
NPR Podcast 

Extreme heat and flooding worldwide reflect the magnitude of the climate crisis


*baking 타는 듯이 더운
Rome and Madrid are also baking under triple-digit temperatures.
*torrential[təˈrenʃl] 양동이로 들이붓듯이[앞이 안 보이게] 내리는

South Korea have endured torrential rain and flooding.
Vermont just got two months of rain in just two days. 
We know that climate change is making many extreme weather events more likely. 
*be a driver of ~의 원동력이 되다
Climate change is a strong driver of heat waves. 
*odds (어떤 일이 있을) 공산[가능성],, 역경, 곤란, 배당률 
*the odds 가능성/가망성, 승산 
We see the signal of climate change increasing the odds at least 95% of the time.
*precipitation [prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn] 강수, 강수량 
+) This year, we had record high precipitation. 
    올해는 기록적으로 비가 많이 왔다.
+) There are higher temperatures and more precipitation. 
    기온이 더 높아지고 강수량도 많아졌다.
*on[along] the lines of …의 방침을 따라서, …와 (아주) 비슷한
*so to be more specific 좀 더 구체적으로 말씀드리자면, 좀 더 확실히 말하면
*equilibrium [iːkwɪ│lɪbriəm;] 평형[균형] (상태), (마음의) 평정
*severity [sɪ│verəti][명사]
*in severity 심각하게
*down to ~에 이르기까지 
What we really need to do eventually is bring the temperature back down if we want to decrease the exposure to these extreme temperatures and heavy precipitation events.
The process isn't going to be quick and it's not going to be simple. 
*There's no question 의심의 여지가 없다
There's no question that we have the technology and that the technology's affordable. There's no question that we've seen meaningful progress in many countries around the world, including in the United States. But there's also no question that we're going much more slowly than we should be. 
*ring an alarm bell 경종을 울리다 
*mobilize[동사] (사람들이[을]) 동원되다[하다] (=rally)
*deploy to ~에 배치하다 
*deliver the solutions 해결책을 제시하다
*within our grasp 우리 손아귀 안에


NPR's Ailsa Chang talks with Chris Field, director of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, about the extreme weather events occurring globally.




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Extreme heat and flooding worldwide reflect the magnitude of the climate crisis


Extreme heat and flooding worldwide reflect the magnitude of the climate crisis

NPR's Ailsa Chang talks with Chris Field, director of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, about the extreme weather events occurring globally.






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