페어런트후드 영어회화 스터디
Is there any chance that you could drop off Max?
Are you up?
Still kind of waking up.
You're pacing and staring.
We've only been at it for a year.
We got a little extra cheddar in the bank account.
*nest egg 자금 밑천
Nice little nest egg.
*robust 강직한, 튼튼한
I thought maybe we could chat about my salary.
*take a big cut 크게 삭감하다
When we started this, I took a pretty big cut
That ended up putting you at almost twice as much as me.
No, not at twice as much.
I got a lot on my plate, so just ask me later.
I'll tell you what. 저 말이야, 실은 말이지, 이야기할 게 있는데
I don't want to have to do this all over again.
*comprehensive 포괄적인, 종합적인 (=complete, full)
*comprehensive view 포괄적인/종합적인 관점/시각/견해
Let's just wait until the end of the year when we have a more comprehensive view...
*touche [tu:ʃéi] 내가 졌군[정곡을 찔렸군](논쟁·토론에서 상대방의 지적·논점을 받아들임)
Touche, man.
*follow up with ~에게 추후 발생되는 일에 관해 연락하다, ~의 후속 조치를 취하다
I wanted to follow up with you about a job placement for Ryan York.
+) I’ll follow up with you.
제가 다시 연락 드리겠습니다I
+) He will soon follow up with the release of his new album in September.
그는 곧 이어서 9월에는 새 앨범을 발매할 거예요.
*bang-up 훌륭한, 멋진
The kid did a bang-up job on my sprinklers.
*awol [ˈeɪwɔːl] 허가받지않고 근무지를 이탈하다
Kid's awol.
*miniscule 아주 작은
It's just miniscule.
*prognosis 예후
Her prognosis looks really good.
Like, they caught it early?
*keep you up-to-date 최신 정보를 계속 알다[유지하다]
We'll keep you up-to-date.
미드영어 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌4 대본 S04E05 Day 1