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(8월 20/21) When $600 Goes Away

The extra $600 dollars a week that Congress added to unemployment benefits as part of the CARES Act expired at the end of July. Most of the 30 million Americans on unemployment, saw their weekly income drop by half. Congress was expected to extend the benefits in some way, but Republicans and Democrats seem deadlocked. And most legislators have left for their August break. 


Over the weekend, President Trump announced that the federal government would team up with states to get people an extra $400 a week. Many states said they don't have the money to hold up their part of the President's plan, but even if they can't, people who are out of work will hopefully see an extra $300 dollars every week on their unemployment check, courtesy of the federal government. 


But there's a lot of confusion over how long people might have to wait to get that extra money. Sandy Villatoro worked as a housekeeper at the Sheraton Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona, until she was laid off. Her husband works in construction, but work has dried up for him, too. They have two children; one of whom is a baby. She talked with us about her situation.






deadlock: 교착상태, 열쇠를 넣어 열거나 잠그게 되어 있는 문

legislator: 입법자, 국회[의회] 의원

dry up: (공금이) 줄어들다 [고갈되다],  바싹 마르다[말라붙다], (무슨 말을 해야 할지 몰라서) 갑자기 말을 멈추다

keep up with something: (~의 진도, 증가 속도 등을) 따라가다, (할부금 등을) 계속 내다, ~을 정기적으로 하다, (뉴스, 유행 등에 대해) 알게 되다

back to school: 개학, 신학기

remote learning: 원격 수업(distance learning), 원격 학습

this and that: 이것저것

at one point: 한때




His work has gone away as well. 그의 일도 없어져 버렸어. 

So what has this period been like for you? 그래서 이 기간 동안 어땠어? 

It was all just coming so fast that I couldn't keep up with it.

모든 게 너무 빨리 돌아와서 도저히 따라갈 수가 없었어. 

What are you and your husband's biggest expenses? 너와 네 남편의 가장 큰 지출은 뭐야? 

I'm still paying off my car, which is almost $400 a month.

한 달에 거의 $400이나 되는 차 할부금을 아직 갚고 있어. 

I had to get Internet service for my son since he started going back to school for his remote learning.

아들이 개학해서 원격 수업 때문에 인터넷 서비스를 받아야 했어. 

It's not like it wants that we want. 그거 우리가 원하는 게 아니야. 

I get most of my news from Facebook. 나는 대부분의 소식을 페이스북에서 들어. 

I was just hoping that July would stretch on forever. 난 단지 7월이 영원히 지속되기를 바라고 있었어. 






lawmaker: 입법자(=legislator)

hospitality: 환대, 후대, (회사 등의 기관에서 하는) 접대

work one's butt off: (속어) 매우 열심히 일하다

have food on the table: 근근이 살아가다, 밥상을 차리다

have a roof over one's head: 거처할 곳(살 집)이 있다

 +have no roof over one's head: 거처할 곳(살 집)이 없다

stay up nights: 밤을 새우다

get back on one's feet: 다시 자립(회복)하다

vulnerable: 취약한, 연약한

handout: (정부 등에서 주는) 지원금, (가난한 사람들에게) 거저 주는 것, 인쇄물[유인물]



What does that mean for your family? 그게 네 가족들에게는 무슨 의미니?

I can't keep up with that. 난 그걸 따라갈 수 없어. 

My husband's work has been slowing down a lot. 내 남편의 일이 많이 주춤하고 있어. 

I would back him up. 난 그를 지지할 거야. 

Where am I going to get that money from? 그 돈은 어디서 구하지? 

I actually want to go back to work. 사실 난 다시 일하러 가고 싶어. 

I've been working since I was 17. 난 17살 때부터 일해왔어. 

I've never asked for unemployment. 나는 실업을 요구한 적이 없어. 

We don't want to go back to work because of the $600, it's not true.

우리는 $600 때문에 다시 일하러 가고 싶지 않은 게 아니야, 그건 사실이 아니야. 

Most of us want to return back to our jobs. 우리 대부분은 다시 직장으로 돌아가고 싶어 해. 

Everybody's saying go get a job. 다들 일하러 가라고 말해. 

No one's hiring. 아무도 고용하지 않아. 

What is the thing that worries you the most? 가장 걱정되는 것은 무엇이니? 

It's so hard just not to see myself working anymore. 내가 더 이상 일하는 걸 못 본다는 게 너무 힘들어.  

Sometimes I would even work more than eight hours a day. 때로 난 하루에 8시간 이상 일하기도 했어. 

We're hardworking people that just need a little bit of help for now.

우리는 지금 당장은 약간의 도움이 필요한 열심히 일하는 사람들이야. 

I've never been the person so ask for a handout. 난 (정부) 지원금을 청한 적이 없는 사람이야. 

I hate asking for help. 난 도움을 청하는 게 싫어. 

It's something I need at the current moment. 그것이 지금 내게 필요한 거야. 



<When $600 Goes Away> 원문 기사입니다. =====================================






When $600 Goes Away : The Indicator from Planet Money

Millions of jobless Americans are desperate to know whether their unemployment benefits will be extended, and by how much. But Congress just went on vacation.




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