korea's third largest city, is testing the nation's tolerance for increasing diversity. NPR's Anthony Kuhn traveled there and filed this report. Like man..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화 SHORT WAVE We need to talk about teens, social media and mental health They all coincide with what may be the most rapid uptake in a new technology in human history. *coincide with ~와 동시에 일어나다, 일치하다 *uptake 활용, 흡수 I mean, to me, sometimes it feels like people have their phones, like, attached to their hands. You feel naked without it. Social media was just, like, a nuclear bomb on ..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어단어장 SHORT WAVE We need to talk about teens, social media and mental health I pretty much got off of it a while ago. But sometimes it feels like social media runs our lives. The association weighed in on this for the first time ever. *across the board 전반적으로 Well, across the board, she could see rates of depression, anxiety, loneliness. Years later, we have a fraught relationship with s..
NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 영어회화 스크립트 Consider This SHOTS - HEALTH NEWS As conservative states target trans rights, a Florida teen flees for a better life Josie had put off packing long enough. It was time to make some tough decisions about what to bring and what to leave behind. The high school sophomore from St. Augustine, Fla. sat on her bed one recent morning while her mom Sarah pulled clothes from her..
NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 영어공부 SHORT WAVE New York City appointed a rat czar. Her job will be a tall ask "There's a whole city below the city — and then maybe an older city below that city. And so we have these rats that occupy all the spaces. They occupy ceilings in some of the most modern skyscrapers in any city around the world," he says. "When someone initiates a campaign to control the rats of a nei..
NPR Podcast SHORT WAVE New York City appointed a rat czar. Her job will be a tall ask Then restaurants reopened. "When the restaurants reopened, we had a problem because the few rats had actually made that migration and were successful in finding new places. Guess what? They've placed their little flag in a new neighborhood and a new resource. Now once that flag is there, it stays," says Michael..
NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 SHORT WAVE 6 doctors swallowed Lego heads for science. Here's what came out A rigorous examination The six doctors devised an experiment, and published the results. "Each of them swallowed a Lego head," says science journalist Sabrina Imbler, who wrote about the experiment for The Defector. "They wanted to, basically, see how long it took to swallow and excrete a plastic toy." R..
NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 MUSIC New podcast looks at one of the biggest genres in the world: K-Pop When Vivian Yoon was growing up in LA's Koreatown during the 1990s and 2000s, she was sort of ashamed of the fact that she was this huge, passionate fan of K-pop. New podcast looks at one of the biggest genres in the world: K-Pop New podcast looks at one of the biggest genres in the world: K-Pop NPR's Ailsa..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어공부 How to show up for teens when big emotions arise Another tactic to help a teen experiencing a big feeling is to give them space. Damour suggests something like, "Why don't we call that your first reaction? And why don't we see if a second reaction comes along?" Talking about emotions is good, but there can be a tipping point when talking too much about feelings. In this situation, ..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화 How to show up for teens when big emotions arise NPR's Rachel Martin speaks with Damour about her book The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable and Compassionate Adolescents. Here are some of Damour's takeaways: Remember that adolescence is a demanding developmental stage. Damour says one of the best gifts you can give a teen is to be a steady presence and lead ..
NPR Podcast LifeKit How to show up for teens when big emotions arise Being a teenager is hard. Every day holds the possibility of emotional highs and lows, and parents don't always know how to be supportive. Clinical psychologist Lisa Damour says instead of jumping into problem-solving mode, parents can learn to ride the wave of emotional management with their teens. How to show up for teens whe..
NPR Podcast THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY The economic war against Russia, a year later A year ago, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine and started a war that has helped define the global economy. From unprecedented sanctions to disruptions in global trade, the war continues to cast a shadow on economies around the world. Today, we highlight a few indicators from the war in Ukrain..
NPR Podcast WORLD Blinken has a lot on his plate including tensions with China and the war in Ukraine U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says China's use of a surveillance balloon is an "irresponsible act" and "a violation of international law." When asked about Russia's war in Ukraine, Blinken didn't indicate Russia's war in Ukraine was nearing a resolution as it approaches the one year mar..
NPR SHORT WAVE How worried should you be about your gas stove? 팟캐스트 영어단어 unsubstantiated 근거 없는, 입증되지 않은 (=unsupported) casts doubt 의문을 제기하다 underway 진행중인 well-worn path 잘 닦여진 도로(탄탄대로) twist (이야기상황의 예상 밖의) 전환[전개], 반전 infrared 적외선의 put a pause on ~을 잠시 멈추다 methane [ |meθeɪn] 메탄 potent (사람의 심신에 미치는 영향이) 강한[강력한], 초강력의 compressor (공기) 압축기 fitting (장비가구의 작은) 부품 laws on the books 법률로 제정되다 on the book..
NPR Podcast SHORT WAVE How worried should you be about your gas stove? Gas stoves are found in around 40% of homes in the United States, and they've been getting a lot of attention lately. A recent interview with the commissioner of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) quickly became fodder for outrage, viral misinformation and political fundraising, after he proposed regulating th..
NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 영어공부 LIFE KIT: Pushing back against 'anti-fatness' play into 적용되다, 기여하다, 지원하다 mind-blowing 충격, 놀라움 pervasively 넘쳐, 충만하게, 침투하여 hostile 적대적인 2. (~을) 강력히 반대[거부]하는(=opposed to), (진행·달성을) 어렵게 하는 vanishingly 사라지게, 없어지게 cylindrical 원통형의 conical 원추형의 without instance 예를 들어 blood pressure reading 혈압수치 juke (상대방을 속이기 위한) 몸놀림을 하다/몸놀림 elicit 이끌어내다, 꾀어내다, 유도해 내다 flip through the rack 진열대를 뒤적..
NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 영어공부 LIFE KIT: Pushing back against 'anti-fatness' 팟캐스트 영어단어 정리 sculpt 조각하다, 형상[형태]을 만들다 be rooted in …에 원인이 있다, …에 뿌리박고 있다 interpersonal 대인관계에 관련된 institutional 구조적인, 제도적인, 기관의, 보호시설의 harassing 괴롭히는 call names 욕을 하다 subtle [ˈsʌtl] 감지하기 힘든, 미묘한 mortify 굴욕감을 주다, 몹시 당황하게 만들다 (=humiliate) lays out (계획·주장 등을 잘 정리하여) 제시하다 (=set out), ~을 배치[레이아웃]하다 start off (…하는 것으로) 시작하다[처음에는 …이다] g..
대본이 있는 팟캐스트 영어공부 NPR Podcast PERSPECTIVE LIFE KIT 7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list 팟캐스트 원문기사 보기 7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list 7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list : Life Kit Is your to-do list helping you reach your goals? Or is it holding you back? Productivity experts explain how to level up your list so it prioritizes what matters. rigid 엄격한, ..
NPR Podcasst 영어공부 PLANET MONEY In defense of gift giving In defense of gift giving : Planet Money Cold economic reasoning says, supposedly, that gifts are inefficient transfers of wealth. But Planet Money host Jeff Guo believes in the economic virtues of gift giving. On today's show, Jeff tries to win over Planet Money's resident Scrooge, Kenny Malone, ..
NPR 팟캐스트영어 NPR Podcast Life Kit Want to get better at being thankful? Here are some tips take notice of 알아차리다. 주의하다 ~을 후대하다. ~를 들어 논평하다 flex (준비 운동으로) 몸을 풀다, 유연하게 하다(=be flexible) garner 정보·지지 등을) 얻다[모으다] (=gather, acquire) walk somebody through~에게 ~을 직접 보여주다(알려주다), ~에게 차근차근 알려주다 mitigate 완화[경감]시키다 abstract 추상적인, 추상화, 추출하다 back in the day 옛날에[예전에] +) My dad’s always talking about how great every..