
★매직북클럽 스터디 원서리딩 디어 존

Dear John- Nicholas Sparks, Day 3(20-29p/ Ebook 8-11p)


1. Dear John의 오디오자료를 활용해주세요.



★ Dear John 영어단어장 문장정리

*mull 숙고하다, 엉망으로 만들다, (빻아) 가루로 만들다, 실수하다; 실수, 실패; 혼란

*mull over 곰곰히 생각하다 = consider

+) I've been mulling over your Sacramento.

     니가 새크라멘토 가는거 곰곰히 생각해 봤는데​.
+) I need a few days to mull things over.  
     나는 그 일들을 숙고할 테니 며칠 여유를 주세요.
+) I like a little privacy and mull things over by myself.  
     혼자 좀 조용히 곰곰이 생각해보고 싶다.

I mulled it over for a couple of days, and in the end, my dad had something to do with my decision.

*not that ~인것은 아니고/아니지만, 그다지 ~ 않다

+) not that bad 그렇게 나쁘지 않은
+) not that I know of 내가 알기에는 그렇지 않다

Not that I talked to him about it, of course - we weren't talking at all by then. 

*be struck by something ~에 감명받다[끌리다], ~을 대단히 좋아하다

*notion 개념, 관념, 생각

*let somebody down 실망시키다. 낙담하게 만들다

He was nearing retirement, and I was struck by the notion that I had no right to keep letting him down after all he'd done for me.

The man didn't let me down. 

*jarhead [|dʒɑːrhed] 미국 해병대(의 별칭)

*spontaneous [spɑːn|teɪniəs] (사람이) 즉흥적인, 자발적인, 마음에서 우러난

*sign on the dotted line (문서의 점선으로 표시된) 서명란에 서명하다

*enlistment 입대, 징집[모병]

+) enlist 입대하다; 입대시키다, 징집[모병]하다, 협조·참여를) 요청하다

In the end, the decision felt more spontaneous than planned, but I signed on the dotted line for a four-year enlistment, and when the recruiter slapped my back and congratulated me as I went out the door, I found myself wondering what I'd gotten myself into. 

I was just wondering what I'd gotten myself into.

나는 단지 내가 무슨 일에 휘말렸는지 궁금했을 뿐이다.

*infantry [ˈɪnfəntri] 보병, 보병대

*aka [ˌeɪ keɪ ˈeɪ] …라고도 알려진(also known as)

*set in (계속될 기세로) 시작하다[되다]

*lousy (아주) 안 좋은, 엉망인, 형편없는(남에게 모욕을 받은 듯한 불쾌감을 나타낼 때 씀)

*leave 휴가

I spent my first leave at home completely bored out of my mind.

집에서 첫 휴가를 완전 지루하게 보냈다.

*crash 초대도 받지 않고 가다, 침대 아닌 곳 에서 자다

Three of us crashed at his parents's place.

*mushy 지나치게 감상적인 (=sentimental), 곤죽 같은
+) mushy romantic novels 지나치게 감상적인 연애 소설
+) slushy and mushy 질퍽질퍽한, 눈 녹은 진창같은

Nothing too personal, nothing mushy, and never a word that suggested he missed me. Nor did he ever mention coins.

*peril [ˈperəl](심각한) 위험, 위험성, 유해함

The fact that I was in peril frightened him, so I started omitting the scary stuff. 

The man didn't let me down. He was, I've long since come to believe, a far better man than I'll ever be. 

But everyone in the army is forced to grow up.

*entrust  [ɪnˈtrʌst] (일을) 맡기다
*entrust with …을 맡기다[위탁하다]

*cost a fortune 엄청나게 비싸다=  cost an arm and a leg 

*fresh out of 갓 나온, …에서 갓 도착한[들어온], …을 막 다 팔아버린[써버린]

*Neanderthal[ni|ændərtɑːl] 네안데르탈인의, 구석기 시대 사람 같은

*live up to (다른 사람의 기대에) 부응하다[합당하다], …에 부끄럽지 않게[어울리게] 살다

*exaggeration [ɪɡˌzædʒəˈreɪʃn] 과장

*be on the line 위태롭다

It's no exaggeration to say that lives are on the line.

*day after day 매일같이[날마다](지겹거나 짜증스러움을 나타냄)

*when all is said and done 모든 것을 고려해 볼 때, 뭐니뭐니 해도
+) When all is said and done, I’m a mother. 
    뭐니뭐니 해도 저는 엄마에요.
+) When all is said and done, one's choice of a marriage partner should be based on character. 모든 것을 고려해 볼 때, 결혼 상대는 성격을 보고 골라야 한다.

*patriotism [|peɪtriətɪzəm] 애국심

*premise [ˈpremɪs] (주장의) 전제

*spotless 티끌 하나 없는 (=immaculate)

*corporal (군대 사병 계급)상병, 신체의, 육체의

*sergeant [|sɑːrdʒənt] 병장, 경사

*squad [skwɑːd](군대의) 분대, 친구 집단, 한 무리의 친구들

*notorious [noʊ|tɔːriəs] 악명 높은

*debate (~할지) 마음을 정하지 못하다, 토론하다

+) I'm still debating going to the reunion. 

     동창회에 갈지 말지 나는 아직 마음을 정하지 못했어.

+) We're still debating which color to paint our house.

    우리는 어떤 색으로 집을 칠할지 아직 마음을 못 정했다.

I was debating whether or not to become an officer.

*flab [flæb] (흐물흐물한) 군살

*cut the flab 군살을 빼다

*musclehead  바보, 멍청이, 돌대가리; 주먹이 센 사람

*aphrodisiac [ˌæfrəˈdɪziæk] 최음제, 정력제

*far and away 훨씬, 단연코, 단연

+) She’s far and away the best player.   
    그녀는 단연코 최고의 선수이다.
+) She is far and away the best teacher on campus.   
    그녀는 교내에서 단연 최우수 교사이다.

*with every passing day 날이 갈수록 
+) We grew more anxious with every passing day.  
    우리는 하루하루 날이 갈수록 더 불안해졌다.
+) With every passing day, news of the economy seems to get worse. 
    날이 갈수록 경제 관련 소식은 더 나빠지는 것처럼 보인다.

*shy away 피하다

*prime of life 한창인 때, 전성기에, 인생 중에서 가장 좋은 시기
+) She is in the prime of life.   
    그녀는 한창 나이입니다
+) Middle age can be the prime of life if you have the right attitude. 
    올바른 태도를 가지기만 한다면 중년은 인생의 황금기가 될 수 있다.

I wouldn't have minded the company of someone special, it just never happened.

How can you not be in the mood? 

I just don't get you sometimes.

*be on edge 신경이 곤두서 있다

+) I feel on edge. 초조하고 불안해.  긴장돼., 곤두서다

*venture (모험하듯) 조심스럽게 말하다[하다], 벤처, (사업상의) 모험

*It might not be 아닐 수도 있다

*on the spot 즉각[즉석에서], (일이 벌어지는) 현장에서

*hitch (지나가는 차를) 얻어 타다, 편승하다 (→hitchhike)

*coed [|koʊ│ed] 남녀 공학의) 여학생

*pay a visit to …을 찾아보다, …에 가보다

*breaker 백파, 쇄파(해안을 향해 부서지며 달려오는 큰 파도) 

*porpoise [ˈpɔːrpəs] 알락돌고래

*brunette [bruːˈnet] 흑갈색 머리의 백인 여성, (피부, 눈, 머리카락 등의 색이) 구릿빛, 흑갈색

*most likely 아마, 필시

*carefree 근심 걱정 없는, 속 편한


2. 게시물 숙제로  Dear John을 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어나 구문 5개를 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요. 

I mulled it over for a couple of days, and in the end, my dad had something to do with my decision.

In the end, the decision felt more spontaneous than planned.

I was just wondering what I'd gotten myself into. 

I spent my first leave at home completely bored out of my mind. 

Nothing too personal, nothing mushy, and never a word that suggested he missed me. Nor did he ever mention coins.

He was, I've long since come to believe, a far better man than I'll ever be. 

But everyone in the army is forced to grow up.

It's no exaggeration to say that lives are on the line.

I was debating whether or not to become an officer.


*mull over 곰곰히 생각하다 = consider

*jarhead [|dʒɑːrhed] 미국 해병대(의 별칭)

*sign on the dotted line (문서의 점선으로 표시된) 서명란에 서명하다

*enlistment 입대, 징집[모병]

*set in (계속될 기세로) 시작하다[되다]

*mushy 지나치게 감상적인 (=sentimental), 곤죽 같은

*infantry [ˈɪnfəntri] 보병, 보병대

*peril [ˈperəl](심각한) 위험, 위험성, 유해함

*debate (~할지) 마음을 정하지 못하다

*flab [flæb] (흐물흐물한) 군살

*cut the flab 군살을 빼다

*aphrodisiac [ˌæfrəˈdɪziæk] 최음제, 정력제

*far and away 훨씬, 단연코, 단연

*be on edge 신경이 곤두서 있다

*venture (모험하듯) 조심스럽게 말하다[하다


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