감동적으로 봤던 첫사랑 영화 Dear John, 영화에서 못다한 이야기를 원서로 읽으며 영어실력도 쑥쑥~ 향상시켜 봅니다. 일상생활에서 쓰는 대화체 구성이 많아 실제 영어회화에도 도움이 됩니다.
★뉴욕타임즈 베스트셀러 니콜라스 스파크스 소설 Dear John 원서리딩 매직북클럽
Dear John- Nicholas Sparks, Day 11(88-96 p/ Ebook 33- 36p)
▶Dear John 영어단어와 주요구문 정리
*engross [ɪnˈɡroʊs] 몰두하게 만들다 독식하다 monopolize +) engross another's love 사랑을 독차지하다 +) engross the market 시장을 독점하다 +) She's engrossed in it. 혼자 심취했어. +) I was engrossed in writing. 글 쓰는 재미에 빠져서...
Tim sat among them, engrossed in earnest conversation.
*wispy [ˈwɪspi](촘촘하지 못하고) 몇 가닥[줄기]으로 된, 성긴 +) wispy hair 숱이 적은 머리 +) wispy clouds 몇 줄기 구름
*ceaseless [ˈsiːsləs] 끊임없는 (=constant, interminable) +) make a ceaseless effort 부단히 노력하다 +) ceaseless growth 끊임없는 성장 +) She shed endless[ceaseless] tears. 그녀는 하염없이 눈물을 흘렸다.
*tide 조수, 밀물과 썰물; 조류, 여론의) 흐름, (좋지 않은 것의) 물결
+) ebb and flood 썰물과 밀물 +) The tide is in/out. 지금은 밀물/썰물이다.
The tide had gone out. 조수가 빠지다.
“I can’t believe that I only met you yesterday," “It seems like I’ve known you much longer.” “I was thinking the same thing.”
I can’t help it.난 그걸 피할[어쩔] 수 없다.
“I would have been more surprised if it hadn’t happened.” "그런 일이 없었다면 난 더 놀랐을텐데."
*nor I knew she didn’t want answers, nor did I offer any.
*ghost crabs 달랑게과
*be[act] out of line 주제넘은 짓을 하다
“I was out of line there.”
I shouldn’t pass judgment. It’s not my place.” “Everyone judges,” I said. “It’s human nature.” “I know. But . . . I’m not perfect, either. In the end, it’s only God’s judgment that matters, and I’ve learned enough to know that no one can presume to know the will of God.”
*stroll 거닐다, 산책하다, (한가로이) 거닐기, 산책
*wear one's expression 표정을 짓다 *sulky [ˈsʌlki] 부루퉁한, 샐쭉한 Randy was there, too, and he wore his usual sulky expression.
We’re just winding down, getting ready for tomorrow.
*turn in 잠자리에 들다 = go to bed
+) I think I'm going to turn in. 이제 자러 갈 거에요. +) Will you turn in, right? 잘 거죠 다들? +) I'm going to turn in soon.이제 자야죠.
"Actually, I’m a bit sleepy. I was just going to walk John to his car, and after that I’ll turn in." "What time do we need to be up?"
*an extra hand 추가 일꾼, 임시 고용인 We could always use an extra hand.
*make out (글씨·형체·의미)를 알아보다, 알아듣다
He could make out diagrams and shadowy pictures.(매직트리하우스 8-1/7p)
+) I couldn't make out the letters. 난 그 글자를 알아볼 수가 없었어.
+) He couldn't make out the words. 그는 그 말을 알아들을 수 없었다.
+) It was so dark I couldn't make out anyone.
너무 어두워서 사람들을 알아볼 수 없었어요.
+) He said something, but I couldn't make it out.
그가 뭐라고 말했는데, 무슨 말인지 알아들을 수가 없었다.
In the darkness, I couldn’t make out her expression.
*blurt out 무심결에 말하다, 불쑥 말하다
*a strand of hair 머리카락 한 올
With Savannah, I felt oddly paralyzed.
*engulf 완전히 에워싸다, 휩싸다, (강한 감정 등이) 사로잡다
*linger (예상보다 오래) 남다[계속되다], 더 오래 머물다
*tossing and turning in bed 침대에서 뒤척거림 At home later that night, I found myself tossing and turning in bed, reliving the events of the day.
*fall for somebody ~에게 홀딱 반하다[빠지다], (속임수에) 홀랑 넘어가다 +) How could you fall for such a man? Love is blind! 어떻게 그런 남자에게 빠질 수가 있어? 눈꺼풀이 씌인 거지! Instead, all I could do was replay Savannah’s gentle kiss on my cheek for the hundredth time and wonder how I could be falling for a girl that I’d met only the day before.
"Yeah, I know I’m up early, but I wanted to catch you before you headed off to work."
“Okay. Let me just get a bit more food going.”
*wrinkle (일상적인 상황에서의) 예외, 문제 *despite this wrinkle in the routine 일상에서 발생한 예외적인 상황에도 불구하고
+) a little wrinkle 약간의 조언을 하자면
Savannah’s really something.
*crack a joke 농담하다, 농담으로 말하다 +) I don't feel like cracking a joke now. 지금 농담할 기분이 아니다. +) He stopped cracking a joke! 드립치려다 참았다!
I imagined that we might have a real conversation, the kind that other fathers might have with their sons, that he might laugh and maybe crack a joke or two.
“Would you mind putting some bread in the toaster?” he asked.
▶게시물 숙제로 Dear John을 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어나 구문 5개를 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
"Actually, I’m a bit sleepy. I was just going to walk John to his car, and after that I’ll turn in." "What time do we need to be up?"
"I know I’m up early, but I wanted to catch you before you headed off to work."
I imagined that we might have a real conversation, the kind that other fathers might have with their sons, that he might laugh and maybe crack a joke or two.
“Would you mind putting some bread in the toaster?”
*engross [ɪnˈɡroʊs] 몰두하게 만들다 독식하다 monopolize
*wispy [ˈwɪspi](촘촘하지 못하고) 몇 가닥[줄기]으로 된, 성긴
*strain 안간힘을 쓰다, (근육 등을) 혹사하다[무리하게 사용하다], 부담, 중압
*wind down 긴장을 풀다[긴장을 풀고 쉬다] (=unwind)
*engulf 완전히 에워싸다, 휩싸다, (강한 감정 등이) 사로잡다
*fall for somebody ~에게 홀딱 반하다[빠지다], (속임수에) 홀랑 넘어가다
*wrinkle (일상적인 상황에서의) 예외, 문제 *despite this wrinkle in the routine 일상에서 발생한 예외적인 상황에도 불구하고