
NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화

NPR Podcast Life Kit

North American birds are in decline. Here are 8 simple ways you can help


팟캐스트 영어단어 정리

start out (특히 사업·일을) 시작하다, (특정한 의도를 가지고) 시작하다

put up ~을 (높이) 올리다

vegetation (특히 특정 지역·환경의) 초목[식물] 초목, 식물

pane 판유리

Venetian 베니스의, 베네치아의, 베네치아풍의

Venetian blind 베니션 블라인드

ready-made 이미 만들어져 나오는, 기성품의

stoop 현관 입구의 계단

median strip (고속도로의) 중앙 분리대

predator 포식자, 포식동물, 약탈자

미국영어발음꿀팁 64강- 닥터 아니에요! 그때 그때 다른 tor 발음 세가지


미국영어발음꿀팁 64강- 닥터 아니에요! 그때 그때 다른 tor 발음 세가지

 doctor 영어 발음을 '닥터'로 알고 계셨나요? 그렇다면 오늘 미국영어 발음꿀팁에서 제대로 배워 보도록 해요. tor로 끝나는 단어는 tor 앞에 나오는 소리에 따라 세 가지 발음이 납니다. t는 모음


native plant 야생 식물

cavity (어떤 물체 속의) 구멍[빈 부분], (치아에 생긴) 구멍, 와동

tidy 깔끔한, 잘 정돈된

chickadees 박새

nuthatches 조류 동고비

orioles 찌르레기

grosbeaks 조류 콩새류

pastime 취미

forage 먹이를 찾다

breeding season 번식기


The situation sounds pretty dire, but there's plenty we can do to help birds survive – and thrive. 

Help reduce habitat loss and degradation

Habitat loss and degradation are the biggest drivers of the decline in birds. With continuous human population growth and our increased demand on the environment, "It's no surprise ... that there [is] less quality habitat for birds, and [that] some habitats disappearing altogether," Chu says.

There are easy steps you can take to do your part to reduce habitat loss for birds:


  • Grow native plants. Growing native plants will help create habitat for birds. The Audubon Society has a tool where you can discover bird-friendly native plants for your area. 
  • Reduce your use of pesticides. Pesticides can hurt birds in a number of ways, from poisoning them, thinning their egg shells and more. Sara Hallager, who curates birds at the Smithsonian's National Zoo, got her husband to stop using grubacide in her backyard when she realized the robins were "eating all these poisoned grubs in the yard!"

    Try asking an expert at your local garden nursery or home improvement store for less toxic options for lawn maintenance and pest control.
  • Advocate for bird-friendly environmental policies. Chu says another way you can help address habitat loss, with no cost to you, is by advocating for policies that provide funding for environmental protections. She also recommends electing people who prioritize environmental issues.


North American birds are in decline. Here are 8 simple ways you can help


North American birds are in decline. Here are 8 simple ways you can help : Life Kit

Birds are what scientists call "indicator species" – their health helps us understand the health of our environment. In this episode of Life Kit, we get expert tips on how we can help birds survive, and thrive.



팟캐스트 대본

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