
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 16화

Day 2

I was thinking maybe we could go out and get a burger sometime.

*put someone's up to ...에게 ~ 하게 시키다 :to cause, persuade, or pressure one to do or engage in something considered mischievous, ill considered, or malicious.

+) Jack put me up to it.

+) No one put me up to it—I just really wanted to get a tattoo.

Your mom did not put me up to this. 네 엄마가 시킨 게 아냐. 

*pick up 어깨너머로 배우다, 습관/재주 등을 들이게 되다, 익히게 되다

You can pick it up, quick.

*pull 끌어당기는 힘, 영향력, 견인력

I have a little bit of pull.

Pretty gangster of you.

Actually, the salary is set at 48.

For no know-how of how to do this job?

*resent 억울하게[분하게] 여기다, 원망하다, 분개하다

I resent that.

+) I’m going to resent you.

Is he around?

It's preventative more than anything.

It's probably better if I talk to you anyways.

It's just that your dad wants to appear strong to you kids.

If there's anything that turns out to be worrisome, I’ll let you know..

That's how you learn teamwork, working together.

I don't like it the way they play it.

Do not use that as an excuse.

Having Asperger's makes certain things challenging.

*sit out (춤·게임 같은 활동에서) 빠지다

We don't want you to sit out. 

We want you to feel included.

Then why do I always get picked last?

*limber up (운동·시합 전에) 몸을 풀다[준비 운동을 하다] (=warm up)

Did you do anything this morning to limber up?

It does at my age, I'll tell you.

*wise beyond one's years 나이에 비해서 영리하다

This kid is wise beyond his years.

*gauntlet 도전장, (중세 때의) 갑옷용 장갑

*so to speak 말하자면

The gauntlet has been thrown, so to speak.

Keep an eye on dad.

*one's coloring ~의 혈색

Does his coloring look a little weird to you?

*get going …하기 시작하다(begin)

Hey, can we just get going, please?

*flagrant[ ˈfleɪɡrənt ] 노골적인, 명백한

Flagrant foul.

The old give and go.


미드영어 추천미드 페어런트후드 대본 영어회화 공부 Day 1


미드영어 추천미드 페어런트후드 대본 영어회화 공부 Day 1

미드영어 추천미드 페어런트후드 대본 영어회화 공부 Parenthood Season 3. Ep. 16 Day1 Sorry it took so long, I had to get cream from downstairs. I need you to clear all my commitments this weekend. I need you to clear your schedule as we




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