
미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 9화


*gavel [ˈɡævl] (의장·판사·경매 진행자가 쓰는 작은) 망치

*last order of business 마지막으로 처리해야 할 중요한 안건

There is one last order of business.

We have submitted your strongly worded proposal to the principal.

That's all that matters. 그게 정말 중요한 거야, 중요한 건 그게 전부야.

*in favor of …에 찬성[지지]하여, …의 이익이 되도록, …을 위하여

How about all in favor of having a dance, raise your hand?

+) I'm not in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act.

    저는 결혼보호법에 찬성하지 않습니다.

+) I'm not in favor of free bus fares.

    나는 버스 승차권 무료 제도에 동의하지 않아.

*liberate (국가·사람을 억압·속박으로부터) 해방시키다, (일상적인 제약에서) 자유롭게[벗어나게] 해주다
I liberated it from the bottom cupboard.

*live off…로 살아나가다

*the fat of the land 얻을 수 있는 최상의 것, 최고의 호강

*live off the fat of the land 호의호식하다

We'll live off the fat of the land.

+) I was living off the fat of the land.

     나는 호의호식을 하고 살고 있었다.

*grid 현대 사회의 기관이나 설비

*off-grid 전력망에 연결되지 않은, 전기시설이 제공되지 않는
*off the grid 특정 사람, 가족, 거주지, 공동체에 전기, 상하수도 등 공공시설을 이용하지 않은

You know, get off the grid.

*on the verge of 금방 …하려고 하여, …의 직전에

He's on the verge of taking on more than he can handle.

*put in a bid 입찰을 제출하다

He's put in a bid on this just huge job, and he asked if it goes through, if I'd be his foreman.

*couldn't have + p.p ~했을 리가 없다 (과거에 대한 가정)

*come at a better time 더 좋은 시기에 오다

It couldn't have come at a better time.

We could use the money.

I think right now is a really important transitional period for all of us with Victor, so he's got to be the priority.

I just figured this could be great for everybody.

*bombed 고주망태가 된

He's bombed.

Can't even figure out how to call a cab.

He didn't have anyone else he could call?

*for the most part 전반적으로, 대체로, 거의

It's a good resume, for the most part.

+) I enjoyed the movie for the most part.

+) I prefer cats over dogs for the most part.

Where do I put this? I'm done with this.

I'd like to speak with the owner or a manager of this establishment.

Which one of you is the owner?

I could park in either one of my two-designated parking spaces for my building that I paid for.

There's constant noise coming from the alley, every night, and it's always after 11:00!

*cigarette butt 담배꽁초

There's cigarette butts–

I will take a list of complaints.

페어런트후드 시즌 4, 9화 대본 

Parenthood S04E09.pdf


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