미드영어 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4 대본 영어공부 DAY 1
영어회화 미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 15화*joint 식당(좀 더 캐주얼하고 친근한 표현, slang)What's the name of that restaurant you're always talking about that you want to eat at in the city, the French joint?I hear that's the thing to do. 요즘 그게 유행이라던데.+) That's the thing to do these days.*not to mention …은 말할 것도 없고[물론이고], 게다가, 더군다나Not to mention you go there and eat all this amazing food...You gotta sit on the bridge in traff..