★매직북클럽 5월의 책 에스페렌사의 골짜기
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan- Day 13(167-178p)
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1. Esperanza Rising의 오디오자료를 활용해 듣고 소리내어 읽어주세요.
Esperanza Rising Page (167-178p)
*huddle (보통 춥거나 무서워서) 옹송그리며 모이다
*huddle with ~와 옹기종기 모여들다
*tule [tú:li] 커다란 골풀, 등심초
*penertrate [ˈpenɪtreɪt] 파고들다, 뚫고 들어가다, 관통하다, 통과하다, 침투하다, 감동시키다
*penetrating cold 살을 에는 듯한 추위 = the biting cold, the piercing cold
+) Our eyes could not penetrate the darkness.
우리 눈은 어둠 속을 꿰뚫어 볼 수가 없었다.
+) These fine particles penetrate deep into the lungs.
이들 미세 입자는 폐 깊숙이 뚫고 들어간다.
There was no wind, only silence and penetrating cold.
*bundle (옷을 껴입어) 따뜻하게 하다 ((up))
*ragged [ˈræɡɪd] 누더기가 된, 다 해진 (=shabby), 남루한, 너덜너덜한
Esperanza bundled in all the clothing that she could put on, old wool pants, a sweater, a ragged jacket, a wool cap, and thick gloves over thin gloves, all borrowed from friends in the camp.(167p)
오늘의 영어! "옷 따뜻하게 입어~"
▶layer up 겹겹이 옷을 껴입다 ▶wrap up 옷을 따뜻하게 [단단히] 챙겨 입다/(천, 종이로/ 짐, 음식 등을)싸다, 그만해라, 마무리 짓다 ▶put on 입다 ▶stay warm 따뜻함을 유지하다 ▶keep oneself warm 몸을
*rumble (느리고 무겁게) 우르릉[덜커덩]거리며 나아가다, 털털거리다
*bereft [bɪˈreft] ~이 전무한, ~을 상실한, 상실감에 빠진
+) bereft of ideas/ hope 아이디어가 전무한/희망을 상실한
+) The room is bereft of any furniture.
방안에는 가구가 아무것도 없다.
+) She is bereft of all happiness.
그녀는 모든 행복을 빼앗겼다.
+) He was utterly bereft when his wife died.
아내가 죽었을 때 그는 완전히 상실감에 빠졌다.
They passed miles of naked grapevines, stripped of their harvest and bereft of their leaves.(168p)
*along …을 (죽계속) 따라, …을 따라 (죽한 줄로)
*dock [dɑːk] (하역·승하선하기 위해) 부두에 대다, 부두, 선창
*hook 갈고리로[에] 걸다, 훅으로 잠그다
*locomotive |loʊkə│moʊtɪv] 기관차, 운동[이동/보행]의
How they were busy with people;(168p)
*potato eyes 감자의 눈,싹
*or so …쯤[정도]
+) You can back up another two feet or so.
2피트 정도는 더 후진해도 되겠어요.
+) There were twenty or so people there.
거기에는 스무 명 가량의 사람들이 있었다.
*cavernous [|kævərnəs] 휑뎅그렁한, 동굴 같은
+) cavern [|kævərn] (특히 큰) 동굴
*upturned 위로 향한, (아래위가) 거꾸로인[뒤집힌]
*crate [kreɪt] (물품 운송용 대형 나무) 상자
* upturned crates 뒤집힌 상자들
+) an upturned nose 콧구멍이 위로 향한 코(들창코)
Only twenty or so women gathered in the cavernous shed, sitting in a circle on upturned crates, protected from the wind but only a few stacks of empty boxes.(168p)
*take (신상·정보)를 기록하다
The Mexican supervisor took their names.(168p) 멕시코 감독관은 그들의 이름을 기록했다.
Esperanza copied everything that Hortensia and Josefina did.(169p)
*dimple (표면에 작게) 옴폭 들어간 곳, 보조개
*eye 식물에서 새로운 성장이 시작되는 부분
She tapped her knife on one of the dimples. "That's an eye."(169p)
"Leave two eyes in every piece so there will be two chances for it to take root."(169p)
각 조각에서 두 개의 눈을 남겨둬. 그렇게 하면 뿌리가 내릴 기회가 두 번 있을 거야.
Now she knew where potaoes came from.(170p)
*migrant [ˈmaɪɡrənt] (특히 일자리를 구하기 위한) 이주자, 철새
"How can they send all of them back?"(170p)
*repatriation [|ri:│peɪtri│eɪʃn] 송환, 귀국, 돌려보냄
+) repatriate [|riː│peɪtrieɪt] 본국으로 송환하다
*round up 일망타진하다, 일제검거하다, 소탕하다
The immigration authorities - round up people who cause problems and check their paper.(170p)
* in order 적법한[유효한] (=valid), 제대로 된, 가지런히, 순번으로
+) Is it in order to speak now?
지금 발언을 해도 됩니까?
If they are not in order, or if they do not happen to have their papers with them, the immigration officials send them back to Mexico.(171p)
*herd (특정 방향으로) 이동하다[하게 하다], 몰다, 떼
+) We all herded on to the bus.
우리는 모두 버스에 올라탔다.
Esperanza remembered the train at border and the people being herded on to it.(171p)
*mouths to feed 식솔
*to feed 먹여 살리다
*have mouths to feed 먹어야 할 식구가 있다
We have near one hundred fifty mouths to feed.(매직트리하우스 27-4/28p)
We have too many mouths to feed.(171p)
If it was true that the strikers would threaten people who kept working, they might try and stop her, too. Esperanza thought of Mama in the hospital and Abuelita in Mexico and how much depended on her being able to work.(172p)
*get in the way (길·진로·시야 등을) 가로막다, 방해가 되다, 거리끼다
Children will only get in the way.(매직트리하우스 22-5/35p)
We'll get in the way of his secret mission.(매직트리하우스 22-5/39p)
I got in the way of the buffalo.(매직트리하우스 18-7/47p)
If she was lucky enough to have a job in the spring, no one was going to get in her way.(172p)
*monas female monkey, copycat, cute
Ever since Esperanza had taught Isabel how to make the dolls, it seemed there was a new one born each day, and monas of every color now sat in a line on their pillows.(173p)
"She has never had a doll before."(173p)
*Advent [ˈædvent] 강림절(기독교에서 크리스마스 전의 4주간을 가리킴), 도래, 출현
*nativity [nəˈtɪvəti] (기독교에서) 예수의 탄생[성탄], 성탄도(예수 탄생 모습을 그린 그림)
"Mama decorated with Advent wreaths and candles. Papa set up the nativity on a bed of moss in the front hall. And Hortensia cooked for days.(173p)
*catedral cathedral [kəˈθiːdrəl] 대성당
*midnight mass 자정 미사
*incense (특히 종교 의식에 쓰이는) 향
*suck in one's breath 숨을 깊게 들이마시다
*gush (감탄이나 감동의 표현)을 내뱉다, 분출하다, 쏟아내다
Isabel sucked in her breath and gushed, "What kind of gifts?"
"All I remember is being happy."(174p)
*splintery [splíntəri] (잘게) 찢어[쪼개]지기 쉬운, 파편의[같은]
+) splinter [ˈsplɪntə(r)] 쪼개지다, 깨지다; 쪼개다, 깨다 (=shatter), 분열[분리]되다, 갈라지다
The floor was wood plank and splintery and no matter how much she swept, it never looked clean.(174p)
*fray [freɪ] (천이[을]) 해어지다[해어지게 하다]
*musty [ˈmʌsti] 퀴퀴한 냄새가 나는 (=dank)
Her other life seemed like a story she had read in a book a long time ago, a fairy tale.(174,175p)
*carefree 근심 걱정 없는, 속 편한
"I want Mama to get well."(175p)
*doe eyes 커다랗고 깊은 아름다운 눈
*sleep in (내 의지대로 늦게 일어나고 싶어서) 늦잠자다
Esperanza in the bed that she and Mama had slept in.(175p)
★oversleep VS. sleep in
*oversleep (내 의지가 아닌 나도 모르게 ) 늦잠자다
*sleep in (내 의지대로 늦게 일어나고 싶어서) 늦잠자다
*yearn for 동경하다, ~를 갈망하다
She turned toward the wall, yearning for the holidays of her past, and repeated what was becoming a nightly ritual of silent tears.(176p)
She didn't think anymore ever knew that she cried herself to sleep, until she felt Isabel patting her back.(176p)
Esperanza couldn't help but smile and lift the covers.(176p)
Isabel had nothing, but she also had everything. Esperanza wanted what she had. She wanted so few worries that something as simple as a yarn doll would make her happy.(176p)
*poinsettia 포인세티아
*rhinestone [|raɪnstoʊn] 라인석(모조 다이아몬드)
*lapel [ləˈpel] (양복 상의의 접혀 있는) 옷깃
*rivet (흥미관심을) 고정시키다[사로잡다], 대갈못[리벳]으로 고정하다
*nothing more than ~에 불과한, …에 지나지 않는
+) That is nothing more than an excuse.
그것은 핑계에 지나지 않아요
+) Do you have nothing more than just saying hi?
혹시 '안녕' 말고 다른 얘기도 해줄래요?
+) Management is nothing more than motivating other people.
경영이란 바로 다른 이들에게 동기를 부여하는 일이다.
They both knew that bad luck could mean nothing more than dropping a pan of water or breaking an egg.(10,11p)
It was nothing more than a small sooth stone that she had found in the fields while weeding potatoes.(177p)
*ward [wɔːrd] (병원에서 특정 상태의 환자들을 위한) -실[병동]
"Don't worry. I will take care of everything. I will be la patrona for the family now."(178p)
2. 게시물 숙제로 Esperanza Rising를 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어 5개 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
The immigration authorities - round up people who cause problems and check their paper.(170p)
We have too many mouths to feed.(171p)
If she was lucky enough to have a job in the spring, no one was going to get in her way.(171p)
"All I remember is being happy."(174p)
Her other life seemed like a story she had read in a book a long time ago, a fairy tale.(174,175p)
"I want Mama to get well."(175p)
Esperanza in the bed that she and Mama had slept in.(175p)
She turned toward the wall, yearning for the holidays of her past, and repeated what was becoming a nightly ritual of silent tears.(176p)
Isabel had nothing, but she also had everything. Esperanza wanted what she had. She wanted so few worries that something as simple as a yarn doll would make her happy.(176p)
"Don't worry. I will take care of everything. I will be la patrona for the family now."(178p)
*tule [tú:li] 커다란 골풀, 등심초
*penertrate [ˈpenɪtreɪt] 파고들다, 뚫고 들어가다, 관통하다, 통과하다, 침투하다, 감동시키다
*penetrating cold 살을 에는 듯한 추위
*bereft [bɪˈreft] ~이 전무한, ~을 상실한, 상실감에 빠진
*cavernous [|kævərnəs] 휑뎅그렁한, 동굴 같은
*upturned 위로 향한, (아래위가) 거꾸로인[뒤집힌]
*repatriation [|ri:│peɪtri│eɪʃn] 송환, 귀국, 돌려보냄
*round up people 일망타진하다, 일제검거하다, 소탕하다
*midnight mass 자정 미사
*incense (특히 종교 의식에 쓰이는) 향
*splintery [splíntəri] (잘게) 찢어[쪼개]지기 쉬운, 파편의[같은]
*fray [freɪ] (천이[을]) 해어지다[해어지게 하다]
*musty [ˈmʌsti] 퀴퀴한 냄새가 나는 (=dank)