★한달에 영어원서 한 권 읽기 프로젝트 매직북클럽
★매직북클럽 5월의 책 Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan- Day 5(58-75p)
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1. Esperanza Rising의 오디오자료를 활용하고, 소리내어 읽어주세요.
*flutter [ˈflʌtə(r)](빠르고 가볍게) 흔들(리)다[펄럭이다/떨다], 새곤충이 날개를) 파닥이다
*rafter [|ræftə(r)] (주로 복수로) 서까래
*crate [kreɪt] (물품 운송용 대형 나무) 상자, 상자에 담다
I could tell no one about your departure.(58p)
*line (옷 같은 것에) 안[안감]을 대다[받치다], (표면에 그은) 선[줄],주름살
Hortensia lined it with blankets.(58p)
"Luis has bragged about the engagement to everyone," said Hortensia.(59p)
"Think how angry he will be when he discovers you have gone. We cannot take the chance of you being seen."(59p)
*scoot 서둘러 가다[떠나다]
*plank [plæŋk](한 장의) 널빤지[(나무)판자]
*all in one (두 가지 이상의 기능 등이) 모두 하나로 된
+) They ate the packet of biscuits all in one go.
그들이 그 비스킷 한 봉지를 한꺼번에 다 먹었다.
+) It’s a corkscrew and bottle-opener all in one.
그것은 코르크따개와 병따개가 하나로 붙어 있는 것이다.
+) It’s a public relations office, a press office and a private office all in one.
그곳은 홍보실이자 언론 담당실이자 개인 사무실이 모두 하나로 되어 있는 곳이다.
The guavas smelled fresh and sweet, like pears and oranges all in one.(60p)
*a load of (수)많은 ~, 한 짐(이나)되는 ~ ; ~ 한 짐/더미, ~ 잔뜩, 온통, 순(전히)
If anyone saw the wagon on the road, it would like a farmer and his son, taking a load of fruit to market.(60p)
*cradle [ˈkreɪdl] 요람, 아기 침대
*hem (옷 등의) 단, 단을 만들다[올리다]
*pitch and roll 요동하다, 요동
Esperanza's eyes were beginning to adjust to the darkness and to the pitch and roll of the wagon.(61p)
"Miguel ran into the house because he had seen bandits," said Esperanza, exhaling.(61p)
*rifle 라이플총, 소총, 샅샅이 뒤지다, 훔치다
*renegade [ˈrenɪɡeɪd] 변절자, 탈당자; 배교자, 이탈자 (=outlaw)
*a persistent smell 좀처럼 없어지지 않는 냄새
*raton(스페니쉬) =mouse
*slick down (머리를 기름 등으로) 곱게 매만지다
*slick (겉만) 번드르르한[매끄러운],(진실성은 없어 보이면서) 구변 좋은, 말을 번지르르하게 하는 (=glib)
*mesmerize [ˈmezməraɪz] 최면을 걸듯 마음을 사로잡다, 완전 넋을 빼놓다 (=fascinate)
*be mesmerized by ~에게 매혹되다
*locomotive [|loʊkə│moʊtɪv] 기관차
He was mesmerized by the locomotive, watching it slowly pull in.(64p)
*pull in (역으로) 들어와 서다, (도로 한쪽으로) 서다[(차를) 세우다]
*sputter [ˈspʌtə(r)] (엔진·불길 등이) 펑펑 하는[털털거리는] 소리를 내다 (=splutter)
*blustery [ˈblʌstəri] 바람이 거센
*compartment (기차 안의 칸막이를 한) 객실
*doting 맹목적으로 사랑하는, 애지중지하는
+) He's a real doting father.
그는 자식을 맹목적으로 사랑하는 아버지예요.
+) Chris was a lovely man and a doting father.
크리스는 자상한 남자이며 사랑을 흠뻑주는 아빠였다.
+) Eight-year-old Alexandra is rather spoiled by her doting father.
8살인 알렉산드라는 그녀를 애지중지하는 아빠 때문에 다소 버릇이 없다.
The men and women dressed in their hats and fancy clothes smiled and chuckled at what must have looked like a doting father and two privileged children.(64p)
*rebozo = shawl
*jostle [ˈdʒɑːsl] (많은 사람들 사이에서) 거칠게 밀치다[떠밀다]
The wagon jostled them now as it hit a hole in the road.(65p)
*second-hand 중고의, 전해[얻어] 들은, 간접적인
*thicket [ˈθɪkɪt] 덤불, 잡목 숲, 복잡하게 뒤얽힌 것
*hide in a thicket 풀숲에 숨다
After the discomfort of the wagon, she was looking forward to the train.(66p)
The locomotive arrived pulling a line of cars and hissing and spewing steam.(66p)
*spew [spjuː] 뿜어져 나오다, 분출되다; 뿜어[토해] 내다, 분출하다, (먹은 것을) 토하다
*pew [pjuː] (교회의, 길게 나무로 된) 좌석[신도석]
*peasnat [ˈpeznt] (특히 과거 또는 현대 빈곤 국가의) 소작농[소농], 무식쟁이 (=lout)
*reek [riːk] 지독한 악취를 풍기다, 냄새[기미]가 강하게 나다, 지독한 악취 (=stench)
*revealing no teeth 이를 드러내지 않는
*chalky with dust 먼지투성이
*tatter [tǽtər] 낡은[해진] 옷, 누더기
Their legs were chalky with dust, their clothes were in tatters, and their hair was grimy.(66p)
*alms [ɑːmz] 구호금[품]
Her hand was outstretched for alms.(66p)
That was simply the way it was. 그것은 그냥 그랬을 뿐이었다.
She couldn't help but wonder if they would steal her things.(66p)
"We must make do. It is not easy for me either. But remember, we are going to a place that will be better than living Tio Luis, and at least we will be together.(67p)
*carpetas = folder, file
*doily [ˈdɔɪli] 도일리(케이크나 샌드위치를 놓기 전에 접시 바닥에 까는 작은 깔개, 가구 위에 덮는 작은 장식용 덮개)
"Would you like to learn?"
*undulate[|ʌndʒəleɪt] 파도 모양[기복]을 이루다, 넘실넘실하다
*undulating 높낮이가 있는, 물결 모양의, 너울너울
+) undulating country 토지의 고저가 심한 지방
+) A rolling prairie is an undulating or hilly, grass-covered region.
끝없는 초원은 높낮이가 있거나 언덕이 많고, 잔디로 뒤덮인 지역이다.
*left behind 두고 가다, 뒤쳐지다
For hours, Esperanza watched the undulating land pass in front of her. Everything seemed to remind her of what she had left behind: the nopales reminded her of Abuelita who loved to eat the prickly pear cactus sliced and soaked in vinegar and oil;(67p)
*nopale = prickly pear
*prickly[ˈprɪkli](감촉이) 꺼끌꺼끌한, 쉽게 발끈 하는 (=touchy)
*pear cactus 배 선인장
*shrine [ʃraɪn] 성지(聖地), 성지(와 같은 곳)
*valise [ [vəˈliːs] (옷을 넣어 다니는) 작은 여행 가방
*scorn [skɔːn] 경멸[멸시]하다, (멸시하여) 거절하다[퇴짜 놓다]
When you scorn these people, you scorn Miguel, Hortensia, and Alfonso. And you embrass me and yourself. As difficult as it is to accept, our lives are different now.(70p)
*orphanage [|ɔːrfənɪdʒ] 고아원
*soil 더럽히다 (→shop-soiled), 토양, 흙
*Graccias. = Thank you
*De nada. = You're welcome.
*for miles to come (실제 거리를 말하는 것이 아니라 기간이나 시간적인 면에서 길게 이어질 것을 나타냄) 오랫동안 계속되는
Otherwise, she would have been reminded of her own selfishness and Mama's disapproval for miles to come.(72p)
*unwind [ˌʌnˈwaɪnd] (감긴 것을) 풀다, 긴장을 풀다 (=relax, wind down)
*on the left 왼쪽에
*trough [trɔːf] 구유, 여물통
She was tired of Hortensia's humming and weary of watching Mama crochet, as if nothing unusual were happening to them.(73p)
He seemed as happy as Espernza was irritable.(73p)
*pepino =cucumber
*chile = chili
*dawn 분명해지다, 이해되기 시작하다, 밝다[시작되다], 새벽[여명]
*una = one
*palanca = influence
It dawned on her that even though Miguel was a servant, Papa may have thought of him as the son he never had.(75p)
I hear that in the United States, you do not need una palanca. That even the poorest man can become rich if he works hard enough."(75p)
2. 게시물 숙제로 Esperanza Rising를 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어 5개 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
I could tell no one about your departure.(58p)
The men and women dressed in their hats and fancy clothes smiled and chuckled at what must have looked like a doting father and two priviledged children.(64p)
The wagon jostled them now as it hit a hole in the road.(65p)
That was simply the way it was.(66p)
As difficult as it is to accept, our lives are different now.(70p)
It dawned on her that even though Miguel was a servant, Papa may have thought of him as the son he never had.(75p)
*renegade [ˈrenɪɡeɪd] 변절자, 탈당자; 배교자, 이탈자 (=outlaw)
*doting 맹목적으로 사랑하는, 애지중지하는
*jostle [ˈdʒɑːsl] (많은 사람들 사이에서) 거칠게 밀치다[떠밀다]
*thicket [ˈθɪkɪt] 덤불, 잡목 숲, 복잡하게 뒤얽힌 것
*hide in a thicket 풀숲에 숨다
*alms [ɑːmz] 구호금[품]
*shrine [ʃraɪn] 성지(聖地), 성지(와 같은 곳)
*prickly[ˈprɪkli](감촉이) 꺼끌꺼끌한, 쉽게 발끈 하는 (=touchy)
*scorn [skɔːn] 경멸[멸시]하다, (멸시하여) 거절하다[퇴짜 놓다]
*trough [trɔːf] 구유, 여물통
*dawn 분명해지다, 이해되기 시작하다
한 주를 마무리하며 북클럽하며 알게 된 어휘를 정리해보는 시간을 가져주세요.
이번 주도 모두 수고많으셨습니다.