페어런트후드 시즌 3, 1화 영어단어장
Day 3
*pesky[ˈpeski] 성가신, 귀찮은
*in the way 방해가 되어
It was just these pesky library books that were standing in the way now.
That's what they all say. 다들 그렇게 말하지.
*step-down 단계적으로 감소하는, 체감하는
A couple of months ago I wouldn't even considered it.
So when do I get to see you again?
*bring someone into (어떤 일에 끌어들여) 참여하게 하다
I'm running out of things to say so I'm sorry I brought you into it.
I got this under control. 내가 알아서 할게.
I got this covered./handled 내가 직접 하겠다, 해결하겠다
It came up for lease. 임대로 나왔어.
+) The lease comes up for renewal at the end of the month.
그 차용 계약은 이달 말이면 갱신할 때가 된다
We should go into business together, you and me.
It's in the cosmos, all of a sudden you have this job.
I'm being serious. You would be the perfect right brain to my left brain.
I haven't figured all that out yet.
What kind of initial income do you anticipate?
*stumble 발이 걸리다, 발을 헛딧다
*stumble into ~를 우연히 만나다, 우연히 관여하게 되다
You can't just stumble into this.
*clientele[ˌklaɪənˈtel] (어떤 기관·상점 등의) 모든 의뢰인들[고객들]
Great, I will have the usual.
*presumptuous [prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs] 주제넘은, 건방진
I overstepped my boundaries.
You know, I'd, the truth is I don't really know what to say about it because I'm not keeping it, so it's just kind of easier not to think about it.
*come through 거쳐오다, (약속대로 무엇을) 해내다[완수하다]
I see a lot of kids come through here and they graduate and they go right to college, and they're not even close to being ready for it.
*Not even close 전혀 아니에요, 전혀 그렇지 않아요, 근처에도 못 갔어요, 아직 멀었어요.
*a blessing in disguise (문제인 줄 알았던 것이 가져다 준) 뜻밖의 좋은 결과[이득], 전화위복/새옹지마
*out of nowhere 갑자기, 뜬금없이
It just came out of nowhere.
*act out 벗어나는 행동을 하다, 선을 넘는 행동을 하다
*relapse(병의) 재발[악화], (이전 상태로나아지다가 안 좋은 상태로) 다시 빠지다[되돌아가다]
*sobriety[səˈbraɪəti] 술에 취하지 않은 상태, 맨 정신,냉철함, 진지함
I wish I was as honest with myself as you.나도 너만큼 나 자신에게 정직했으면 좋겠어.
Hey, you're going 20 miles under the speed limit. You need to go faster.
*flakey <행동 따위가> 파격적인; 제정신이 아닌, 미친; <머리가> 혼란한; 마약을 상용하는
*vanish (갑자기·불가사의하게) 사라지다, 없어지다
*hold something back ~을 비밀로 하다[말하지 않다], (감정을) 누르다[참다]
Something's holding you back though.
*take over (기업 등을) 인수하다
Crosby had this crazy idea to take over this old recording studio.
*implode 자체적으로 파열되다, 폭파하여 안쪽으로 붕괴하다, 결딴나다
They'd be so crazy not to.
It's a lot less money than we need.
*nil (특히 경기에서) 0[영점] (=zero)
*cushion's nil 금전적인 여유나 안정성을 의미하는 재정적인 예비자금이나 안전망을 은유적으로 표현 쿠션이나 여유자금이 없음
페어런트후드 시즌 3 에피소드 1 대본 Day2 영어회화