So what do you say to bowling? *reason (논리적인 근거에 따라) 판단하다, 추리[추론]하다 Maybe we should try to reason with him. You're not coming up with any brilliant ideas yourself. *go off to~로 들어가다/착수하다, ~로 되어가다 Haddie's gonna go off to college, and we have a tiny little window right now, okay? He's in such a fragile place. I feel so bad, I almost thought of making up a story That would've been a bad line. I don't even know what adjective I'm lookin' for. You can't keep canceling on me last minute. Well, did you say it conversationally, or lecture-y? I tried to keep it conversational, but words just kept pouring out of my mouth. I have a strong feeling you're over-reacting. Zoe just probably needed time to process. I've been hiding in my office. *one-up someone ~를 이기려고 하다, 한수앞서려 하다 we started out just like always, tryin' to one-up each other with, We will not regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it. *tacky 질척거리는, 엉성한 Is this tacky? *guzzle 마구 마셔대다 Is this wrong, that I'm guzzling wine as I talk about visiting rehab? If he'd gotten sober years ago, maybe we'd still be a family. you're being supportive of Seth *hyphenated 하이픈으로 연결된 Maybe one word, hyphenated.