
 매직트리하우스 8권 Midnigt on the Moon 챕터 1-5 매직낭독 1기팀의 매직문장입니다.

매직낭독을 하면서 좀더 효율적인 영어 공부가 될 수 있도록 공동 영어 공부 노트인  [줍줍매직문장] 프로젝트 입니다. 매일 한 챕터씩 매직트리하우스를 10번씩 읽으면서 자신이 외우고 싶거나 좋다고 생각되는 문장을 뽑아 정리해 나가고 있습니다. 영어 온라인 스터디인 매직낭독의 공동 영어노트라고 할 수 있습니다.


 매직트리하우스를 하루 한 챕터씩 소리내어 읽었던 주요 문장들을 머리 속에서 구체화시키는 작업입니다. 시간이 날 때마다 한번씩 열어서 읽어보고, 입에 착착 붙이는 연습을 해 봅니다. 좋은 영어문장, 기본적인 영어문장을 자꾸 소리내어 읽어서 내 입에 착착 붙여서 익숙하게 해 두어야 영어를 써야 하는 상황에서 그 표현을 쓸 수 있습니다.  매일 하루 영어공부를 마감하면서 한번이라도 읽고 녹음하면 훨씬 더 효과가 있습니다. 매일 5분이 모이고 모여 큰 힘을 발휘하는 날이 분명히 올 거라 확신합니다! 


영어원서 챕터북 매직트리하우스 #8 줄거리/영어단어/문장정리해석


영어원서 챕터북 매직트리하우스 #8 줄거리/영어단어/문장정리해석

영어원서의 시작! 챕터북의 대명사- 매직트리하우스  챕터북의 대명사로 손꼽히는 매직트리하우스를 차근히 읽으며 기초 영어 능력을 쌓아 보기를 추천합니다. 아는 단어일 것 같은데 막상 책



[줍줍매직문장] 8권 - 1장 By Moonlight

  • You didn't expect to see us this late, did you?
  • As quiet and still as silence could be.
  • It’s impossible to go to the moon without tons of equipment.
  • "No time will have passed" 
  • The moon makes it bright enough to see.
  • I knew we should have brought a flashlight.
  • Meet you at the back door.
  • The moon was so bright that he could see his shadow.
  • Everything seemed washed with silver.
  • It was much darker under  the shadows of the trees.


[줍줍매직문장] 8권 - 2장 Space Motel

  • He could hardly speak.
  • What he saw took his breath away.
  • "We'd better find out where we are" said jack.
  • She’s not the only one.
  • Let’s explore.
  • Jack’s heart pounded with excitement.
  • Maybe she’s nervous about being on the moon.
  • What kind of training place is this?
  • Morgan must have gone forward in time to borrow it from a future library.
  • The land was filled with giant craters and tall mountains.


[줍줍매직문장] 8- 3장 Open Sesame!

  • It takes fourteen Earth days to equal one day on the Moon.
  • The suits can go over our clothes. 
  • Watch it. No goofing off.
  • They locked each other’s into place.
  •  “Let’s see what the book says."


[줍줍매직문장] 8권 - 4장 Moon Rabbits

  • The moon was the stillest place he had ever, ever been.
  • It’s stillness would never, ever end. He was off-balance.
  • You shouldn't have been goofing off.
  • * "Watch it. No goofing off "
  • * "You goofed off first"
  • He wanted to get a good look at everything first.
  • Now he felt as light as a feather.
  • A lovely blue-and-white ball glowed far away. Earth.
  • Jack wondered who had made them.
  • He was standing in a layer of gray dust as fine as powder.
  • “It’s impossible to get up alone.”


[줍줍매직문장] 8- 5 장 Hang on! 

  • We might be running out of time.
  • Today the first kids from the planet Earth came to the moon. 
  • We came in peace for all children.
  • He shook his head to clear his thoughts.
  • No wind would ever blow the message away. 
  • No rain would ever fall on it.
  • He had never been to such a colorless, barren place.
  • We came in peace for all mankind.
  • In the distance, something was flying above the ground.Annie pressed on the brake. 
  • What should we say?
  • Let’s leave our own message.
  • They took slow giant steps to the site of the first moon landing.


매직트리하우스 1권부터 줄거리/ 단어구문/ 문장해석 정리 바로가기 


'리딩(매직트리 하우스)/매직낭독 자료' 카테고리의 글 목록

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