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NPR Podcast Planet Money
Afghanistan's Money Problem
Day 1
*단어구문 정리
former central bank governor 전 중앙은행 총재
backed 후원[지지]받는
take over정권 등의 탈취 장악하다, 기업 경영권 인수 appointed 임명된, 정해진, 지정된; 약속된 Federal Reserve 연방준비제도이사회(FRB) (=Federal Reserve Board)
regulate 규제[통제/단속]하다, (기계 등의 속도, 압력, 온도 등을) 조절[조정]하다
in line with ~의 방침에 의거, ~에 따라, ~와 함께 facet 측면, 양상 institutional structure 제도적 구조 ouster 축출 microfinance 소액 금융
unfold (어떤 내용이 서서히) 펼쳐지다[밝혀지다]
* 주요 문장정리
It's not a secret, but I'd rather not say. But unlike most of us, he helped set up some of the systems that made Afghanistan's modern economy run.
News had been coming in from all over Afghanistan that the Taliban was taking over different cities and regions.
And Ajmal knew that Kabul would fall to the Taliban soon. The central bank regulates all the country's banks and tries to keep inflation in check.
People were starting to hoard cash. But I think the key point is that no one felt as though Kabul would fall within a matter of hours. It wasn't clear what the Taliban's view towards government officials would be. What should've been a 20-minute drive to the airport took a few hours. And so he had to pay someone to smuggle us out of the country in the middle of the night. So whatever legal agricultural production you had building up from the '40s through about the '70s goes literally up in ashes in the '80s under the Soviet scorched-earth policy. And after years of violent instability, you could see how many Afghans would've been relieved to have just any form of government. It was like the Taliban read an economics textbook and decided to do basically the opposite.
Day 2
* 단어구문 정리
a string of 일련의, 연이은, 잇따른
goal in mind 염두에 둔 목표 outlast …보다 더 오래 가다[계속하다] revamp (보통 더 보기 좋도록) 개조[수리]하다
along the way 그 과정에서, 그 과정 동안, 그동안
on hand (특히 도움을) 구할[얻을] 수 있는
foreign reserves 외화준비(금), 외화보유 infrastructure 사회[공공] 기반 시설 reportedly 전하는 바에 따르면, 소문에 의하면 rainy-day 우천의, 만약의 경우의
+) Keep something for a rainy day. 유비무환
rainy-day fund 불황대비 자금, 비상자금, 비황저축
depository 보관소
stall 멎다, (갑자기) 시동이 꺼지다, 지연되다
stalled 오도가도 못하는, 정지된 be slated to 예정이다, 예정되다
place a limit 한계를 짓다, 제한을 두다
+)set[place] a speed limit 속도 제한을 하다 monetary 통화[화폐]의, 금융의, 돈의
slate (일정을) 계획하다, (특히 신문에서) 혹평하다
be slated to 예정이다, 예정되다 sanction 제재, 허가, 승인, 인가 authorization regime 정권, 제도, 체제 contraction 수축, 축소, (출산을 앞둔 산부의) 진통 monetary contraction 통화 위축 designate (특정한 자리나 직책에) 지명하다, 지정[지적]하다
lifeline 구명 밧줄, 생명줄 deficit적자, 부족액, 결손 grant 양여금, 보조금 seize up 멈추다[작동을 안 하다], 신체 부위가) 잘 움직이지 않다[말을 안 듣다]
+) seize-up (기계의) 고장, 정지, 막다름, 앞이 막힘 for the time being 당분간
* 주요 문장정리
And over the next two decades, Ajmal worked a string of jobs in and out of the Afghan government with one fundamental goal in mind.
Of course, Ajmal was only one of many civil servants working on these projects, but he did play a big part in revamping the central bank's organizational structure. So individuals will come and go, but the systems that we put in place hopefully will be permanent. And I think there was a lot of Afghans returning to the country, and there's this period of optimism where we all felt we can help contribute to and help rebuild the country. It's a rainy-day fund. And so we were trying to resolve how we could potentially deal with that under the assumption that the government would continue. A bank run, of course, is when people try to take out more cash than the bank actually has on hand. And I'm not sure if those will continue or, under the sanctions regime, whether those will also be prohibited. Afghanistan does not have its own press to print its own currency.
A monetary contraction is when there's less money in the system than there was the year before. Afghanistan's economy has now lost that essential lifeline of foreign aid.
We had a large trade deficit which was financed by international aid, and now that international aid is no longer there.