
NPR Podcast 영어공부 단어정리

tribal 부족[종족]의 일원, 부족의, 종족의

clique 파벌, 패거리

come along 나타나다, 생기다, 도착하다,(원하는대로) 되어가다[나아지다]

feel stuck 막다른 골목에 몰리다, 막힌 기분이 들다

stuck 꼼짝못하는, 갇힌[빠져나갈 수 없는]

be taken over 탈취당하다, 점령당하다

cult 광신적[사이비] 종교 집단

wild story 엉뚱한 이야기, 공상적인 이야기

+) It’s a wild story. 그건 말도 안되는 소리야. 

take hold (…을) 장악하다[사로잡다], 대단히 강력해지다

reassurance 안심시키기, 안심시키는 말이나 행동

hinge on/upon something 전적으로 ~에 달려 있다

Ivermectin 구충약

hydroxychloroquine 말라리아 치료제

all the while 그동안 죽, 내내

give in 항복하다

turn down 거절[거부]하다, 엎어놓다, 약하게 하다

discharge 퇴원 시키다, 해고하다, 떠나는 것을 허락하다 

deteriorate 악화되다, 더 나빠지다

blood clot 혈전

deteriorate 악화되다, 더 나빠지다

suffocate 숨이 막히다, 질식사하다

have had enough (of something/somebody)

1) ~으로 족하다, 충분하다

2) ...은 질색이다, ...은 더 이상 못 참다, (~라면) 진절머리 난다

-긍정과 부정의 의미를 모두 가지고 있음

make peace with ~와 화해하다

wage a war 전쟁을 벌이다

folk 일반적인 사람들



How COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Led To A FAmily Matriachls Preventable Death


Stephanie is one of nearly one million Americans who have died of COVID-19. Her family says Stephanie's death was avoidable, but in recent years, she had been drawn into conspiracy theories.

She believed that the coronavirus was a hoax and refused to get vaccinated. When she got COVID-19 last winter, Stephanie refused treatments and eventually died just a few days after Christmas. 

While there is no way to know exactly how many people like Stephanie have died because they believed conspiracy theories, the Kaiser Family Foundation recently found that more than 200,000 Americans would be alive today, had they had been vaccinated. 


How COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Led To A FAmily Matriachls Preventable Death


How COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Led To A Family Matriarch's Preventable Death : Consider This from NPR

Stephanie is one of nearly one million Americans who have died of COVID-19. Her family says Stephanie's death was avoidable, but in recent years, she had been drawn into conspiracy theories.She believed that the coronavirus was a hoax and refused to get va



팟캐스트 스트립트 

How COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Led To A FAmily Matriachls Preventable Death.docx


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