
추천미드 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 9화


This is what she filed with the city.

*trying to pull 무엇을 하려고 애쓰다, 속임수를 쓰려 하다, 꾀를 부리다

What is she trying to pull with this thing?

*municipal [mjuːˈnɪsɪpl] 지방 자치제의, 시[읍/군]의

I will have my colleague who deals with municipal complaints take a look at it for you.

*defamation [ˌdefəˈmeɪʃn] 중상, 명예 훼손

*defamation case 명예훼손 소송

I have a defamation case against her.

*assassinat one’s character …의 명예를 훼손하다

She's assassinating your character?

*blast one’s character 명예를 공격하다, 헐뜯다

She walked in in front of clients in the middle of a session and started blasting my character.

*realm (활동·관심·지식 등의) 영역[범위], 왕국

*out of the realm of possibility 가능성이 없는, 불가능한

*restraining order 접근 금지 명령

Defamation does not seem out of the realm of possibility-- or maybe a restraining order or something.

+) It's out of the realm of possibility that he would lie.

    그가 거짓말을 할 가능성은 전혀 없다.

+) Traveling to Mars was once out of the realm of possibility.

    화성 여행은 한때 불가능한 일이었다.

*inflame 흥분[격앙/격분]시키다,(상황을) 악화시키다[걷잡을 수 없게 만들다]

Do not inflame the situation any more.

*injunction (법원의) 명령

*vacate (건물·좌석 등을, 특히 다른 사람이 이용할 수 있도록) 비우다, (일자리·직책 등에서) 떠나다

Do you have any milk, by chance?

Let's consider our options.

We could reconsider-- Allowing Max not to go-- let him off the hook.

There's plenty of time for that.

I feel very optimistic about everything.

I don't want to miss out on any milestones.

*bail on (데이트 약속을) 어기다, 바람맞히다; 소문을 퍼뜨리다

You're bailing on us.

I'm bailing on the family?

*get one’s priorities straight 우선순위를 바로잡다, 순서를 정하다

I think you should get your priorities straight.

*dock less hours 근무 시간을 줄이다

Have I ever once asked you to just not read briefs while we're on vacation or dock less hours?

I wish you could just pay me that same courtesy.

*get off on the wrong foot 첫발을 잘못 디디다

I think we got off on the wrong foot, and I would love to start over, if you're open to it.

*nerve 배짱

You have a lot of nerve-- Coming over here.

*shy of 부족한, 모자라는

*shy of a million 백만보다 조금 적은

Just shy of a million, wow.

*cumbersome 크고 무거운, 다루기 힘든 (=bulky), 복잡하고 느린, 번거로운, 길고 복잡한

You can't get your big, cumbersome range rover in and out of your parking spot.

*be cut out for ~에 적합하다[꼭 알맞다], 소질이 있다, 적임이다

*be not cut out for 맞지 않다, 적합하지 않다

I'm not cut out for this stay-at-home-mom thing.

+) She is cut out for teaching.

    가르치는 일에 소질이 있다, 적임자다.

+) Why do you think that you're cut out for this job?

     왜 이 일에 당신이 적임자라고 생각하시죠?

+) I’m not cut out for this. 이거 적성에 안 맞아.

+) He's not cut out to be a teacher.

    그는 교직이 맞지 않아요.

I'm not fulfilled by it.


추천미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 대본 시즌4 S04E09


추천미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 대본 시즌4 S04E09

미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 9화 *gavel [ˈɡævl] (의장·판사·경매 진행자가 쓰는 작은) 망치*last order of business 마지막으로 처리해야 할 중요한 안건There is one last order of business.We have submitted your




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