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NPR Podcast: Life Kit

How to Keep Your Kids Safe From The Delta Variant

Day 1

*단어구문 정리

surge 치솟다, 솟구치다, 솟아나다, 밀려들다

vaccine trials 백신 실험

breakthrough 돌파구, 돌파

roll in (수량이) 밀려들어오다[많이 들어오다]

(어떤 곳에 늦게, 걱정하거나 미안해 하는 기색도 없이) 기어들어오다

licensure 개업인가[허가], (전문직 등의) 면허 공부

full licensure 완전한 승인, 완전히 허가

be on the fence 형세를 관망하다, (유리한 편에 붙으려고) 기회를 살피다

full licensure 완전한 승인, 완전히 허가

put out a statement 성명() 발표하다

be on track 진행중이다, (원하는 결과를 향해) 착착 나아가다

vet 조사하다, 점검하다, 성능을 검사하다, 대조하다, 검열하다

sniffles (계속) 훌쩍거리다, 훌쩍거림, 훌쩍거리는 소리

talk through (확실히 이해가 때까지) ~ 대해 끝까지 이야기를 나누다

hay fever = pollen allergies 꽃가루 알레르기

transmission 전염, 전파, 전달, 전송, 송신, 방송

turnaround time 일괄처리 시간

protocol 외교의례, 협약, a set of rules and guidelines for communicating data.

gold standard 최적 표준, 최적 기준

antigen 항원(체내에 들어가 항체(antibodies) 형성을 촉진하는 물질)

disrupt 지장을 주다, 방해하다, 파괴하다, 저지하다

epidemiologist 유행[전염]병학자, 역학자

resilient (충격, 부상 등에 대해) 회복력 있는, 탄력있는

complication 합병증, (상황을 복잡하게 만드는) 문제


*주요 문장정리 

  • Returning to in-person schooling is both a relief and a source of great anxiety for a lot of parents this year.
  • The delta variant is surging, updates on vaccine trials and breakthrough infections seem to roll in every day.
  • Updates on vaccine trials and breakthrough infections seem to roll in every day.
  • But for anyone who is on the fence and waiting for this to come through, it is extra assurance that the FDA says this is a good, safe product to use.
  • What if a child wakes up with the sniffles? This actually happened recently with one of the experts I spoke with.
  • I will call the pediatrician and just talk through where we've been.
  • The experts say one thing you can do ahead of time now is to figure out where you can get a COVID test with a fast turnaround time.
  • But another option that could give you some peace of mind is to keep some antigen tests at home.
  • They do add up.
  • But they are considered to be fairly reliable for people with symptoms. 
  • But still, we know that children are less likely to get those severe complications.


Day 2

*단어구문 정리

so long as …하는 동안은, …하는 한은, …하기만 하면

snugly 아늑하게, 포근하게, 편안하게; 아담하게

step in (합의 도출, 문제 해결을 위해) 돕고 나서다[개입하다]

mindedness 마음자세

community-mindedness 공동체 의식

pull for sb/sth ... 열심히 지원하다, 응원하다, 편들다, ... 성원하다

breakthrough 돌파구


*주요 문장정리 

  • So their plan was to split into parent-child pairs. 
  • The isolation period is generally 10 days after symptoms start, so long as those symptoms end.
  • the CDC's definition of an exposure at school is actually pretty limited. 
  • Keep some distance, especially from vulnerable or unvaccinated people, and get them tested for COVID after a couple of days. 
  • she would cancel non-essential business, like playdates and sleepovers and dinners out.
  • The best mask to wear is one that is comfortable that they can wear for long periods of time, even in school, and has a relatively good seal to protect them and to protect others. 
  • It's a mask that should fit snugly on their face with no gaps around the nose, mouth or chin, while also allowing them to breathe easily. 
  • Now, if you or your child wants extra protection, you could consider layering up. 
  • pulling for each other versus not pulling for each other, the sort of individual mindset versus the community mindset. 
  • And we're hearing a lot about breakthrough infections right now in some people. 


팟캐스트 대본 

How To Keep Your Kids Safe From The Delta Variant.docx


팟캐스트 원문 기사 보러 가기 

NPR Podcast: Life Kit

How to Keep Your Kids Safe From The Delta Variant


How To Keep Your Kids Safe From The Delta Variant : Life Kit

Returning to in-person schooling is both a relief — and a source of great anxiety — for a lot of parents this year. The pandemic is still happening. The Delta variant is surging. And millions of children are too young to get a COVID-19 vaccine. The new



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