
스크립트를 제공하는 추천 팟캐스트로 영어회화 공부하기(NPR Podcast)

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NPR Podcast: Life Kit

Biology's A B*tch: 5 Reasons It's So Hard To Keep Weight Off

pexels 이미지



Day 1

*단어구문 정리

right up one’s alley ~에게 딱 어울리는
vice 나쁜 습관, 타락행위, 약점
epitome 완벽한 (본)보기, 전형
mesh with ~에 맞물리다
counterintuitive 반직관적인, 직관에 어긋나는
overarching (많은 것에 관련되므로) 대단히 중요한 
overarch ~의 위에 아치를 만들다, 지배하다
patriarchy 가부장제 (사회·국가) 
across the board 전반에 걸쳐
thermic 열의, 열에 의한

thermic effect 보온효과
have to do with ~와 관계가 있다
in some sense 어떤 의미에서는, 어느 정도 까지는
proportional (~에) 비례하는
willpower 의지력


*문장정리 해석


This is right up your alley. 너한테 딱이야.  취향이야.  스타일이야.

No matter who they train with, their lives will be changed forever.
그들이 누구와 함께 훈련하든 그들의 삶은 영원히 바뀔꺼예요.

They went on really restrictive diets and took up hardcore exercise routines.

그들은 정말 엄격한 다이어트를 했고, 극한의 운동 루틴을 택했어요. 
Now, a lot of people think this show was the epitome of everything that's wrong with diet culture.

많은 사람들은 쇼가 모든 다이어트 문화의 잘못된 전형이었다고 생각합니다.
The thing that kind of caught my attention was the fact that these people were losing so much weight so quickly, and that didn't mesh with what I knew about weight loss and how difficult it is. 관심을 끌었던 것은 사람들이 너무 많은 살을 너무 빨리 빼고 있다는 사실이었죠. 그리고 그것은 제가 알고 있는 체중 감량에 대한 것과 그것이 얼마나 어려운지에 대한 것과 일치하지 않는다는 것이었습니다.

I think no piece of research has personally depressed me more than this from you.

개인적으로 이렇게 저를 우울하게 만든 연구는 없었던 같아요

That may sound counterintuitive. 우리 예상과는 정반대로 들릴  있지요.

It's all a part of the complex biology that comes into play when we lose weight.
 이것은 모두 우리가 살을   발생하는 복잡한 생물학의 일부예요.
So let's just get right to it. Think of this as the overarching message of this episode.

, 이제 바로 시작해보죠. 이것을 에피소드의 가장 중요한 메시지라고 생각해보세요.
We convert those nutrients to energy, which drive all of the biological processes inside our bodies.

우리는 영양분들을 에너지로 변환시키고, 그것은 우리 안의 모든 생물학적 과정들을 움직이게 하죠.
As unfair as that sounds, it's primarily related to our body composition, and in other words, men have more lean tissue than women for the same body weight. 불공평하게 들리겠지만, 그것은 주로 우리의 신체 구성과 관련이 있습니다. 다시 말해, 같은 체중에 대해 남성이 여성보다 많은 얇은 조직을 가지고 있습니다.

Hopefully, it'll make you think a little more kindly about your own body.
바라건데, 그것이 당신의 몸에 좀더 유익하다고 생각하게 할겁니다.
So let's just get right to it. , 이제 바로 시작해보죠.
Part of it has to do with how much lean muscle mass you have versus fat on your body. 
그것의 일부는 당신의 몸에 지방과 비교하여 얼마나 희박한 근육량을 가지고 있는지와 관계가 있어요.
The trick here is that calorie burn is, in some sense, proportional to your body weight. 
칼로리를 태우는 요령은 어떤 의미에서 당신의 몸무게에 비례한다는 겁니다.

So the heavier you are, the more calories it costs to move around and the more calories it costs to kind of basically maintain that body at rest.그래서 여러분이 무거울수록, 움직이는   많은 칼로리가 소모되고, 기본적으로 몸을 안정시키는   많은 칼로리가 소모됩니다.
So in that sense, it doesn't matter how much willpower you have.
그런 면에서, 당신이 얼마나 많은 의지력을 가지고 있는지는 중요하지 않아요.

Your body will try to pull you back up to that higher weight because that's what it's used to.

여러분의 몸은 당신을 높은 체중으로 끌어올리려고 것입니다. 왜냐하면 그것은 당신의 몸이 예전부터 그랬기 때문이죠.



Day 2

*단어구문 정리


snap back (용수철 따위가) 튀어 돌아오다, ( 따위에서) 빨리 회복하다
crash diet 속성 다이어트
get in the way (sth) 방해하다, 방해되다
long haul 많은 시간과 노력이 드는
haul (아주 힘들여) 끌다, (몸을) 간신히 움직이다
grit one’s teeth (포기하지 않기 위해) 이를 악물다
sustainable 오랫동안 지속[유지] 가능한
leptin 렙틴 ((체내 지방 용해 물질))
deficit 부족액, 결손
bloodstream 혈류, 혈액 순환
hyperaware 과민하게 의식하는
acutely 강렬히, 절실히
bearer 나르는 사람, 운반인, 전달자
diabolical 사악한, 악마 같은
glutton 대식가, 식충이
crash on the couch 소파에서 자다
hunter-gatherer tribe 수렵 채집 부족
sedentary 주로 앉아서 지내는, 몸을 많이 움직이지 않는
day-to-day activity 일상적인 활동
expenditure 지출; 비용, 경비 / (에너지·시간 등의) 소비[소모]
constrain ~하게 만들다[강요하다], 제한[제약]하다
way out of ~에서 벗어나다, ~에서 멀리 떨어져

get in the way (of something): 방해되다, 방해하다
ake back control: 주도권을 되찾다


*문장정리 해석


The more that you pull on that ball, the more it pulls back on you.

공을 많이 잡아당길수록, 반대로 당신을 뒤에서  많이 끌어당기죠.
And it's really easy for that spring to snap back in your face.

그리고 스프링이 다시 당신의 얼굴로 튀어 오르긴 정말 쉬워요.

Make changes you actually like and aren't just gritting your teeth through. 

 악물고 견뎌야 되는  말고 좋아하는 걸로요.

Basically, leptin is the messenger to the brain telling it when to eat and when to stop eating.
기본적으로 렙틴은 언제 먹고 언제 먹는 것을 멈출지 뇌에 말해주는 메신저애요
When people lose weight, their appetite does go up. 
사람들이 살이 빠질때, 그들의 식욕은 올라가요
Food tastes sweeter, food tastes better to you than it did before. 
The hungrier you are, the more tasty the food is. 
당신이  배고플수록 음식 맛은  좋죠

Basically, leptin is the messenger to the brain telling it when to eat and when to stop eating.
기본적으로 렙틴은 언제 먹고 언제 먹는 것을 멈출지 뇌에 말해주는 메신저애요

Hunger is the best sauce. 시장이 반찬이다. I am starving to death!
So it seems like we become hyperaware of food cues and our taste sensitivity becomes more acutely responsive. 그래서 우리는 음식의 신호를 지나치게 인식하게 되고 미각 민감성은 더욱 예민하게 반응하게 되는 같아요.
The hungrier you are, the more tasty the food is.

배고플수록 음식은 맛있죠
And I am sorry to be the bearer of this news, but the hormones in your brain are conspiring to make you hungrier when you lose weight - which is just diabolical, but also, give yourself a break. 그리고 이런 소식을 전하게 되어 유감이지만 당신 뇌의 호르몬은 당신이 살을 배고프게 만들려고 음모를 꾸미고 있답니다. 이것은 정말 끔찍하지만, 사실 당신 스스로에게 휴식을 주는 것이기도 해요.
You are not a glutton. This is not a moral failing - it's just hormones.

당신은 식탐꾼이 아니에요. 이건 도덕적 결함이 아니라 단지 호르몬( 장난)이죠
You crash on the couch earlier than you normally would have or something like that.

보통때보다 소파에 일찍 주저 앉는다거나 그런식으로요
So don't think you can exercise your way out of a bad diet.

그러니 운동으로 나쁜 다이어트를 벗어날 있다고 생각하지 마세요.

Make changes that you can live with for the long haul!

장기적으로 끌고 갈만한 시도해보세요.
Make changes you actually like and aren't just gritting your teeth through.

악물고 견뎌야 되는 말고 좋아하는 걸로요..
There are lots of different hormones at play when it comes to hunger, but let's focus on one called leptin. 공복에 작용하는 호르몬이 여러가지 있지만 여기선 렙틴이라 말하는 한가지에 중점을 둡시다.
The hormones in your brain are conspiring to make you hungrier when you lose weight - which is just diabolical. 살이 빠지면 배고파 지도록 호르몬들이 뇌에서 작당을 하지요. 짖궂죠.
For me, knowing the science is actually kind of empowering.

과학을 이해한다는 자신이 강해지고 당당해 지는 거에요.
I don't feel like I'm failing. 실패자란 생각 들거든요.

And indeed, they move around a lot more than the average sort of Westerner who lives in their sort of sedentary environment and office - for example, office-type work. 
진짜로, 그들은 사무직에 종사하는 사람들 같이 하루종일 앉아서 근무하는 환경에서 사는 평균적인 서양사람들 보다 훨씬  많이 움직여요.

 And so that led to this notion that energy expenditure is, in some sense, constrained, and so that if you do become very, very physically active, perhaps - and, again, this is just a theory at this point - perhaps your resting metabolic rate might slow down to compensate.
그래서 그것이 에너지 소비라는 개념으로 이끌었는데 어떤 면에서는 제약이 있어요, 그래서 만약 당신이 신체적으로 아주 많이 활동적이라면 아마도 이것은 보충하기 위해  다시 휴식중 신진대사율을 느리게 만든다는 그런 이론이에요.


Day 3

*단어구문 정리


keep off 멀리하다, 피하다, 막다
physiology standpoint 생리학적 관점
flip-flop (태도가)변하다
adherence 고수, 집착
notoriously 악명높게, 어리석게도
hit the gym 헬스장에 가다

+)hit the books 책을 보다
+)hit the road 출발하다, 길을 나서다, 여행을 떠나다
+)hit the hoops 농구를 하다
+)hit the bed/hay/sack 잠자리에 들다
depict 그리다, 묘사하다
depicted on ~ 묘사된, ~ 그려진
Incorporating 포함하다, 설립하다
incorporated into 결합하다
unattainable 도달 불가능한
per se (라틴어에서) 자체가, 자체로는
rejoice 크게 기뻐하다


*문장정리 해석


Go running because you like running and because it has independent health benefits, regardless of weight. 

Trust me, I've been there in the past. 

절 믿어보세요, 저도 예전에 그랬던 있거든요. 상황 겪어봤어요.
Yeah, I've been there many times.
I've been there myself. Been there. Done that. 
They're the people that we used to think were very rare but are definitely out there.

드물 같지만 그런 사람들이 정말 존재해요우리가 거의 드물다고 생각했던 사람들이지만 분명히 존재해요.
Exercise seems to play a really big role in maintaining weight.
Exercise seems to play a very different role when it comes to weight maintenance.
Exercise is what helped keep it off. It now flip-flops, and it becomes the most important thing.

운동이 그걸 막아내는 공신이었다면 이젠 180 바뀐겁니다. 아주 중요한 존재가 되죠.

They probably just don't realize it because research shows that people are notoriously bad at trying to count calories. 그들은 아마도 단지 깨닫지 못한다, 왜냐하면 조사에서 사람들은 칼로리를 계산하는데에 아주 형편없다는 것을 보여주기 때문이죠. 
They weren't necessarily hitting the gym really hard, though.

사실 그렇게 열심히 운동하러 필요 없었지만요.

It's not specifically one activity that's associated with success.

한가지 활동이 성공으로 연관된 게 아니라는거죠. 

I think, more than anything, it's the volume of activity. 

다른  무엇보다도 그것은 활동량이 관건이라는 생각입니다. 

It's about integrating exercise into your daily life.
그것은 운동을 당신의 일상생활에 통합시키는 거예요.
It was differences in physical activity that were the best predictor of who was able to successfully maintain weight loss over time. 누가 시간 경과에 따라 체중 감량을 성공적으로 유지할  있었는지를 가장  예측할  있었던 것은 신체활동의 차이였어요. 

All right, I know, I just told you that exercise has little effect on weight loss, but it seems to play a very different role when it comes to weight maintenance. 맞아요 나도 알아서 나는 방금 살빼는 것에 운동이 거의 영향이 없다고 말했어요 그런데 체중을 유지함에 있어서 그것은 다른 역할을 하는  같아요
In other words, the people who did the best at keeping weight off were also the ones who exercised the most. 다른 말로하면, 체중 유지에 있어서 최고였던 사람들은 최고로 운동을 많이한 사람들이였죠

The point is that you can win that battle as long as you can enjoy and sustain those behavior changes. 일련의 행동 변화를 즐기고 계속 해나갈 있다면 승리할 있다는 것이 핵심입니다.

And if you do want to try to lose weight, maybe rethink what your end goal is. 
그리고 만약 당신이 체중을 줄이고 싶으면 당신의 최종 목표가 무엇인지 다시 생각해봐요

Instead of trying to look like some unattainable magazine cover, perhaps just focus on changes that make you feel healthier. 잡지 표지같은 실현불가능한 모습을 되려고 애쓰는 대신에 뭔가 당신을  건강하게 하는 변화에 초점을 맞추세요.

You want to make changes that you can stick to over the long haul.
당신이 오랜기간동안 지킬수 있는 변화를 만들길 바래요.

NPR Podcast 대본

Biology&rsquo;s A B_tch_ 5reasons It&rsquo;s So Hard To Keep Weight Off.docx



[NPR Podcast 원문기사] 보러가기


Biology's A B*tch: 5 Reasons It's So Hard To Keep Weight Off

When we shed pounds, we trigger biological mechanisms that make it hard to keep the weight off. Understanding these systems might help you be kinder to your body.



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