

Two indicators: supply chain solutions

Two indicators: supply chain solutions


Two indicators: supply chain solutions : Planet Money

Two stories about people trying to overcome supply chain challenges. We follow a ship that is forced to get creative to bypass clogged ports, and we visit a warehouse that is running out of space. | Subscribe to our weekly newsletter here.



dip below 밑으로 떨어지다

+) Did Ronald Reagan ever dip below 40%? 

로널드 레이건 대통령도 지지율이 40% 아래로 떨어진 적이 있을까요? 

slack 느슨한, 부진한

to begin with 처음에는, 우선, 먼저

to be clear 정확히[분명히] 말하면

pack with ~을 꽉 채우다
claim 주장하다, 요구하다, 청구하다

sit empty 비어있는

keep up (with omething/somebody) (~의 진도·증가 속도 등을) 따라가다

for years 수년간, 몇 해 동안

be known for ~로 알려져 있다

logistics (많은 사람·장비가 동원되는 복잡한 작업의) 실행 계획

exurb 준교외(교외보다 더 떨어진 반전원의 고급 주택지)

align (~에 맞춰) ~을 조정[조절]하다, 나란히[가지런히] 만들다, 일직선으로 하다

align oneself with ~에 맞춰,  ~와 제휴하다, 동맹을 맺다

rise out of 빠져나가다, 벗어나다

alongside ...옆에, 나란히, ...와 함께, ...와 동시에
suburb 교외

scoot 서둘러 가다[떠나다]

impose (새로운 법률·세금 등을) 도입[시행]하다, (힘들거나 불쾌한 것을) 부과하다[지우다], 강요하다
moratorium 지급유예
judicious 신중한, 판단력 있는

at any given moment 어느 순간에도, 어떤 순간에도 

turn upside down ~을 엉망으로 만들다, 다 뒤집어엎다
jolt to a stop 덜컹거리며 멈추다
halt 멈추다, 세우다

pile up (양이) 많아지다[쌓이다] accumulate

flood in (한꺼번에 몰려오다) 밀려들다 crowd (into), stampede in, surge, rush

+) They're flooding in. 이제 시작된다. 

+) Wow, comments flooded in. 여기 지금 난리났다. 
heroic 영웅적인, 용감무쌍한
doomed 비운의, 불운한

jammed-up 북적북적, 꼼짝 못하게 된, 궁지에 몰린

+) The rock concert jammed up the streets. 락 콘서트는 길거리를 혼잡하게 만들었다. 

+) Paper is jammed up in the photocopier. 복사기에 종이가 끼었다. 

+) The radio signals are jammed up. 라디오가 혼선되어 있다. 

in an average year 평년에

jump over 건너뛰다, 뛰어넘다, 넘다

month after month after 매월, 다달이, 달마다

disruptions 붕괴, 혼란, 분열

doomsday 최후심판의 날을 준비하는 심리상태

mentality 사고방식

doomsday prepper mentality- 일상에서 재앙을 대비하는 사람들의 정신 상태

in a matter of a year 1년 사이에

in a matter of (시기) 불과 ~안에

+) in a matter of seconds 순식간에

+) in a matter of hours(weeks) 수시(주)간에

crank 활발한, 기력이 왕성한, 괴짜, 화를 잘 내는 사람

crank out (특히 질 낮은 물건들을) 빠르게 만들어 내다[쏟아내다] turn out 

at one point (과거의 한 시기) 한때, 한동안
vie (어떤것을 차지하기 위해)다투다

vie for ~을 위해 겨루다, 경쟁하다
ripple effect 파급효과
in one piece 안전히, 무사히


So there's not a lot of slack in the system to begin with.

So even if it sits empty and another store needs some space urgently, that space is not available.

Warehouses already were busier than ever.

If Americans are known for one thing, it's buying a lot of stuff. 

We shop a lot.

making new warehouses is not a quick thing.

I mean, a lot of people are now quite used to having their stuff delivered within a day or two, so retailers want to store their stuff closer to people so that they can actually offer faster shipping.

And it's taking a while for the business to adjust itself to that new reality.

Think about how huge of a change that is.

When the pandemic hit, everything, all of what we've been seeing so far got turned upside down.

Our adventure jolts to a stop right here. We're halting.

 People are cutting back on shopping, and so stuff begins piling up.

Warehouses are already sort of full, and now they're really, really full.

In an average year, online shopping might grow 10 or 15%. In the first pandemic year, it jumped over 40% and only kept going.

And so we see the warehousing world explode.

They're cranking out warehouses as fast as they can.

Thanks very much, Alina, for that very insightful rollercoaster ride - a little bit frightening, but I ended in one piece.



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