★매직북클럽 Wonder 읽기 방법
★한달에 영어원서 한 권 읽기 Wonder Day 17(250-267p/ ebook 167-176p)
1. 게시물 숙제로 단어와 영어 구문 최소 10개이상, 좋았던 문장이나 기억하고 싶은 문장을 최소 3문장 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
*be known for ~로 알려져 있다(252p)
-'be known for'가 들어간 다양한 문장으로 익혀봅니다.
*live down 과거의 죄와 오명 등을 오랜 세월을 통해 씻다/잊자, (나쁜 기억 등을) 살아가면서 잊어버리다
My point is that in the middle school you kind of get known for what you're into, and you have to be careful about stuff like that. Like Max G and Max W will never live down their Dungeons & Dragons obsession.(252p)
+) I’ll never live it down!
난 그걸(오명, 잘못, 실수, 등) 평생 씻지/지워버리지 못 할거야!
+) That's a lot to live down for just one evening.
단 하루 밤에 용서받기에는 너무 많은 일을 저질렀어.
*ease out 벗어나게 하다, ~를 (~에서) 물러나게 만들다[몰아내다]
- gradually exclude someone from a post
So I was ease out of the whole Star Wars thing a bit.(252p)
She stuck Baboo deep inside the bag and then stuffed the last of my T-shirts on top of him.(253p)
*Three days and two nights.(253p) 2박 3일
+) My family and I went to Jeju Island for three days and two nights.
가족과 함께 2박 3일 동안 제주도에 다녀왔습니다.
-2박 3일, 3박 4일 등등 영어로 알아두면 유용하게 쓸 수 있어요.
*ages ago 옛날에, 옛날 옛적에
"Oh, I took that down ages ago," I answered.(254p)
+) It seems like ages ago, but it was only a month ago.
엄청 오래 전 같은데 한 달 밖에 안됐죠.
+) Oh, I gave up trying to park on the street ages ago.
맞아요. 난 길에 주차하는 거 예전에 포기했어요.
*compartment (가구 등의 물건 보관용) 칸, (기차 안의 칸막이를 한) 객실
It's right here in the front compartment."(254p)
I put the rain poncho in the front compartment, too.(254p)
*electrocute [ɪˈlektrəkjuːt] 감전사고를 입히다, 감전사 시키다
"Would I get electrocuted?"(254p)
*be in hot water 곤경, 말썽, 걱정거리에 처하다
=be in the hot seat 매우 어려운 입장에서, 곤경에 빠져
*cost a fortune 엄청나게 비싸다, 거금을 쓰다
=cost an arm and a leg 엄청 비싸다(팔다리를 대가로 치르다)
No, but you'd be in real hot water with Daddy because those things cost a fortune!" she laughed.(254p)
+) This wedding must have cost a fortune.
이 결혼식에 돈이 많이 들었음에 틀림없다.
+) Good food need not cost a fortune.
좋은 식품이라고 꼭 엄청나게 많은 돈이 드는 것은 아니다.
*salute [səˈluːt] (특히 군인이) 경례[거수경례]를 하다, 절하다, 거수 경례
"Aye, aye, sir," I said, saluting.(254p)
*incantation[ˌɪnkænˈteɪʃn] (마술을 걸기 위한) 주문[주문을 외기]
+) make an incantation 주문을 외우다
*daybreak 새벽, 동틀 녘 (=dawn)
it just filled me up with nice feelings inside.(256p)
*fish (속에 있던 것을) pull, take out, (말·이야기 등을) bring up, raise
I opened it up and fished inside until I found what I was looking for.(256p)
Dear Mom, I won't need Baboo, but if you miss me, you can cuddle with him yourself. xo Auggie
-Auggie는 스윗한 아들이에요.
i fish a dollar out of my pocket and watch him cross the street to the grocery store on the corner.(196, 197p)
there's an awkward silence and then she starts fishing through her bag and pulls out ehr wallet.(201p)
*goof off 빈둥거리다, 장난치다, 미적거리다, 농땡이부리다
-to waste time when you should be working
Since it rained for the rest of the day, we spent most of the afternoon goofing off in the rec room.(258p)
No goofing off.(매직트리하우스 8-3/24p) 장난그만쳐 !
“You shouldn’t have been goofing off,” said Annie wisely.(매직트리하우스 8-4/29p)
“You goofed off first,” said Jack.(매직트리하우스 8-4/29p)
*spritz [sprɪts] (아주 작은 물방울 등을) 뿌리다
But luckily I had spritzed myself before I left the cabin, and I wasn't eaten alive like some of the other kids were.(258p)
-엄마 말씀 들으면 자다가도 떡이 생깁니다. 잘했어, Auggie.
*hit the pillow 베개에 머리가 닿자마자, 눕자마자
*as 형 as: (비교대상)만큼 ~ 한
I fell asleep almost as fast as my head hit the pillow.(258p)
The next day was just as great as the first day.(259p)
*fairground 축제 마당[풍물 장터](가 벌어지는 장소), 품평회장, 박람회장
*rappel[ræˈpel] = abseil[ˈæbseɪl] 암벽 등에서) 자일을 타고 내려가다[현수하강하다]
*ginormous [dʒaɪ|nɔːrməs] 어마어마하게 큰
We went horseback riding in the morning, and in the afternoon we rappelled up some ginormous trees with the help of the nature guides.(259p)
*lay (특히 살며시 조심스럽게) 놓다[두다] <lay-laid-laid>
*lay out ~을 펼치다
Because we were the first school to arrive, we got to run around the field all we wanted until the teachers told us it was time to lay out our sleeping bags on the ground and get to good viewing seats. We unzipped our bags and laid them down like picnic blankets on the grass in front of the giant movie screen in the middle of the field.(259, 260p)
*concession stand[shop] 구내 매장[매점]
*go around (소문이) 돌다, (전염병이) 유행하다
*the jock and the brainiac 운동짱과 공부짱
*brainiac [ˈbreɪniæk] 머리가 비상한 사람
That was the big gossip that went around: the jock and the brainiac.(260p)
There's stomach bug going around.(79p)
*litter 쓰레기(공공장소에 버려진 휴지깡통병 같은 것들), 어질러져 있는 것들
*keep in mind 명심하다/ 새겨듣다/ 염두에 두다
We ask that you leave no litter behind.(261p)
We ask that you keep that in mind as you walk around the grounds.(261p)
-공공장소에서 해야 할 일들 영어로도 잘 배워봅니다.
오늘의 영어! 듣는 둥 마는 둥 vs. 새겨듣다, 명심하다 영어로
오늘의 영어! 듣는 둥 마는 둥 vs. 새겨듣다, 명심하다 영어로
말을 하면 제발 좀! 듣는 둥 마는 둥, 한 귀로 듣고 한 귀로 흘리지 말고 잘 새겨들으면 좋겠어요. 사실 엄마로서, 아내인 입장에서 사소한 일들로 흔히 좋은 습관 길러준다는 명목으로 잔소리(nag
*courteous [|kɜːrtiəs] 공손한, 정중한 (↔discourteous)
Even if you don't feel like watching the movie, your fellow students may feel otherwise, so please be courteous: no talking, no playing music, no running around.(261p)
*hopscotch (여기저기 사방으로) 뛰어다니다, 사방치기 놀이
*lie[laɪ] ( Present participle: lying lying ) 누워 있다, 눕다 <lie-lay-lain>
*lie down 누워 있다
We both got up and kind of hopscotched over the kids who were sitting or lying down on the sleeping bags.(263p)
*firecracker 폭죽
*cut somebody off 중단시키다, 방해하다, 끊다, 단절시키다
"Wait wait wait!" yelled the guy with the flashlight, cutting us off.(265p)
Again we tried to walk away from them, and again the kid named Eddie cut us off.(266p)
He was at least a head taller than Jack, who was about a head taller than me, so the guy looked huge to me.(266p)
*out of the blue 갑자기, 마른 하늘에 날벼락
*fall flat on one's back 뒤로 자빠지다
Then out of the blue, the Eddie guy grabbed my hood as I passed by him, yanking it really hard so I was pulled backwward and fell flat on my back.(267p)
+) all flat on your face 앞으로 넘어지다[엎어지다]
*ram (가끔은 일부러, 다른 차량선박 등을) 들이받다
*ram into ~을 들이받다
I couldn't really see what happened afterward, except that Amos rammed into the Eddie guy like a monster truck and they both feel down to the ground next to me.(267p)
I kind of panicked a bit.
I don't want that to be what I am known for.
I opened it up and fished inside until I found what I was looking for.
Dear Mom, I won't need Baboo, but if you miss me, you can cuddle with him yourself. XO Auggie.
I got totally pumped because dealng with Julian for three days in a row.
There was a slight fog, too, like a pale blue smoke all around us.
We spent most of the afternoon goofing off in the rec room.
I looked down, and my sweatshirt was completely torn down the middle.
Wonder 매직북클럽 영어원서 읽기 챌린지 Day 17
Wonder 매직북클럽 영어원서 읽기 챌린지 Day 17-1/24(화)
★한달에 영어원서 한 권 읽기 1월의 책 Wonder Day 17(250-267p) 1. 영어발음 공부 again (261, 265, 266p) again 미국식영어발음 어게인 억셉트 인스타그램 미국식영어발음 발음지우개 2강 again의 미국식 영어
2. Wonder을 낭독하여 녹음하셔도 좋고, 단어나 문장을 반복해서 읽어도 좋습니다. 카톡 보이스 기능을 이용해서 5분간 녹음해서 매직북클럽방에 올려주세요.