영화에서 못 다한 이야기를 영어원작으로 읽으며 감동을 느껴봅니다. 뉴욕타임즈 베스트셀러 5주, 니콜라스 스파크스 소설 Dear John을 매직북클럽과 함께 읽어보세요.
Dear John- Nicholas Sparks, Day 13(105-112p/ Ebook 40-43p)
▶Dear John 영어단어와 주요구문
She and Randy looked as much a couple as Susan and Brad.
수잔과 브래드와 마찬가지로, 그녀와 랜디는 커플로 보였다.
*nor (부정적인 감정이나 의문을 표현할 때 사용되는 접속사)
Nor did I like the fact that Savannah was sitting as close to Randy as she'd beem to me.
Nor did I understand why she wanted to see my dad tonight, unless it meant she wasn’t quite as thrilled as I was at the prospect of being alone.
*amiss 잘못된
She smiled when she saw me as if nothing were amiss.
When the cat’s away, the mice are at play, he seemed to be saying.
*amble 천천히 걷다, 어슬렁 거리다
+) We ambled in the moonlight.
우리는 달빛 속을 느긋하게 걸었다.
+) She ambled down the street, stopping occasionally to look in the shop windows.
그녀는 길을 따라 한가롭게 거닐다가 이따금씩 멈춰 서서 상점들의 진열창을 들여다보았다.
*plant a kiss 키스를 하다
+) steal a kiss 갑자기[슬쩍] 키스를 해 버리다
+) throw a kiss 키스를 보내다
When she got close, she stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on my cheek.
“You ready to go?” →"As I'll ever be.""할 수 있는 한 준비됐어요."
"You ready?” → “As I’ll ever be”
We started toward the car and I reached for her hand, her touch making me feel all was right with the world.
*get to know 알게 되다
“I take it you two got to know each other while you were working.”
*couldn’t be happier that 더할 나위 없이 행복하다
She needn’t have said them, but I couldn’t be happier that she had.
It was obvious that she already had something in mind. “How about if we go say hi to your father.”
I wasn’t all that happy about going, but the way she asked made it impossible for me to say no.
*fiddle with …을 만지작거리다
+) You're not allowed to fiddle with it.
그것을 가지고 만지작거려서는 안된다.
+) we spent a long time trying to fiddle with the theory.
우리는 그 이론을 손보는데 많은 시간을 보냈다.
*in tow (사람을) 뒤에 데리고, (배가 다른 배에) 예인되어
*wispy [ˈwɪspi](촘촘하지 못하고) 몇 가닥[줄기]으로 된, 성긴
+) wispy hair 숱이 적은 머리
Once my dad got over the shock of my return with Savannah in tow and the introductions were made, he ran a quick hand over his wispy hair and stared at the floor.
“Did we catch you at a bad time?”
*wear a smile 미소를 짓다
Savannah wore an easy smile, but I wondered if my dad even realized it.
*nonetheless 그렇기는 하지만, 그렇더라도
Be careful nonetheless! 그래도 조심해!
+) The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.
그 책은 너무 길다. 그렇기는 하지만 유익하기도 하고 재미도 있다.
Not loud, but a laugh nonetheless.
*gauge (특히 남의 기분태도를) 판단하다[알아내다], 측정하다, 게이지, 측정기
+) He tried to gauge her mood.
그는 그녀의 기분을 알아내려고 애를 썼다.
As he spoke, I could sense him trying to gauge how I’d react.
*by heart 외워서, 기억하여
He knew the note by heart now.(매직트리하우스 20-1/5p)
+) I learned the poem by heart. 그 시를 외우고 있다.
For the most part, I sat in the den and listened to my dad tell stories I knew by heart.
She asked dozens of questions, questions either I or any book on coin collecting could have answered, but as the minutes passed, her questions became more subtle.
*vantage point (무엇을 지켜보기에) 좋은 위치, (특히 과거를 생각해 보는) 시점[상황]
*alter 변하다, 달라지다; 바꾸다, 고치다, (옷을) 고치다
I’d stopped talking to him about coins because I wanted to talk about something else; my father stopped talking because he knew how I felt and could discuss nothing else.
*mint mark 조폐국 각인(조폐소를 나타내는 화폐면의 도장)
*how crisp the stamp had been 동전의 스탬프가 얼마나 선명하게 찍혀있었는지
◈ crisp 단어 살펴보기
(공기, 날씨가) 서늘한, 상쾌한
(표현이 ) 생생한, 명쾌한
(태도가) 단호한, 활기찬, 분명한
(야채,과일등이) 단단한, 싱싱한, 아삭아삭한
(종이나 돈이) 빳빳한
(머리가 ) 곱슬곱슬한
(피부가 ) 푸석한, 주름진
-crisp에 대한 해석이 모두 생생하고 신선한 이미지인데
피부에 관련되서는 ‘푸석한, 주름진"이라니…
근데 피부가 너무 바삭하다면? 푸석하고, 주름도 잘 지겠죠^^
*the value of a coin might differ because it had arrows or wreaths 동전에 포함된 화살표나 화관과 같은 요소가 동전의 가치에 영향을 줄 수 있다
*proof coin 프루프 코인 ((수집가용 특별 각인 한정판 주화))
*magnifying glass 확대경, 돋보기
*animation [ˌænɪˈmeɪʃn] 생기, 활기, 만화 영화, 동영상
+) animate 생기를 불어넣다, 만화 영화로 만들다, 살아 있는, 생물인
I could see the animation on my father’s face.
*grow further and further apart 점점 멀어지다
*in time 이윽고 (=eventually)
*atop 꼭대기에, 맨 위에
In time, Savannah must have sensed his growing discomfort, for she gestured to the coins atop the desk.
“Thank you, Mr. Tyree. I feel like I’ve really learned something.”
My dad smiled, obviously drained, and I took it as my cue to stand.
*lost in thought 사색에 잠기다, …을 골돌히 생각하다, 생각하는 일에 바쁘다
+) He paused, apparently lost in thought.
그가 생각에 잠긴 듯 잠시 말을 멈추었다.
+) He was gazing into the distance, lost in thought.
그는 생각에 잠겨 먼 곳을 응시하고 있었다
In the car, Savannah seemed lost in thought.
*get in trouble 문제에 휩싸이다. 어려움이나 문제 상황에 노출되다
*lay down the law 강압적으로 말하다, 엄격한 규칙이나 규제를 시행하다
+) The judges need to lay down the law.
심판들은 강압적으로 말할 필요가 있다.
+) Who is he to lay down the law?
그사람이 누구길래 권위적으로 말하는 거야?
“But I think I understand why you got in so much trouble when you were younger. He didn’t strike me as the kind of father who would lay down the law.”
*shoot me a scowl 무섭게 쏘아보다
“You should have known better.”
*hold water (이론·설명 따위가) 이치에 맞다, 타당하다, (용기 따위가) 물이 새지 않다
*not hold water (주장·변명·이론 등이) 이치에 맞지[믿어지지가] 않는다
+) Your logic doesn't hold water.
네 논리는 타당성이 결여되어 있다.
+) Such a theory does not hold water.
그런 이론은 성립되지 않는다.
+) His story-doesn't make any sense[hold water].
그의 말은 앞뒤가 맞지 않는다.
“Ah, the old youth excuse. You know that doesn’t hold water, don’t you? I never took advantage of my parents.”
“What are you in the mood for?”
*draw up one's hair 머리를 끌어올리다
*sloppy 엉성한, 대충 하는, 헐렁한 (=baggy)
She drew up her hair in a sloppy ponytail, then let it go.
*too good to be true 너무 좋아서 믿어지지 않는[의심스러운]
=looks perfect, but it isn't = so good that it is hard to believe = too positive to be real
As soon as she said it, I found myself wondering if Savannah was too good to be true.
▶게시물 숙제로 Dear John을 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어나 구문 5개를 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
She and Randy looked as much a couple as Susan and Brad.
She needn’t have said them, but I couldn’t be happier that she had.
I wasn’t all that happy about going, but the way she asked made it impossible for me to say no.
I’d stopped talking to him about coins because I wanted to talk about something else; my father stopped talking because he knew how I felt and could discuss nothing else.
He didn’t strike me as the kind of father who would lay down the law.”
You know that doesn’t hold water, don’t you? I never took advantage of my parents.
As soon as she said it, I found myself wondering if Savannah was too good to be true.
*amble 천천히 걷다, 어슬렁 거리다
*in tow (사람을) 뒤에 데리고
*gauge (특히 남의 기분태도를) 판단하다[알아내다]
*vantage point (무엇을 지켜보기에) 좋은 위치, (특히 과거를 생각해 보는) 시점[상황]
*lay down the law 강압적으로 말하다, 엄격한 규칙이나 규제를 시행하다
*hold water (이론·설명 따위가) 이치에 맞다, 타당하다, (용기 따위가) 물이 새지 않다
*not hold water (주장·변명·이론 등이) 이치에 맞지[믿어지지가] 않는다
*sloppy 엉성한, 대충 하는, 헐렁한 (=baggy)
Dear John의 오디오자료를 활용해 리스닝 향상에도 힘써 주세요.