shortage! shortage! 요즘 매일 듣게 되는 말입니다. 특히 포트 오브 LA와 롱비치에 산적해있는 배들 모습을 볼 수 있습니다. 미국이 수입하는 물품의 3분의 1 이상이 포트 오브 LA와 롱비치를 통해 들어온다. 그렇다면 선적 잔고가 발생하면 배가 항구 바로 밖에서 유휴 상태여야 하는 경우 어떻게 될까요? 그리고 그 문제를 해결하기 위해 무엇을 할 수 있을까요?
오늘 방송되는 플래닛 머니에서는 글로벌 공급망을 무너뜨린 것이 무엇인지, 항구들이 병목현상을 해소하기 위해 어떤 노력을 하고 있는지 조사하기 위해 미국 전역의 항구 3곳을 방문해서 상황을 파악해 봅니다.
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Day 1
*단어구문 정리
clog 막다, 막히다/ 나막신
idle 가동되지 않는, 놀고있는, 게으른, 나태한, 빈둥거리다, 공회전하다
pile up 쌓이다, 양이 많아지다
supply chain 공급망
maritime 바다의, 해양의, 배의
berth (항구의) 정박지
poke around (무엇을 찾으려고) 뒤지다[캐다]
dock 부두,선창
magnificent 정말 아름다운, 정말 감명 깊은 splendid
accommodate 수용하다, 공간을 제공하다
aughts 한 시기의 첫 십년
offload 없애다, 하역하다, 처분하다
hoist 들어올리다 / 승강장치
infrastructure 사회기반시설
no-room-for-error system 오류의 여지가 없는 시스템
entity 기업, 단체, 독립체
ocean carrier 원양화물선
longshoreman 부두노동자
delicate 섬세한, 연약한
undoing 실패의 원인 downfall
contour (사물의) 윤곽, 등고선, 지형도
fall off a cliff 급격히 퇴보[감소]하다, 급락하다, 벼랑에서 떨어지다
cargo (선박, 비행기의) 화물
deluge 쇄도, 폭주, 폭우 flood, 쇄도[폭주]하다
throw off 떨쳐버리다, 벗어던지다
congest 혼잡하게 하다, 정체시키다
distribution분배, 유통
fragility 취약도, 부서지기 쉬움, 허약, 허무함
disruption 붕괴, 분열
be in place ~을 위한 준비가 되어 있는, 가동중인, 가동할 준비가 되어 있는
*주요 문장정리
All the ports are clogged.
Was it bananas?
Lots of ships just idling at sea. They are just piling up.
He's helping me kind of poke around the port.
LA moved the most amount of stuff as quickly as possible for the lowest cost as possible.
That's how we got this complicated, absolutely perfectly tuned, no-room-for-error system.
This is how what made the port so great - it's huge, efficient, super-concentrated - became its undoing.
When the pandemic started, factories closed and imports fell off a cliff.
So many people were stuck at home, so they shifted what they spent money on from, you know, going to a restaurant or on a vacation to a new fridge, a new couch.
All that perfect coordination and efficiency have been built for relatively predictable demand. This deluge of buying threw off the system.
It is the most congested I've ever seen it.
The system is so fragile that when there's a backup of just one day, there's no real way to make it up.
None of the infrastructure for disruption is in place.
Now that there is a crisis, there's no one who can look at the whole system and find fixes for it.
Day 2
*단어구문 정리
divert 방향을 바꾸게 하다[전환시키다], 우회시키다, (돈·재료 등을) 전용[유용]하다
on a daily basis 평상시에는, 매일
inquiry 질문, 문의, 조회, 연구, 조사
fluidly 유동적으로, 불안정하게
keep in check …을 방지하다, 억제하다, 감독하다
harbormaster 항만 관리소장
deviate 일상, 예상을 벗어나다
on arrival 도착하자마자, 즉시
wrench in the gears 일을 망치는 걸림돌
+) wrench 확 비틀다
pilot boat 수로 안내선
steer 조종하다
push back (날짜, 시간 등을) 미루다
hoot 폭소, 비웃다, 빵빵거리다, 부엉부엉하다
hoot shifts 야간조
shuffle 발을 끌며 걷다, 이리저리 움직이다.
berth 정박지, 정박시키다
unintelligible 이해할 수 없는 incomprehensible
shimmy (히프와 어깨를 흔들며 )움직이다[춤추다]
tugboat 예인선
+) tug 잡아당기다
anchor off ~에 정박하다
widen 넓히다
squeeze into 무리하게 끼워 넣다, 꽉꽉 눌러넣다[담다]
lease out 임대하다
alongside 나란히
chassis 차대, 샤시, 자동차 뼈대
ocean carrier 원양 화물선
counterintuitively 직관에 반하여
end up with ~을 가지게 되다, 결국 ~과 함께하다
*주요 문장정리
They're finding their own little patches and fixes and calling their friends and considering diverting to other ports like this one.
On a daily basis, we get several inquiries about bringing cargo here in the hope that they could get out of the congestion.
Cargo is moving fluidly w/o any congestion, and that's what our goal is - to keep that in check.
One ship coming in a little early deviating from the schedule throws everything off which means a little wrench in the gears pops up out of nowhere. Then he has to figure out, and make it happen.
The 21:30's now been pushed back to 1 a.m.
Since imports to this port are up a lot, and stuff just keeps on coming, in the last few months, hoot shifts have become pretty regular.
He needs to make room in the harbor. He's going to have to shuffle some ships around.
Time to shimmy this giant ship into the harbor.
After about half an hour of whole process, the ship just squeaks in eventually.
The harbor is just too little, and they don't have room to widen it, at least not any time soon. So what they're doing now is that they use smaller ships that can squeeze into this harbor.
Kind of counterintuitively, a port can end up with a whole bunch of chassis sitting there when there is also a chassis shortage.
When they say, we don't have chassis, that kind of ends the conversation.
This is the point of fragility. This is where everything breaks down - chassis.
Day 3
*단어구문 정리
subsidiary 부수적인, 자회사의
thrive 번창하다, 잘 자라다 floush
at times 때때로
tactical 전략적인, 전술적인
pivot (회전하는 물체의 균형을 잡아 주는) 중심점[축], (가장 중요한) 중심[중심축]
turn up 나타나다, 도착하다
divert 방향을 바꾸게 하다[전환시키다],우회시키다
mix and match
pool (공동으로 이용할 자금정보 등을) 모으다, 공동 출자[부담]하다, 공유하다, 함께 하다
reluctant 꺼리는, 마지못한, 주저하는
practically 거의 ~이나 마찬가지, 조금 보태서 말하면
availability 가용성, 유용성, 효용, 유효성
reach out 연락하다, 다가가다
clear out 정리하다, 급히 떠나다, 처분하다, 팔아치우다
hustle (결정을 내리도록) 재촉하다, (사람을 거칠게) 떠밀다[밀치다], 법석, 혼잡
ditch (불필요한 것을) 버리다
even if so 설령 그렇다 하더라도
marginal 미미한, 중요하지 않은
free up 확보하다, 해소하다, 풀어주다
haphazard 무계획적, 닥치는 대로 하는
sensible 합리적인, 실용적인
once-in-a-lifetime (아주 특별하여) 평생 단 한번뿐인
snarl 혼란, 얽힘
pay up 추가 지불하다
get through (고비· 위기 등을) 넘기다
for the most part 대개, 보통, 대부분은, 많이는
super 극도로, 대단히, 보통보다 더…
*주요 문장정리
It is not a landlord model like LA or Long Beach, where the terminal operators rent the space and run it themselves.
And our subsidiaries, they're owned by us.
But right now, the Virginia model is proving to be a tactical advantage.
We will pool them and manage them for you.
And a lot of the ocean carriers agreed to do this, but some were reluctant.
We import stuff from Asia through LA and Long Beach because it's closer, it's easier - or was easier.
Remember, you got to go through the Panama Canal, which some of those enormous ships can't do.
So whatever problem an ocean carrier is escaping in LA, they're kind of just trading it for a new one at whatever port they choose.
Because it developed in this haphazard, organic, weirdly state or city-specific way, each part is a little different, and each little difference has its own problem.
But the most profitable way is often the most fragile way, and collectively, the sum of all of these choices is extremely fragile.
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Of boats and boxes: Planet Money
Of boats and boxes : Planet Money
We take a trip to ports on the east and west coasts to ask what's on everyone's mind: why are they so clogged? And how can we fix it? | Subscribe to our weekly newsletter here.
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