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Bionic limbs can now feel 'real' thanks to new surgery
*augment 늘리다, 증가시키다
Augmenting Humans.
*remote 외진, 외딴 (=isolated), (시간상으로) 먼 (=distant)
Jim had been climbing for 30 years in much more dangerous and remote conditions.
*ascent 올라감,오르막 ↔ descent
They only had time for one more ascent.
I wasn't really paying great attention to how things all got set up.
I fell about 60 feet to the ground.
*just so you know 그냥 말하자면, 참고로 말하자면, 너도 알다시피
*along the lines of ~와 비슷한
He said something along the lines of, I hate to tell you this.
+) I was thinking of doing a meal along the lines of that dinner I did for Annie and Dave.
애니와 데이브를 위해 준비했던 저녁 식사와 비슷한 식사를 해볼까 생각 중이었어요.
*dislocate one’s shoulder 어깨뼈를 삐다(탈구(脱臼)하다)
*laundry list (이것저것 많은 것이 적힌) 긴 목록[명단]
just a huge laundry list of injuries
*excruciating 몹시 고통스러운, 극심한
The pain was excruciating.
*drastic 과감한, 급격한
Jim began to wonder if he needed to do something drastic.
*It just so happens 어쩌다가/우연히/때마침 ~하게 되다
It just so happens that Hugh Herr and I were roommates back in the mid-'80s.
*amputation 절단 수술
*go way back 오랫동안 알고 지내다
Jim and I go way back.
+) We go way back.
+) His family and ours go way back.
Does it make sense for me to consider amputating that leg?
*prosthetics [prɑːs|θetɪks] (의족·의안·의치 같은) 인공 기관[삽입물]들, 보철
*not necessarily 반드시[꼭] …은 아닌
You know, life isn't necessarily over.
Jim volunteered to be that first human subject.
*flex (관절을) 구부리다; (근육을) 수축시키다
When you flex your ankle, muscles in the front contract and stretch the muscles in the back.
*proprioception 자기 수용(自己受容), 자기 수용 감각(성)
*sever (두 조각으로) 자르다[절단하다]
+) sever a rope 밧줄을 자르다
+) sever husband and wife 부부의 사이를 갈라놓다, 이간시키다
+) sever a limb from the body 팔[다리]을 몸에서 절단하다
*in so doing 그렇게 해서, 그렇게 하면서, 그같은 행동을 통해
+) I shall not be behind in so long.
I can feel them right now as a phantom awareness.
AMI for short.
*residuum 나머지, 잔여(물), 부산물
Here's Jim descending steps, reaching with his bionic toe to the next stair.
*synthetic 종합적인, 인조의, 합성의
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Bionic limbs can now feel 'real' thanks to new surgery