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Day 16: When You Trap a Tiger (212-227p/ 챕터 31, 32, 33)
When You Trap a Tiger 영어단어와 주요구문
Chapter 31
*second-guess (결정 등을) 예측[추측]하다, 사후에[뒤늦게] 비판하다
Before I can second-guess myself, I grab the chocilate pudding, turn myself invisible, and slip out the back door of the staff room, into the rain.(31-212p)
I won't second-guess this.(31-215p)
Be nice, Ricky. Think before you speak. Then I add, And get a stomachache.(31-213p)
It happens to be my favorite place.(31-213p)
*I'm sick of ~에 질렸다, ~에 지겹다
I'm sick of everyone hiding things from me. I'm sick of people acting like I'm not there, or I don't matter, or I can't do anything.(31-214p)
I'm sick of being a QAC, too afraid to do anything.(21-149p)
The splintering wood prickles against my bare feet as I walk down the steps, and then I'm at the bottom.(6-42p)
*unstopable 멈출 수 없는, 억제할 수 없는
*stand up for 스스로를 지키다, 지지하다, 대신 서다
I feel unstopable, like my teeth could turn to blades and my nails to claws. Like I could stand up for myself and nobody could ignore me.(31-214p)
Ricky was mean to me, and I dind't stand up for Halmoni or myself, and now I'm fetching him a pudding.(30-211p)
*villain [ˈvɪlən]악당[악한], 악인, 악한, 범죄자
But I'm not like her, because she's the villain and I'm the hero.(31-214p)
She tsks, a sharp sound that scrapes against her teeth.(31-214p)
*in a flash 눈 깜짝할 새, 즉시, 즉석에서
And then, in a flash, she's gone.(31-214p)
*question 의심하다, 의문을 갖다; 이의를 제기하다, 질문하다
Too late, I question my decision.(31-215p)
*crinkle 찡긋하다, (피부나 천, 종이에 생긴) 잔주름 +) The way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. 그가 웃을 때 눈을 찡긋하는 법 +) His eyes crinkle up and his whole face seems to smile. 그의 눈을 찡그리고 얼굴 전체는 웃는 것 같다.
Then my nose crinkles.(31-215p)
If you think it's weird, don't eat it. The consistency looks off. It could be poop.(31-216p)
*sprint 질주하다, 뛰어가다
I turn and run out of the library, sprinting across the street without looking both ways.(31-216p)
*three at a time 한번에 세 개씩
I take the steps three at a time as I run up, up, up. to the witch's house.(31-216p)
Chapter 32
*swear 맹세하다, 확신하다, 선서하다
+) swear-swore-sworn +) I'll be sworn. 맹세해, 틀림없어.
I could have sworn we had a big bag of it, but I can't find it. I need something to settle Halmoni's stomach-(32-217p)
Stop making everything about you!(32-217p) 모든 것을 니 자신하고 연결시키지마!
*red-rimmed eyes 눈가가 붉은, 눈이 붉은
*whip <재빨리 또는 격렬하게 움직이거나 움직이게 함을 나타냄>, 채찍질하다
*whip through something ~을 후닥닥 하다[해치우다]
I hiss as the bestrayal whips through me.(32-218p)
*neither 어느 쪽도 아니다, 둘다 아니다
Mom waits for more information, but neiither of us speak.(32-218p)
What possessed you to do that?(32-218p) 뭐에 홀리기라도 한거야? 뭐가 씌인거야?
Where would even I begin?(32-218p) 어디서부터 말해야 할까? 어디서부터 시작하면 좋을까?
Oh, how did I fail this badly?(32-219p)
And Ricky's dad won't fire Mom based on something I did.(32-220p)
*regardless 어쨌든 간에, 아무래도, 무엇이든지, 그럼에도 불구하고
Regardless, you have to apologize to that boy.(32-220p)
어쨌든 간에, 너 그애한테 사과해야 해.
*a white tight, thin line 일자로 꾹 다문
*eccentric [ɪkˈsentrɪk] 괴짜인, 별난, 기이한
*skritch 쓰르륵
*individuality 개성, 특성
Halmoni is eccentric and strange, and not everybodyunderstands her individuality.(32-22p)
I skritch my nails against the table. Eccentric and strange aren't bad things.932-220)
I think everyone feels embarrassed by their family sometimes.(32-221p)
I'm afraid of what comes next.(32-222p)
*drift apart 사이가 멀어지다
*drift away 떠나다, 가버리다
I don't want to drift apart or away.(32-222p)
*lapse 일시적인 장애, 흐트러짐
Those momentary lapses are the illness, not her.(32-223p)
*pit (크고 깊은) 구덩이, 국[구멍]을 남기다
*let somebody down ~의 기대를 저버리다[~를 실망시키다]
I think about the mud, and a pit of shame grows in my stomach. "I let her down."(32-223p)
Chapter 33
*fall 저물다, 지다, 떨어지다
+) fall fast 빨리 저물다, 뚝 떨어지다
Is night falling?(매직트리하우스 26-3/20p) 밤이 오고 있는 건가?
By the time they came to the riverbank, night was falling.(매직트리하우스 25-9/62p)
Night was falling fast.(매직트리하우스 5-1/4p)
-밤이 저물다할 때 fall이란 동사를 쓰는 것 기억나시죠?
Which shouldn't be hard, because by the time night falls, I'm exhausted.(33-224p)
*suffocate 질식하다, 숨막히다
*rip off 빼앗다, 강탈하다
*rat out (비밀을) 폭로하다, 밝히다
She sits cross-legged on her bed, headphones suffocating her ears, and she rips them off as soon as she sees me.I didn't mean to rat you out.(33-224p)
I pretend I am Sam, with headphones jammed against my ears.(33-225p)
*curl up in bed 침대에서 몸을 웅크리다, 침대에서 편히 쉬다
I curl up in bed and pull the blankets over my head.(33-225p)
We'd count the days until our halmoni's arrival,, until that first night, when we'd run into the guest room and curl up in bed with her, one of us on each side, like bookends.(2-8p)
*more than anything (다른) 무엇보다도
The two sisters loved each other, more than anything. More than rice cakes. More than the earth. More than the stars.(33-225p)
*spiral out of (something) (어떤 상황에서) 솟아나다, 돌아가다
The words spiral out of her fast.(33-226p)
Her words chill the room by ten thousand degrees.(33-226p)
*stammer 말을 더듬다
*knock on wood (불길함을 떨치기 위해) 나무 막대기 등을 두드리며 주문을 외다
My heart stammers, and I push the covers back. "Take it back," I say. "Knock on wood."(33-226p)
*rag 거친, 낡고 해진
*ragged voice 거칠어진 목소리가
Her voice is ragged, broken glass.
* * *
*coast is clear 안전하다, 위험이 없다
When she's snoring, when the coast is clear, i sneak downstairs to deliver the third star jar to the tiger.(33-226p)
*run out of …을 다 써버리다, …이 없어지다; [물건]을 바닥내다
The tiger said we were running out of time to help Halmoni, and now the tiger's gone.(33-227p)
Bring me the final star jar. And don't be late. You are running out of time.(27-191p)