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Bionic limbs can now feel 'real' thanks to new surgery
*embodiment 육체화, 구체화, 형상화, 전형, 총체, 구현
*embody 구현하다, 구체화하다 (= represent)
This phenomenon that Hugh later called neural embodiment occurs.
*jar 충격을 주다, 불쾌감을 주다, 삐걱거림, 부조화
It's jarring to all of a sudden lose my foot again.
*precipitous 깎아지른 듯한 (=sheer), 급작스러운 (=abrupt)
Because of the precipitous increase, sadly, of diabetes.
This procedure to skyrocket.
*to date 지금까지 (→out of date, up to date)
The surgery itself - over a hundred people to date.
*go under the knife 수술을 받다
Thinking carefully about when to go under the knife
*on par with ~와 대등한 수준으로
It's on par with other surgeries.
+) Her salary is on par with that of a senior manager.
+) The quality of this product is on par with more expensive brands.
+) The living standard in this country is on par with that of developed nations.
*deteriorate 악화되다
It's going to be an interesting era when part of our bodies begin to age and deteriorate.
*degeneration 악화; 타락, 퇴보
My biological body continues to get worse and worse due to age-related degeneration.
Half of my lab is focused on technology to augment human capability beyond innate physiological levels.
It will become quite pervasive in society.
*keep up 따라가다, 보조를 맞추다
*breakthrough 적진 돌파, 돌파구, (기술연구)획기적 약진, (교섭)타결
My biological body, you know, obviously won't be able to keep up unless there's major breakthroughs in aging.
The UPS guy is going to be flinging packages with no problem.
*humanoid 인간과 비슷한 기계[존재]
We don't have humanoids or aerial vehicles to bring packages.
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Bionic limbs can now feel 'real' thanks to new surgery
Bionic limbs can now feel 'real' thanks to new surgery
A new surgery maintains the sensation of limb control after an amputation. When paired with a bionic leg designed by MIT's Hugh Herr, amputees can move and "feel" their limbs like never before.