

 매직트리하우스 Magic Tree House 16권 Hour of the Olympics 챕터 6-10 매직낭독 1기의 매직문장입니다. 매직트리하우스 16권의 줄거리와 영어단어구문과 문장정리해석을 참고하신 후 영어낭독의 방법으로 영어공부하시길 추천합니다. 


매직트리하우스 Magic Tree House 16권 줄거리 영어단어 문장해석 2


매직트리하우스 Magic Tree House 16권 줄거리/영어단어문장해석 2

 지난 매직트리하우스 16권 정리 1에 이어 두번째로 챕터 6-10까지 줄거리와 영어단어구문/ 문장해석 정리입니다. 전체 내용을 살펴보시고, 문장을 소리내어 읽으며 입으로 하는 영어공부를 하면



 매직낭독을 하면서 좀더 효율적인 영어 공부가 될 수 있도록 공동 영어 공부 노트를 함께 만들고 있습니다. 매일 한 챕터씩 매직트리하우스를 열 번 읽으면서 자신이 외우고 싶거나 좋다고 생각되는 문장을 뽑아 정리하는 영어 온라인 스터디인 매직낭독의 공동 영어노트입니다.


사람은 잘 변하지 않는다.

그러나 자신을 변화시킬 수 있는 사람은

자신이 살아갈 세상도 변화 시킬 수 있다!


 정확하고 좋은 영어문장을 자꾸 소리내어 읽어보고, 외워두어야 익숙해져서 영어를 써야 하는 상황에서 그 표현을 쓸 수 있습니다. 매일 하루 영어공부를 마감하면서 정리해 보는 시간을 가져보세요. 


[줍줍매직문장] 16권 -6 Mystery Man

  • He had a great view.
  • He was still studying the short soldier, who seemed to be looking back at him.
  • "Foot races are the oldest event of the Olympics. "
  • Annie would really love this.
  • He smiled to himself.
  • I have seats next to the judges.
  • He pointed to a tall stand with rows of benches.
  • Musicians playing pipes were at the front.


[줍줍매직문장] 16권-7 Go! Go! Go!

  • Annie was too busy cheering to notice anything.
  • Jack couldn't take it anymore.
  • He had to get Annie away before it was too late!
  • The chariots are taking their places. 
  • The crowd went wild.
  • Her pigtails flew up and down as she jumped and shouted, "Go! Go! Go!"
  • Jack was afraid to tell him that Annie had broken the roles.
  • Jack felt his face grow hot.He glared at Annie’s back.
  • Clouds of dust rose up as the chariots raced around the track.


[줍줍매직문장] 16권-8 Save Annie!

  • The guards were having a hard time pulling Annie through all the people.
  • All heads turned to watch as a huge white horse galloped out of the dust.
  • He tried to grab her, but the a guard  blocked his way.
  • Let go of me!
  • Leave her alone!
  • The crowd murmured with excitement and wonder.
  • His voice was lost in the noise of the race.


[줍줍매직문장] 16권-9 Fly Away Home

  • Dust and sand got in his eyes.
  • Jack looked up to where Plato was now standing. 
  • Then he gave her a gentle push toward the tree house.
  • Annie broke free and dashed over to Jack.
  • The white horse was in charge.
  • Jack couldn't even wave back at Plato.
  • A tear rolled down her cheek.


[줍줍매직문장] 16-10 They're All Here

  • He could still barely see her in the dark.
  • And then ancient Greeks named one of their constellations Pegasus. 
  • Jack thought he saw the stars move as if Pegasus was rearing back in the sky.
  • I would trust you with any important mission.
  • "He was one of the greatest thinkers who ever lived."


매직트리하우스 1권부터 자료정리 - 줄거리/ 단어구문/ 문장해석 정리 바로가기 


'리딩(매직트리하우스)/매직낭독 자료' 카테고리의 글 목록

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