*a restraining order 접근금지명령 If I have to get a restraining order, that's what I will do. *to pick up after someone ~ 뒤치다꺼리를 하다 I'm done picking up after you. d Why don't you see what I see? *ram 부딪히다 = hit I sort of rammed my shoulder the other day. Let mom get her in. She doesn't look anything like you. That's for sure. I've known you longer than your dad has. *knock it off! = Stop it! Nowhere close to ready. *to clear it with someone ~와 분명히 해두다 *a tribute album 헌정 앨범 So a bunch of artists are gonna do a tribute album, and one of them wants to record at our studio. *to seize the day 기회를 잡다, 오늘을 즐기다 = carpe diem We have to seize the day. *to get a shot 사진 찍다 Let's get a shot. *put sb/sth on the map ~을 유명하게[중요하게] 만들다 This is something that could put us on the map. You just tell me what needs to be done, I will get it done. If there's one thing I know how to do, it's work.