+) encroach on another’s rights 남의 권리를 침해하다 +) encroach upon another’s land 남의 토지에 침입하다
+) I won’t encroach on your time any longer. 당신의 시간을 더 이상 빼앗고 싶지 않아요. +) He never allows work to encroach upon his family life. 그는 일 때문에 가정생활이 침해받는 일은 절대 없게 한다.
Esperanza could tell that Mama was uneasy with their constant presence.(29p)
"Ramona, grieving does not suit you. I hope you will not wear black all year!"(29p)
*composure [kəm|poʊʒər] 마음의) 평정, 침착, 냉정, 자제 +) to keep/lose/recover/regain your composure 마음의 평정을 잃지 않다/잃다/되찾다/되찾다 +) He's having composure again. 평정심을 되찾고 있습니다. +) I want to have great self-composure like my friend. 나는 내 친구처럼 평온함이 많았으면 좋겠다.
*strew[struː] 흩다, 흩뿌리다 (=scatter), 흩어지다, 흩뿌려져 있다 +) strew-strewed-strewn
Her uncles' papers were strewn across the desk.(30p)
*indignation [ˌɪndɪɡˈneɪʃn] 분개, 분노, 분함
+)indignant [ɪnˈdɪɡnənt] 분개한, 분해 하는
+) He was fuming with indignation. 그는 분이 나서 씩씩대고 있었다. +) He could scarcely keep in his indignation. 그는 분노를 감추기 어려웠다. +) The rise in train fares has aroused public indignation. 기차 요금 인상은 대중의 분개를 불러일으켰다.
As you know, it is not customary to leave land to women and since Luis was the banker on the loan, Sixto left the land to him.(30p)
"Which makes things rather awkward," said Tio Luis.(31p)
And the house... it is worth twenty times this much!(31p)
*predict 예측[예견]하다 (=forecast)
"I predicted you would say no, Ramona,"said Tio Luis.(32p)
*now or ever 지금이 아니면 절대 못한다, 지금이 유일한 기회이다
"I have no desire to marry you, Tio Luis, now or ever. Frankly, your offer offends me."(32p)
"You must keep in mind that this house and those grapes are on my property. I can make things difficult for you. Very difficult. I will let you sleep on decision, for it is more than generous."(32p)
*keep in mind 명심하다
+) Please keep in mind what I said. 내가 말한 것을 기억하세요.