매직트리하우스 Magic Tree House 7권 Sunset of the Sabertooth 챕터 1-5 매직낭독 1기팀의 매직문장입니다. 월-금 진행된 매직문장을 정리해서 매직낭독이 없는 주말에는 매직문장을 읽고 녹음해보며 복습 시간을 가져봅니다. 언제든 영어노트를 복습겸 매직낭독 팀 모두가 다같이 공유해서 볼 수 있어 보다 효과적인 영어 공부가 되리라 생각합니다.
일주일간 매직낭독하며 공부한 것들을 떠올리며 주말동안 입으로 하는 영어로 연습해 주세요.
매직낭독하며 줍줍매직문장 프로젝트에 참여하느라 수고 많으셨습니다.
영어원서 챕터북 매직트리하우스 #7 줄거리/단어구문/문장정리해석
영어원서 챕터북 매직트리하우스 #7 줄거리/단어구문/문장정리해석
챕터북의 바이블이라 불리우는 매직트리하우스를 차근히 읽으며 기초 영어 능력을 쌓아 보기를 추천합니다. 매직트리하우스 7권에서 잭과 애니는 모건을 돕기 위해 4가지 물건 중 세번째 물건
[줍줍매직문장] 7권-1장 The "M" Things
Don't you want to save Morgan as soon as possible?
She darted into the woods.
He pushed his glasses into place.
What happened while we were gone?
We're just about to find out.
He moved through patches of sunlight and shadow.
Sorry we didn’t come sooner, but we had to go to our swimming lesson.
He gave up on the idea of changing out of his bathing suit.
I want to go home and change out of my bathing suit.
It was as silent as the falling snow.
6-10. Everyone should just leave it all alone.
[줍줍매직문장] 7권-2장 Bones
That's the way the magic works.
Most of your body heat is lost through your head.
She wrapped her towel tightly around her.
Jack put his towel over his head.
The wind was biting.
It was only slightly warmer inside.
In the gray light, they stamped the snow off their sneakers.
I’ll put you into Jack’s pack.
You’ll be warmer there.
There was no sign of the Pennsylvania book that always took them home.
Snow blew against his glasses.
[줍줍매직문장] 7권-3장 Brrr!
Didn't you hear me calling?
Under a cliff was a wide ledge.
Under the ledge was another cave.
We have to get out of here!
He ran into something.
A booming snore shattered the air.
They kept on going.
He probably never even woke up.
Hear him snoring?
[줍줍매직문장] 7권-4장 Cave Kids
It was smaller than a soup bowl, but much heavier.
Maybe they’re being mended.
Jack tucked the book under his arm.
It went all the way down to her sneakers.
I wonder where this goes.
Carry it with two hands.
She picked up another coat and handed it to Jack.
I hope the cave people won’t mind if we borrow their coats.
Maybe we should give them our towels.
To thank them.
Where did you get that?
She had squeezed into the opening and was gone.
[줍줍매직문장] 7권-5장 Snow Tracks
It’s too hard to get to.
In the snow were tiny tracks.
They may have believed the paintings would give them power over the animals.
Jack peered around the fire and under each of the furry skins.
Cave men may have been led by a socerer, or “Master of the Animals “
That's who we have to find.
She pointed at a painting farther down the wall.
She must have crawled out when we were looking at the paintings.
We better put our lamps back.
She was standing near the entrance to the cave.
영어낭독 스터디 공동 영어노트 [줍줍매직문장] 프로젝트 시작
영어낭독 스터디 공동 영어노트 [줍줍매직문장] 프로젝트 시작
영어낭독 스터디에서 영어 공부를 보다 효과적으로 하기 위한 방법으로 나만의 영어 노트 만드는 것을 제안드렸었습니다. 영어노트 만들면 좋은데, 하면 좋은 거 아는데 이것까지 챙겨서 하는
매직트리하우스 1권부터 줄거리/ 단어구문/ 문장해석 정리 바로가기
'리딩(매직트리 하우스)/매직낭독 자료' 카테고리의 글 목록
영어 공부를 습관으로 만들어 꾸준히 함께 성장하는 스터디 공간입니다. 미국 보스턴 아줌마가 두 아이 키우며 영어 공부해 가는 과정(공부한 자료들을 정리)을 담고 있습니다.