
 매직트리하우스 Magic Tree House 15권 Viking Ship at Sunrise 줄거리/ 영어단어구문/ 문장정리해석을 참고해서 내용을 파악한 다음 입으로 하는 영어공부를 해 보세요. 영어낭독은 진리입니다. 매직트리하우스 Magic Tree House 15권, 이번주 영어 온라인 영어낭독 스터디인 매직낭독 1기의 영어노트입니다. 스터디 회원들과 함께 만든 공동 영어노트를 보며 하루 영어공부를 마무리하는 시간을 가져 보세요. 

매직낭독을 하면서 좀더 효율적인 영어 공부가 될 수 있도록 공동 영어 공부 노트인 [줍줍매직문장] 프로젝트 입니다. 매일 한 챕터씩 매직트리하우스를 10번 읽으면서 자신이 외우고 싶거나 좋다고 생각되는 문장을 정리해 나가고 있습니다. 


Yesterday is history,

tomorrow is a mystery

and today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.


- Eleanor Roosevelt


매직트리하우스 15권 줄거리 영어단어구문 문장해석 정리


매직트리하우스 15권 줄거리 영어단어구문 문장번역 1 챕터1-5

 영어원서읽기의 시작을 챕터북부터! 챕터북의 대명사, 교과서로 알려진 매직트리하우스 Magic Tree House로 차근히 영어의 기초를 쌓아보시길 추천합니다. 온라인 영어낭독 스터디를 시작하면서



[줍줍매직문장] 15 -6 The Vikings Are Coming!

  • It is better that the world should have some of it than none at all.
  • You can come with us. But I am not certain you will be safe.
  • He pulled himself up the steep steps with his hands.
  • The fog blanketed the whole island.


[매직문장] 15-7 Fogbound

  • They went one step at a time.
  • Then the rope went slack, and the Viking ship slid out to sea.
  • They seemed deserted as they bobbed in the shallow waves.
  • It held her weight as she began inching along it.
  • Each ship had been tied to a tall jagged rock.


[줍줍매직문장] 15-8 Lost at Sea

  • It made him feel a little different.
  • Look, one for each of us! 
  • The wind picked up as Jack lifted his heavy oar over the side of the ship.
  • I'm braver with mine on.
  • Viking warships were the best ships of their times.
  • He was feeling braver himself.
  • She could barely lift it.
  • The helmet wasn't as heavy as the one he had worn in the time of castles.


[줍줍매직문장] 15-9 Sea Monster!

  • As the serpent pushed them, the wind grew calmer.
  • Annie stuck her head out of the window.
  • The great serpent gave the ship one last push.
  • The great serpent was pressing its long neck against the back of the ship, pushing it toward the shore.
  • Just as the Vikings reached the ledge, the wind began to blow.
  • The serpent's neck was as tall as a two-story building.


[줍줍매직문장] 15-10 Sunrise

  • Sadly, we have only bits and pieces of many wonderful old stories.
  • He thought about how it was the same sun that had risen in Ireland over a thousand years ago.
  • She ran her hand over the sparkling cover.
  • In fact, once the Vikings settled down, they became more than just a warrior people.
  • Jack turned back to watch the red sun rise through a clear blue sky.



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