
★한 달에 영어원서 한 권 읽기 Wonder 다시읽기 Day15(220-234p/ ebook 147-155p)

★매직북클럽 Wonder 읽기 방법 


1. 게시물 숙제로 단어와 영어 구문 최소 10개이상, 좋았던 문장이나 기억하고 싶은 문장을 최소 3문장 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요. 

Not everything in the world is about you, Auggie!(220p)

*whimper 훌쩍이다, 훌쩍이며 말하다, (사람이) 훌쩍거림, (동물이) 낑낑거림

She just started whimpering all of a sudden, said Via, kneeling down next to Mom.(220p)

My cell phone's on if you need anything.(221p)

I don't think I've ever seen her look sadder.(221p)

+) bite-bit-bitten


Somehow that fight didn't matter much now.(224p)

*nip  (재빨리) 꼬집다[물다], 할퀴고 가다, (재빨리 작게) 물기[꼬집기]

It was just a nip.(224p)

It was only a nip.(226p)


They just feel it. You don't need your eyes to love, right? You just feel it inside you. That's how it is in heaven. It's just love, and no one forgets who they love.(227p)


*over ~하는 동안에 / ~하면서 

We never mentioned the figt we had over dinner again.(228p)

+) Let's talk about this over lunch.= Let's discuss this over lunch. 점심 먹으면서 얘기하자.
+) Let's talk more over lunch. 점심 먹으면서 더 얘기해요.


Why don't we talk about this over lunch?
Why don't we talk about this over dinner?
Why don't we talk about this over coffee?
Why don't we talk about this over a drink? 


*come in handy 쓸모가 있다[도움이 되다], 효용이 있다 

In situations like these, baseball caps come in really handy.(228p)

+) Don’t throw that away—it might come in handy.  
    그거 버리지 마. 쓸모가 있을지도 몰라.

+) That will come in handy later on.

   그건 나중에 유용해질 거야. 


"Speak now or forever hold your peace," said Dad.(228p)

*understudy 대역 (배우), (특정 역할 배우의) 대역 준비를 하다[대역을 하다]

"Why do they call her an understudy? I asked.(229p)

"Why do they call it understudy?" I repeated. 


"It's what they call someone who replaces an actor if he can't perform for some reason,"answered Mom.
"Maybe because the actors kind of study under the main actors or something? I really don't know.(229p)


*latitude [|lætɪtuːd] 위도

*longitude [|lɑːndʒətuːd] 경도


Mom totally lost it when Via-as-Emily said:

*rise to their feet 벌떡 일어서다

+) rise-rose-risen

Via and Justing were the last ones out, and when they appeared, the whole audience rose to their feet.(231p)

*ovation [oʊ|veɪʃn] (열렬한) 박수

*a standing ovation 기립 박수[갈채]

*get a standing ovation 기립박수를 받다

"It's a standing ovation," said Mom, getting up.(231p)

*suffocate [ˈsʌfəkeɪt]  질식사하다, 질식사하게 하다, (날씨가) 숨 막히게 덥다


She was hugging Via so hard I thought Via would suffocate, but Via was laughing.(231p)


*step in (합의 도출·문제 해결을 위해) 돕고 나서다[개입하다]

"And you just stepped in there right at the last minute? said Dad.(232p)

*not a dry eye in the house 울지[가슴이 뭉클해지지] 않는 사람이 하나도 없는

There wasn't a dry eye in the house, said Dad.(232p) 


*flub 망치다, 실수하다

I flubbed a couple of lines,"said Via, shaking her head.(233p)

+) She flubbed the first line of the song.  
    그녀가 그 노래의 첫 소절을 망쳤다.
+) Most people would say he flubbed it.  
    대부분 사람들은 그가 그것을 망쳤다고 말한다.


*get through 어떤 일을 다 끝내다, 완수하다

*smile ear to ear 입이 귀에 걸릴만큼 웃다

But you get through it, said the man, smiling ear to ear.(233p)

get through, go through 완전 정복하기


폼나는 영어 구동사 get through, go through 완전 정복하기

오늘은 원어민은 매일 사용하지만 우리는 잘 사용하지 못하는 필수 구동사인 be through, get through, go through를 배워봅니다. 이 구동사들은 원어민들과 대화시 거의 매일 듣게 되는 구동사들인데요.



Via was about to say something to me, but then someone elase came over and started talking to her, and before I knew it, I was kind of alone in the crowd.(233p)

"Miranda!" I answered, and I gave her the tightset hug I could give.(234p)


Mom과 Via의 다툼,

그리고 Daisy의 죽음,

Miranda의 대역인 Via가 Justin과 함께 연극의 주연을 맡게 됩니다. 

감동적인 결말로 성황리에 연극을 마칩니다. 


I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.(231p)

세상 모든 사람들이 살면서 적어도 한 번은 기립박수를 받아야 하는 규칙이 있으면 좋겠다고 말하는 Auggie

그 마음이 참 예뻐요. 


She just started whimpering all of sudden and Via, kneeling down next to Mom.
I think it might be time we say goodbye to Daisy, Auggie.
My cell phone’s on if you need anything.
It was just a nip. It was only a nip.
She wasn’t in any pain at all.
It was the quietest crying I’ve ever heard.
I woke up later on and it was still dark.
We never mentioned the fight we had over dinner again.
She is flaky that way.
Speak now or forever hold your peace.
Why do they call it understudy?
And you just stepped in there right at the last minute? said Dad.
It’s a standing ovation.
I gave her the tightest hug I could give.


2. Wonder을 낭독하여 녹음하셔도 좋고, 단어나 문장을 반복해서 읽어도 좋습니다. 카톡 보이스 기능을 이용해서 5분간 녹음해서 매직북클럽방에 올려주세요. 


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