*Catch up 따라잡다 I still haven't caught up with him. Hold on. I need to catch up.
We are playing catch up. = We need to catch up. = We are getting caught up.
그동안 밀린 이야기(하지 못했던 이야기) 지금 해야겠다.
We need to catch up. We need to get caught up. I hope we can get caught up soon. Let's meet soon and get caught up.
Catch ya(you) later! 이따봐요! 나중에 봐요! Catch ya next time. Catch ya on the flip side.
*Catch a cold 감기에 걸리다 Be careful not to catch a cold.
*Catch on 이해하기 시작했을 때 He's starting to catch on. How long will it take you to catch on? I think I'm starting to catch on. Wow, you've already caught on!
-(배우는 과정에서) '어느정도 알 것 같다'할 때도 쓸 수 있음
*교통수단에 대해서 Catch a train. I caught a cab. Were you able to catch the train?
I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. 잘 못들었어요. 잘 안들렸어요. Did you catch what he said? I didn't catch your name. No, I didn't catch it either.
*TV 프로그램에 대해서 Did you catch American Idol last night?
American Idol 프로 봤어? Did you catch Game of Thrones yesterday? Did you catch the Rockies game?
*Catch 속셈, 수법
-믿을 수 없이 너무 좋은 제안일 때 What's the catch? 무슨 속셈이예요? I'm intrigued, but what's the catch?
It sound interesting, but what's the catch? I'm sure there's a catch.
라이브 아카데미 빨간모자쌤께서 가르쳐주시는 catch가 들어간 표현도 같이 공부해 볼까요.