★매직북클럽 5월의 책 에스페렌사의 골짜기
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan- Day 12(153-167p)
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1. Esperanza Rising의 오디오자료를 활용해 듣고 소리내어 읽어주세요.
Esperanza Rising Page (158-167p)
*slump 털썩 앉다, 푹 쓰러지다, (가치수량가격 등이) 급감[급락/폭락]하다, 불황, 불경기
+) hit[fall into] a slump 슬럼프에 빠지다
+) in a slump 슬럼프에 빠진
*bustle [ˈbʌsl] 바삐 움직이다, 서두르다, 수선을 떨다, 복작거리다
+) hustle-bustle, hustle and bustle 북적거림, 북적대는 것 ; 북새(통), = hustling and bustling
+) Seoul is sure a city of hustle and bustle.
서울은 정말 혼잡한 도시예요.
Hortensia was bustling behind her.(153p)
Look at her she has lost weight. She has not been herself since that storm and that was a month ago. I think she should go to the doctor.(153p)
*plead [pliːd] 애원하다 (=beg), 간곡히 부탁하다, 답변하다[답변서를 제출하다]
+) plea 애원, 간청, (형사 사건 피고인[측]의) 답변[항변], (법원에 제출하는) 이유[사유서]
"I am fine. Just tired. I'm not used to the work. And I've told you, doctors are very expensive."(153p)
"I'll go straight to bed and get a good rest.(154p)
*stand over somebody ~를 옆에서 지켜보다[지키고 서서 감독하다]
*sit still 가만히 앉아 있다, 가만있다
+) Can’t you sit still?
넌 가만히 앉아 있을 수 없니?
+) Sit still and stop fidgeting!
그만 좀 나부대고 가만히 앉아 있어!
+) He couldn't sit still long and hated studying at a desk.
그는 엉덩이가 가볍고 책상에 앉아 공부하는 걸 싫어했다.
Esperanza could not sit still.(155p)
Esperanza could babely sit still and often paced around the small room.(158p)
*spore [spɔː(r)] 홀씨, 포자
"She has Valley Fever."
"It's a disease of the lungs that is caused by dust spores. Sometimes, who people move to this area and aren't used to the air here, the dust spores get into their lungs and cause an infection."(155p)
*for whatever reason 이유가 뭐건 간에, 이유가 뭐든
"And others, for whatever reason, cannot fight the infection and get very sick."(156p)
*have a fever on and off 열이 오락가락하다
* on and off 오락가락, 때때로, 불규칙하게
+) on and off relationship 사귀고 헤어지기를 반복하는 커플관계
+) It rained on and off all day.
하루 종일 비가 오락가락했다.
*keep something down (커지거나 증가하지 않도록) 억제하다[낮추다]
"She may have a fever on and off weeks but you must try to keep it down.(156p)
"Can we catch it from her? The babies?"(156p) "그녀로부터 열이 전염될 수 있을까요?"
*contagious [kənˈteɪdʒəs] (접촉을 통해) 전염되는, 전염성의, 전염병에 걸린 (→infectious)
*agricultural[ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl] 농업의, 농산물의
Once the body fights off the infection, it doesn't get it again. For those who live here most of their lives, they are natually immunized. It is hardest on adults who move here and are not accustomed to the agricultural dust.(156p)
"How long until she is well?"(156p)
*run one's hand through (one's hair) [손가락으로] 빗어올리다
"There are some medicines she can take, but even then, if she survives, it might take six months for her to get her full strength back."(157p)
She felt the blood drain from her face.(157p)
*strangle [ˈstræŋɡl] 목조르다, 질식시키다, 교살하다, 옥죄다
+) They had been strangled with shoelaces and mufflers.
그들은 신발끈과 목도리로 질식사했다.
+) He was strangled with a bike chain.
그는 자전거 체인에 교살 당했다.
Her voice strangled with fear.(157p)
Esperanza almost never left Mama's side.(158p)
*take over (~로부터) (~을) 인계받다, (정권·정당 등을) 탈취[장악]하다
Miguel offered to take over the sweepoing jobs for her, but Esperanza wouldn't let him.(158p)
She is not getting worse., but she is not getting better, either.(158p)
*lifetime 일생, 평생, 생애
+) a lifetime of experience 일생에 한 번 하는 경험
+) She was a legend in her own lifetime.
그녀는 살아 있을 때 이미 전설적인 존재였다.
+) An opportunity like this comes once in a lifetime.
이런 기회는 평생 단 한 번밖에 오지 않는다.
It seemed like a lifetime ago.(159p)
*weave [wiːv] (옷감카펫바구니 등을) 짜다[엮다], 이리저리 빠져나가다, 누비며 가다
+) weave-wove-woven
Esperanza could see Abuelita's hairs woven in, so that all her love and good wishes would go with them forever.(159p)
Esperanza looked at Mama, breathing uneasily, her eyes closed.(159p)
*limp 기운[활기]이 없는, 축 처진[늘어진], 흐물흐물한, 다리를 절다[절뚝거리다]
*intent 집중된, 열심인, 열중하여, 여념이 없는
She bent over her work, intent, and when her hair fell into her lap, she picked it up and wove it into the blanket.(161p)
*skein [skeɪn] (실·털실의) 타래
+) a skein of yarn 헝크러진 실타래
Lately, it seemed Esperanza could not interest Mama in anything.(161p)
It will make you feel better.
*listless [ˈlɪstləs] 힘[열의]이 없는, 무기력한 (=lethargic), 생기 없는
+) You seem listless lately. 요즘 기운이 없어 보인다
+) I feel listless these days. 요즘 통 기운이 없네요.
+) I feel sluggish[listless]. Maybe because it's spring.
봄이라서 그런지 몸이 나른하다
*weep [wiːp] 울다, 눈물을 흘리다
*after all (예상과는 달리) 결국에는, 어쨌든(설명·이유를 덧붙일 때)
But Mama was listless and Esperanza often found her weeping in silence. It was as if after all her hard work in getting them there, her strong and determined mother had given up.(161p)
*frost [frɔːst] 서리, 성에, 성에가 끼다
*frost over 서리로 뒤덮다[뒤덮이다]
*drift(서서히 일어나는) 이동[추이] (물공기에) 떠가다, (서서히) 이동하다[움직이다]
*drift off to sleep 서서히 잠들다, 잠이 들다
*trance [træns] 몰입경, 무아지경 (=daze), 최면 상태, 황홀감
*(be) in a trance 정신이 딴 데 팔려 (있다)
Esperanza stared stright into the alley of light made from the truck;s headlamps, feeling as if she were in a trance.(162p)
*strain [streɪn] 부담, 중압[압박], (근육 등을) 혹사하다, 안간힘을 쓰다
*cope with …에 대처[대응]하다, …에 대항하다(=deal with.), 극복하다
It is a lot of strain on her body to cope with so many emotions in such a short time. Sometimes sadness and worry can make a person sicker. Think of how helpless she must feel.(163p)
*make it up to 보상하다, 변상하다
-To pay back; to return someone a previous good deed.
+) I want to make it up to her.
나는 그녀에게 보상을 하여 주고 싶다.
+) I'll make it up to you for forgetting your birthday.
생일을 잊어버린 것에 대해 성의를 보일게.
+) I will make it up to you later.
대신 나중에 꼭 갚을게.
+) Karl, How can I make it up to you?
칼, 내가 어떻게 해주면 되겠니?
Esperanza felt like she had failed Mama in some way and wanted to make it up to her.(163p)
*hold back tears 눈물을 삼키다, 눈물을 참다[억제하다]
Because if sadness was making Mama sicker, then maybe some happiness would make her better. She just had to figure out a way to get her here.(164p)
*grotto [ˈɡrɑːtoʊ] 특히 정원 같은 곳에 인공적으로 만든) 작은 동굴
*drape [dreɪp](옷천 등을 느슨하게) 걸치다[씌우다], 가리다
*drape it over 위로 걸치다
*used up 다 써버리다
+) She is not such a person to use up all her money buying luxury brands.
그녀는 명품 브랜드를 사느라 돈을 바닥내는 그런 사람이 아니다.
+) I know you don't want to use up all of that expensive lotion, but it's better to use it than to lose it.
그 비싼 로션을 다 써버리기 싫다는 건 알지만, 아끼다 똥 될라.
Ever since Mama had first become sick over a month ago, they had no money coming in. The doctor's bills and medicines had used up most of what they'd saved. Now they were more bills. Alfonso and Hortensia offered to help but they had done so much already and they did not hace much spare.(165p)
"What I have I done to deserve this honor?"(165p)
"I could work in the fields or in the sheds."(166p)
"It's only men in the fields right now, and you're not old enough to work in the sheds."(166p)
"The problem is that it's the wrong time of year. They aren't packing anything right now. (166p)
2. 게시물 숙제로 Esperanza Rising를 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어 5개 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
She has not been herself since that storm and that was a month ago. I think she should go to the doctor.(153p)
It is a lot of strain on her body to cope with so many emotions in such a short time. Sometimes sadness and worry can make a person sicker. Think of how helpless she must feel.(163p)
Esperanza felt like she had failed Mama in some way and wanted to make it up to her.(163p)
Because if sadness was making Mama sicker, then maybe some happiness would make her better. She just had to figure out a way to get her here.(164p)
*slump 털썩 앉다, 푹 쓰러지다, (가치수량가격 등이) 급감[급락/폭락]하다, 불황, 불경기
*bustle [ˈbʌsl] 바삐 움직이다, 서두르다, 수선을 떨다, 복작거리다
*spore [spɔː(r)] 홀씨, 포자
*strangle [ˈstræŋɡl] 목조르다, 질식시키다, 교살하다, 옥죄다
*skein [skeɪn] (실·털실의) 타래
*listless [ˈlɪstləs] 힘[열의]이 없는, 무기력한 (=lethargic), 생기 없는
*frost over 서리로 뒤덮다[뒤덮이다]
*trance [træns] 몰입경, 무아지경 (=daze), 최면 상태, 황홀감
*(be) in a trance 정신이 딴 데 팔려 (있다)