

The Electric Car Race! Vroom, Vroom!


The Electric Car Race! Vroom, Vroom!


The Electric Car Race! Vroom, Vroom! : Short Wave

Electric cars can help reduce greenhouse gases and companies are taking note — racing to become the next Tesla. Today on the show, guest host Dan Charles talks with business reporter Camila Domonoske about how serious the country is about this big switch


zippy 아주 빠른

exhaust 배기가스, 다 써버리다, 고갈시키다

emission 배출, 방출, 배기

it can't just be a~ 그냥 ~일리가 없다

+) It can't just be a surface thing. 표면적인 것만 믿을 수는 없어.

fringe 주변, 가장자리

fringe idea 비주류적인 생각, 터무니없는 아이디어

wholesale 대규모의, 대량의, 대대적인

mainstream 대세, 주류

ditch 버리다, 도랑

come to market 출시되다, 시장에 나오다

low carbon electricity 저탄소 전력

public transit 대중교통

across the board 전반에 걸쳐

when it comes to~ ~에 관한 한

be on track (원하는 결과를 향해) 착착 나아가다[진행 중이다]

it's carrots and sticks 당근과 채찍이다, 회유도 하고 겁도 준다

Infrastructure 인프라, 기반, 시설

strict fuel economic strandard 엄격한 연비 기준

executive order 행정 명령

phase out 단계적으로 폐지[삭감, 철거]하다

at some point 어느 시점에, 어느 순간에

zero-emission 탄소배출이 없는 무공해

controversial 논란의, 문제의

a very long way off 갈 길이 먼 일, 요원한 것

+) September was a long way off. 9월은 아직 많이 남아 있었다. 

electric grid 전기 설비, 전력망

work out (일이) 잘 풀리다[좋게 진행되다], (건강·몸매 관리 등을 위해)운동하다

have to be affordable 감당할수 있어야 한다, 가격이 맞아야 한다
another side to this 이면에는


And I have a true confession - I bought one this year.

Hey, what'd you get? A zippy little Chevy Bolt.

I bought it really for climate reasons.
What do you think of the Bolt? 
This really was an idea that was laughed at a few years ago.
And now it's increasingly a mainstream proposal to say that we could switch over completely.
We're definitely not on track for a wholesale conversion of our fleet anytime soon.
We're seeing different approaches in different parts of the world, whether it's China, Europe or the U.S. But big picture, it's carrots and it's sticks, right?
Here in the U.S., there's an executive order on the federal level that would phase out gas-powered vehicles within the federal government.
And kind of remarkably, where this has passed, it hasn't even been particularly controversial.
It seems way off in the future?

Electric vehicles are a tiny slice of the market. 
And if that changes, we would need huge changes to a bunch of other things, including our electric grid to support a massive charging infrastructure.

So big, big changes ahead, you know, if this works out. 



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