2.A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 알게된영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.
Shy about meeting strangers, Nya hung back.(51p)
*hang back 뒤로 물러나다, 망설이다-둘다 가능한 해석
낯선 사람들을 만나는 것에 부끄러움을 느껴서, Nya는 뒤로 물러났다/ Nya가 이방인을 만나기를 꺼려서 망설이고 있다.
"Something about water," Dep replied.
Anyone could have told them that.(51p)
-'could have p.p'는 가능성이나 우연성을 말하며, 과거에 일어난 상황에서 발생할 수 있었지만 실제로는 일어나지 않았던 사건이나 상황을 나타냅니다. +)I could have gone to the party last night, but I was too tired.
어젯밤 파티에 갈 수 있었는데 너무 피곤했다. +)He could have passed the test if he had studied harder.
그가 더 열심히 공부했다면 시험에 합격할 수 있었을 거야. +)They could have won the game if they had played better.
그들이 더 잘 뛰었다면 게임에 이길 수 있었을 것이다.
Salva had never seen anything like the desert.
But here in the desert, nothing green could survive except tiny evergreen acacia bushes, which somehow endured the long winter months with almost no water.(52p)
*somehow 왜 그런지 모르겠지만, 왠지, 어떻게든
Salva's shoes stood no chance against the hot stony desert ground. The soles, made from rubber tire treads, had already been reduced to shreds held together with a little leather and a great deal of hope. After a few minutes, Salva had to kick off the flapping shreds and continue barefoot.(52p)
*stand 참다, 견디다
*tread (타이어의) 접지면, (발을) 디디다, 밟다
*hold together 모이다, 뭉치다, 맞잡다, 하나가 되다
*deal 많은, 많이, 거래(서), (사업상의) 합의, 거래를 하다'
*a great deal of 다량의(a lot of), 많은
*a great deal of hope 많은 희망
+)Now we have a great deal of hope. 지금 우리는 큰 희망을 가지고 있다. +)A very exciting one, and despite the doom and gloom, I do see a great deal of hope. 절망과 침울한 상황임에도 불구하고 매우 흥미로운 건 나에겐 많은 희망이 보인다는거다.
*kick off 걷어차다, 벗어던지다
*flap 펄럭[퍼덕]거림, 펄럭거리다
*relentless 수그러들지 않는, 끈질긴 (=unrelenting), 가차 없는
*eternal 영원한, 끊임없는 (=constant)
*whiff (잠깐 동안) 훅 끼치는[풍기는] 냄새, (약간의) 조짐[느낌]
*arid[ˈærɪd]매우 건조한, 무미건조한, 새로운[흥미로운] 게 없는
Even breathing became an effort: Every breath Salva took seemed to drain strength rather than restore it.(52p)
Thorns gored his feet.
It was the hardest thing Salva had ever done, taking only tiny sips when his body cried out for huge gulps of thirst-quenching, life-giving water.(52,53p)
*gore[ɡɔː(r)] 찌르다, 받다, 옆구리를 들이받다, 피, 핏덩이
*parched 몹시 목마른, 몹시 건조한[바싹 말라 버린]
*quench[kwentʃ](갈증을) 풀다, (타는 불을) 끄다 (=extinguish)
*thirst-quenching 갈증을 해소하는
*life-giving 생명[생기]을 주는, 살아 있게 하는 *life-giving water 생명수
The worst moment of the day happened near the end.(53p)
Salva tried to bite his lip, but the awfulness of that never-ending day was too much for him.
He had to slow down, and for the first time on the long journey, he began to lag behind the group. Stumbling about blindly, he did not notice the group drawing farther and farther ahead of him.(53p)
Then he caught up with the group, determined not to lag behind, not to complain, not to be any trouble to anyone.(22p)
As if by magic, Uncle was suddenly at his side.
"Do you see that group of bushes?"
"You need only to walk as far as those bushes. Can you do that, Salva Mawien Dut Ariik?"(53p)
*as if by magic 신기하게도; 마법같이, 마치 마술이라도 부린 듯
*tamarind [ˈtæmərɪnd] 타마린드(콩과의 상록 교목)
Uncle continued in this way for the rest of the walk. Each time, he spoke to Salve using his full name. Each time, Salva would think of his family and his village, and he was somehow able to keep his wounded feet moving forward, one painful step at a time.(54p)
*at a time 한번에, 따로따로
+)One step at a time. 차근차근 해보자, 그렇게 조금씩
+)He jumped up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. 그는 한 번에 두 칸씩 계단을 뛰어 올라갔다
*somehow 왜 그런지 모르겠지만, 왠지, 어떻게든
The next day was a precise copy of the one before: the sun and the heat and, worst of all to Salva's mind, a landscape that was utterly unchanged. There was not a thing to indicate that the group was making any progress at all across the desert. Salva felt as if he had walked for hours while staying in exactly the same place.(54p)
The fierce heat sent up shimmering waves that made everything look wobbly.(55p)
Salva's group drew nearer.
*draw 끌다, 당기다; 끌기, 비김, 무승부, 제비
*draw nearer[closer] = come nearer[closer] 가까이 오다, 다가오다
결국 그룹의 일행이 쓰러지기 시작합니다.
"If you give them your water, you will not have enough for yourself!"
"It is useless - they will die, and you will die with them!"(56p)
3. 게시물 숙제로 A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며배운 단어나 구문을 넣어 자신만의 문장을 하나씩 만들어 보세요.
As long as we stay positive and never give up, there is always a great deal of hope.(a great deal of 많은)