추천미드 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 5화
Daddy can't do my hair right.
How am I supposed to get my hair done?
I've asked you three times to get dressed.
*scramble 힘겹게 재빨리 움직이다
I gotta scramble.
*clotheshorse 옷을 많이 사는 사람
I thought I was the clotheshorse in the house.
You think this happens all on its own?
*spend a little cheddar 돈을 좀 쓰다
I gotta spend a little cheddar to look like this.
*lose a bet 내기에서 지다
Did he lose a bet or something?
*incidental 부수적인 비용, 부수적인
He usually pays for the incidentals.
He took a big pay cut to come work at the Luncheonette.
He put in more seed money.
If it'll help you out, I would be happy to talk to him.
She's actually volunteering to see me.
*turn in ~을 제출하다, ~을 돌려주다[반납하다]
I missed the deadline on turning in answers to a request for admissions.
*forfeit 포기하다
I basically forfeit this case.
*on the line ~에 걸려있는, 위태로운, 위기에 처한
There's so much money on the line.
*malpractice 직무상 과실, 직무 태만
We could get sued for malpractice.
That's not the way it works.
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 5화 대본
Parenthood S04E05.pdf