
NPR Podcast 


For Millions Of People In Conflict Zones, Famine Is A Man-Made Disaster


It really is heartbreaking to see the levels of desperation, hunger, of hopelessness across the entirety of the strip.

*imminent 임박한

Hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza are facing imminent famine. 

*envoy 특사, 사절단

*acutely  강렬히, 절실히,  몹시(불쾌한 감정이 매우 강함을 나타낼 때 씀) 

*acute 격심한, 극심한, (질병이) 급성의 (↔chronic), 예민한, 잘 발달된 (=keen) 

At least 4 million people in Haiti have been acutely food insecure.

And right now, out of those 4 million, 1 million are one step away from famine

*thwart 좌절시키다

They are inevitably thwarted by ongoing conflict. 

*need to be addressed 다루어져야 하다, 짚고 넘어가야 하다

Those need to be addressed.

If you ask people who study the topic, they will tell you that a modern famine is a man-made disaster. Natural disasters can play a part. 

*relief agency 구호단체

*converge 모여들다, 집중되다, 만나다, (생각·정책·목적 등이) 수렴되다 (↔diverge) 

*converge on (생각·정책·목적 등이) 수렴되다, 한 곳으로 모이다

We all converged on a standard metric

*vary from …에서 벗어나다, 다양하다, 다르다

It has five levels, which vary from normal through stressed, crisis, emergency and the last one being famine.

+) Conditions vary from school to school.  

    상황은 학교마다 천차만별이다.

 *threshold 문턱, 한계점

There are various requirements of horror that are needed to hit that threshold of famine.

*wasting 저체중

*bloating 복부팽만, 붓기

*oedema [ɪˈdiːmə] 부종

Children suffering from wasting and also the bloating, oedema that you sometimes see from famine camps.

*From what I know~ / As far as I know~ / If am not mistaken~ / To my knowledge~ 내가 아는 한, 내가 아는 바로는

So from what you know of what is happening in Gaza now, how close to famine would you say that Gaza is?

+) From what I know, she is a very kind person. 

    내가 아는 바로는, 그녀는 매우 친절한 사람이야.

*perish 비명횡사하다

Tens of thousands of children perishing.

When we think about what causes famine, the first thing that comes to mind might be natural disasters. Devastating drought or floods. Crops destroyed by disease or insect infestation.

But those who study the topic will tell you that today, famines are man-made disasters.



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For Millions Of People In Conflict Zones, Famine Is A Man-Made Disaster


For Millions Of People In Conflict Zones, Famine Is A Man-Made Disaster : Consider This from NPR

Famine is a man-made disaster affecting millions in conflict zones.




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