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NPR Podcast: It's Been a Minute with Sam Sanders
Hygiene Debate, Skipping Showers
Day 1
*단어구문 정리
harsh 가혹한, 냉혹한, 혹독한
accoutrement (개인의) 의복, 장신구, (무기, 군복 이외의) 장비
weigh in (논의, 언쟁, 활동 등에) 끼어들다[관여하다]/ 거들다
Vanity Fair 허영으로 가득찬 세상, 상류 사회
vanity 자만심, 허영심, 헛됨, 무의미, 자만
people of color 유색인종
long-standing tensions 오랫동안계속되어온긴장(감)
deep history깊은역사, 오랜역사
trope 비유
ethnicity 민족성
insidious 서서히[은밀히] 퍼지는
claim to~을 주장하다
indigenous 고유의, 토종의, 원산의[토착의], 토박이의
rollback (상황, 법률 등이 과거 상태로) 역행[후퇴], (가격, 급여를 과거 수준으로) 인하
lynching 폭력적인 사적 제개
Jim Crow (과거 미국의) 흑인 차별 정책
the body politic 국가, 정치적 통일체
uphold (법, 원칙 등을) 유지시키다[옹호하다], 확인하다, 인정하다
racial hierarchy 인종별 계급
ghetto (흔히 소수 민족들이 모여사는) 빈민가[게토]
subtly= subtely 미묘하게, 예민하게, 민감하게, 교활하게
sequence (일련의) 연속적인 사건들, (사건행동 등의) 순서[차례] V- 차례로 배열하다
sequencing ads 광고에서일련의움직임을연속적으로촬영
inferior (…보다) 못한[질 낮은/열등한]
the scouring powder 연마용 분, 광택분
*주요 문장정리
So the past couple of weeks, people have been pretty harsh on celebrities online. It's not as bad as when that
"Imagine" video came out last spring, but it's close.
I wash my armpits and my crotch daily and nothing else ever.
They are in the same boat. And he weighed in, too.
I don't know. It just happens whenever it happens, I guess.
Turns out there's a history behind why these kinds of arguments - about showers, of all things - feel totally radicalized.
America's deep history of conflating race with hygiene.
There's no better way to start to explain to our audience how hygiene and baths have been radicalized for such a long time than to talk about what the earliest soap advertisements here in the U.S. looked like.
What's more disturbing is by then, we see a more insidious racial stereotype where soaps and cleansers claim to wash Black or indigenous American skin white.
One of the reasons why these advertisements are important is, yes, they're shocking and disturbing, but they're coming at the same time that the rollback of reconstruction is happening.
We don't see soap that way now, but some of that imagery still subtly lingers, right?
We end up in this weird position, where the earliest stereotypes around soap and all kinds of hygiene had whites at the top and Blacks at the bottom.
Day 2
*단어구문 정리
demographic 인구(통계)학의
instill (어떤 의식, 느낌 등을 가지도록) 불어넣다[심어주다/ 주입하다], 스며들게 하다, 서서히 주입시키다
pupil (특히 어린) 학생
flash-forward [문학, 영화] 이야기 도중에 미래의 한 장면을 삽입하는 표현 기법, 그 장면
in a vacuum 외부와 단절된 상태에서, 진공상태에서
perceive ~을 (~로) 여기다, 감지[인지]하다
be up in arms about sth 들고 일어날 태세인
godliness 신앙심, 독실함, 신의 계율[뜻]에 순종함
full disclosure 전면 폭로[발표], 완전 공개성, 완전 표시, 충분한 개시
to a certain extent 얼마간, 어느 정도까지, 다소
fluctuate 변동[등락]을 거듭하다
cut and dry(dried) 변경불가인, 무미건조한, 틀에 박힌, 평범한
linear 순차적, (직)선의, 선으로 된
peddler 행상, 잡상인, 장사꾼, 보따리 장수, 판매원
waste-handling 폐기물 처리
assimilate into ~에 동화되다
impede (진행을) 지연시키다[방해하다], 저해하다
*주요 문장정리
We as Black people held on to being clean so much because of those stereotypes.
Even to this day, I've read some reports that Black people, as a demographic, we spend way more on beauty and hygiene products than would be expected for our share of the population.
It is part of a teacher's job to instill confidence into his students.
If hygiene is conflated with you're a danger to society, you can, according to this rationalization, try to fight that by being as clean as you and your community can be.
Yet, the rights and the privileges of a full American citizenship are still being stripped from them.
Because of the pollution, the trees are almost completely stripped of bark.
The reason we're mad is - it's actually, in a vacuum, perfectly fine that the guy may bathe once a week.
But let's think about this another way.
Suppose some other woman, to bring gender into this as well said she only bathed once a week, how would she be perceived?
The city's riots did not happen in a vacuum. They were caused by recent political events.
It's about the guy within the context of what he has the privilege to be able to do, that other Americans don't have that privilege.
That's why people are up in arms about this.
I'm kind of realizing, in the context of this conversation, it's in part because I'm functioning in a space of privilege and, to a certain extent, a coded white privilege.
I guess my takeaway and the thing that you referenced earlier is that it's not so cut and dry. It fluctuates. Does having less cut and dryness around all of this and me being able to have a different hygiene journey now. It's definitely a sign of historical change.
I have to point out that not everything is linear, that things aren't necessarily getting simply better or simply worse.
Native-born white people don't do waste-handling jobs overwhelmingly.
But one of the things that happened in my family is, we were able to assimilate into white society and white privilege over the course of three generations.
My relationship to recycling, other than I study it, is I drop paper in the bin in my office, and then someone picks it up and handles it.
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NPR Podcast: It's Been a Minute with Sam Sanders
Hygiene Debate, Skipping Showers
Hygiene Debates, Skipping Showers, And Climate Change, Oh My! : It's Been a Minute with Sam Sanders
#ShowerGate. Sam talks to Carl Zimring, professor of sustainability studies at Pratt Institute and author of Clean and White, about the online debate over celebrities showering habits and how it taps into a long history linking hygiene and race.Then, we he
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