추천미드 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 8화
I got off a little early.
*accountable (해명할) 책임이 있는
Well, you kind of made it my business when you had sex in my house. If she got pregnant, I'm accountable.
I don't really know her that well, but there are STD's, and has Amy been with other guys?
If that's what you needed to know.
It's no judgment on her.
*contract 병에 걸리다
*contract it for life ~에 평생 걸려 있다, ~을 평생 앓다
If you get one, you contract it for life. You have to tell every other partner.
Will you not tell my mom?
Were you guys close?
*at this rate 이대로 가면, 이래가지고는, 이런식으로는
So, at this rate, we should be there in six days?
Hit him with a rolled-up newspaper and then stick his nose in it too.
I'm not feeling so good.
*banister 난간
Can you make it to the bedroom?
I just had to get that out. 그냥 말하고 싶었어.
+) I've been feeling really stressed lately, so I just had to get that out.
요즘 너무 스트레스를 많이 받아서 그냥 말하고 싶었어.
+) I've been keeping this secret for years, and I just had to get that out.
몇 년 동안 이 비밀을 숨겨왔는데, 이제야 털어놓을 수 있겠어.
*finito 끝난, 완료된
Tomorrow's ruined. We might as well ruin today too.
Let's make it a whole crapshoot for the whole weekend.
You're a freeloader.
You're a dictator.
Just one scratch, and you're dead. Right?
Have you committed a murder?
Is there a cover-up?
*brothel [ˈbrɑːθl; ˈbrɔːθl] 매매춘을 하는 집, 사창가의 집
We're not, like, running a brothel here.
He asked me not to tell you, and I told him that I wouldn't.
*confide in somebody 비밀을 털어놓다
I literally promised him this morning, and, if he finds out that I just turned around and told you, this is the first time he confided in me.
영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 8화 대본 S04E08 Day 1