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(12월 4일)
NPR Podcast: Life Kit
How White Parents Can Talk To Their Kids About Race
- 이번 자료는 9번, 로벗98님께서 준비해 주셨습니다. 진심으로 감사드립니다 -
Day 5(12월 4일)
*단어구문 정리
* altercation:언쟁,논쟁
* brutality:잔인성,야만성
* unrest:불안
* allyship:the practice of emphasizing social justice, inclusion, and human rights by members of an ingroup, to advance the interests of an oppressed or marginalized outgroup.
* invoke:들먹이다,언급하다
* pervasive:만연하는,스며드는
* explicit:명백한,노골적인
* presume:추정하다,여기다,간주하다
* interracial:다른인종간의
* breed:야기하다
* untrustworthy:신뢰할수없는,믿을수없는
* erode:약화시키다,약화되다,무너지다
pexels 이미지
*문장 정리 해석
But with the recent unrest sparked by anger over police brutality against black men, it got us thinking about the role that white parents could play in talking to their kids about race and about this moment.
And then if I have a friendship across racial lines, if my African colleagues or friends see me be silent because I don’t know what to do, I become untrustworthy, right?
Ifmy 11-year-old, who is white, if I only ever say to her, hey; police are safe, go find on if you’re in trouble.
내 11살짜리아이가있고내가그녀에게 “경찰은안전해, 네가만약문제가있다면경찰을찾아” 라고말했어.
But her African American cousin, who’s 13, is learning really complicated message about the police because his parents have to teach him that, they can be great friends for a while, but eventually, over time, their friendship, in depth of it will erode because she, my white child, will not be able to identify with her African American cousin or her African American friends.
We, all White Americans, have to teach our white kids how to identify with that experience and how to be good friends to black and brown youth as they grow up.
I discuss that with my children by talking with them about how they might end up responding when they have been harmed or in justiceor an unfairness has happened to them and they can’t get heard, right?
And so at this point, because we’ve been having these conversations, my kids are like you know, they’re afraid, of course, and they are hurting watching what’s going on across the country, but they also understand that you know, peaceful protest has not yielded justice for black people or brown people in this country.
I mean, they’re certainly unsettled, and it’s a scary time for everybody, but they at least do appreciate that when you’ve been hurt and harmed and no one is giving justice, that sometimes this is the kind of eruption that happens.
Obviously, for some people who just feel that people of color, black people, in particular, are inferior or are prone to criminality and therefore deserve whatever happens to them, that’s a different mindset,-right?