★매직북클럽 5월의 책 Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan- Day 10(125-137p)
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1. Esperanza Rising의 오디오자료를 활용해 듣고 소리내어 읽어주세요.
Esperanza Rising Page 129-138p
*half full 반쯤 찬
Josefina brought in the big washtubs and filled them half full with cold water.(125p)
Esperanza was excited at the idea of getting into a tub. All they had done since they arrived was wash their faces and arms with cold water in the sink.(125p)
*crimp [krɪmp](불에 달군 기구로) 머리에 컬을 내다, 고데를 하다, (천이나 종이에) 주름을 잡다
+) I crimped my hair. 제 머리 볶았어요.
Baths were being taken, shirts ironed, and hair washed and crimped.(125p)
*bath [bæθ] 목욕, 욕조, 목욕시키다, 목욕하다
*bathe [beɪð] (몸을) 씻다, 세척하다, 씻기다, (강바다 등에서 하는) 멱[미역/수영]
*established routine 틀에 박힌 일상, 정해진 일상
Hortensia had given Esperanza her baths since she was a baby and they had an established routine.(126p)
*tilt one's head back 고개[머리]를 뒤로 젖히다
"I've been thinking that you are old enough to bathe yourself, don't you think?"(126p)
*taunt [tɔːnt] 놀리다, 조롱하다, 비아냥거리다, 놀림, 비웃음, 조롱
+) He became a taunt to his neighbors.
그는 이웃사람의 웃음거리가 되었다.
+) Everyone, it doesn't matter how many times you try to taunt me. I am confident that I will do well. 여러분들이 아무리 놀리셔도 저는 꿋꿋이 열심히 잘 할 겁니다.
*be accustomed to ~에 익숙하다, 몸에 익다
"We are accustomed to doing things a certain way, aren't we, Esperanza? But I guess I am not too old to change.(126p)
We are accustomed to how things are in our little community."(134p)
*tangle [ˈtæŋɡl](실머리카락 등이) 얽힌[엉킨] 것, 꼬인[엉망인] 상태, 헝클어지다
*take one's turn 차례로 하다
The women took their turns and when Hortensia needed hot water, Esperanza rushed to get it for her before anyone else could.(127p)
*burlap bag 마대, 포대
*make a fool of oneself 바보짓을 하다, 웃음거리가 되다
+) Making a fool of oneself never mattered, my father insisted.
아버지는 웃음거리가 되는것은 중요하지 않다고 주장하셨다.
+) We're making a fool of ourselves in Thailand.
태국에서 나라 망신이네요.
She had not left the cabin since she had made a fool of herself yesterday.(128p)
*get over ~을 극복[처리]하다 (=overcome), [병 따위]로부터 회복되다
-to recover from an illness or a difficult situation
"My mama said it is best to get it over with and face people. And that if they tease you, you should just laugh," said Isabel.(128p)
*fluff 부풀리다, 보풀을 일게 하다, 망치다, 실패하다; 솜털, 보풀
*flattened pod 납작한 꼬투리
*hull [hʌl] (콩 등의) 깍지[껍질]를 벗기다, (배의) 선체
*pry (무엇을 분리시키기 위해 억지로) 비틀다, 비집어 열다, 엿보다, 엿보기, 꼬치꼬치 캐기
+) pry-pried-pried
+) The guards pried off her two front teeth.
경비들은 그녀의 두 앞니를 비틀어 뺐다.
+) The girl poked and pried to get what she wanted to know.
그 소녀는 알고 싶은 걸 알기 위해 꼬치꼬치 캐물었다.
*meat 알맹이 (=substance), 골자, (식용하는 짐승·조류의) 고기
Esperanza popped it open and found the almond shell. She snapped the edge of the shell and pried it apart, then pulled the meat from its defenses and ate it.(128p)
*have never been ~해본 적이 없다
Half of them have never even been named.(매직트리하우스 6-2/8p)
He’s never been to school before.(매직트리하우스 23-5/35p)
+) I’ve never been to Europe before. 나는 전에 유럽에 가 본 적이 없어.
+) I’ve never been tested. 검사해 본 적이 없어요.
+) I’ve never been treated that way. 그런 대접은 처음 받아봐.
+) Love! as if you have never been hurt!
사랑하라! 한 번도 상처받지 않은 것처럼!
-저는 이 구문을 보면 떠오르는 팝송이 있어요.
한 남자의 아내로서, 아이들의 엄마로서 생각을 많이 하게 되는 노래 같이 들어보세요.
I’ve never been to me -Charlene
They have never been to Mexico. There's lots of kids who live in our camp who have never been to Mexico.(129p)
There was almost a strike during almonds but not enough people agreed to stop working. My mama says that if there had been a strike, we would have had to go into the orchard and shake the trees ourselves for these almonds."(129p)
"What is your mother making with these nuts?" "She will sell slices at the jamaica tonight."
*make a decision 결정을 하다, 결단을 내리다
"Then I've made my decision. I will come."(129p)
*in starched and pressed shirts 풀을 먹이고 다림질한 셔츠를 입고
*tamales 타메일(멕시코요리의 일종)
*more than …보다 많이, …이상(의)
The other night, she had heard Juan say that about two hundred people lived in their camp, but there were many more than that now.(130p)
No, it was more than that.(108p)
*huddle together 함께 옹기종기 모이다
*more than anything (다른) 무엇보다도, 그보다 더, 그 이상으로
+) I envy good singers more than anything in the world.
난 세상에서 노래 잘 하는 사람들이 제일 부러워.
+) No matter what the situation may be, life means more than anything.
어떠한 경우에 있어서도 생명보다 소중한 것은 없다
After a while, Esperanza left Mama and the others and wandered through the noisy crowd, thinking how strange it was that she could be in the middle of so many people and still feel so alone. She wasw a group of girls who seemed about her age but they were huddled together. More than anything, she wished Marisol were here.(130p)
*coo (비둘기가) 구구구구하다, 속삭이다, 옹알이하다
*cradle [ˈkreɪdl] 요람, 아기 침대, 부드럽게 잡다[안다]
But when she got there, a bigger crowd had gathered and something else was going on.(131p)
*meek [miːk] 온순한, 온화한 (=compliant, self-effacing) 온순한 사람들
*speak up 큰 소리로 말하다, (~을 지지·옹호한다는 뜻을) 거리낌 없이 말하다[밝히다]
"This is what we are!" "Small, meek animals. And that is how they treat us because we don't speak up. If we don't ask that is rightfully ours, we will never get it!"(130p)
"With no decent home and at the mercy of those bigger than us, richer than us?"(132p)
"We're going to strike in two weeks. At the peak of the cotton. For higher wages and better housing!"(132p)
"They work wherever there is something to be harvested. Those camps, the migrant camps, are the worst."(134p)
We are lucky because our camp is better than most.(134p)
*shabby [ˈʃæbi] 다 낡은[해진], 허름한 (=scruffy), 추레한, 누더기를 걸친 (=scruffy)
+) The old man was shabby and unkempt.
그 노인은 추레하고 꾀죄죄했다.
+) She wore shabby old jeans and a T-shirt.
그녀는 다 해진 청바지에 티셔츠를 입고 있었다.
+) She tried to make up for her shabby treatment of him.
그녀는 그를 부당하게 대한 것을 보상해 주려고 했다.
*keep out ~을 피하다[하지 않다]/~이 ~에 관련되지[영향받지] 않게 하다
Esperanza tried to imagine conditions that were more shabby tha this room that was covered in newspaper to keep out the wind. Could things possibly be worse?(134p)
*candelabra [ˌkændəˈlɑːbrə] 나뭇가지 모양의 촛대[전등]
*extravagant [ɪkˈstrævəɡənt] 사치스러운, 낭비하는, 낭비벽이 있는, 화려한, 과장된 (=exaggerated)
"But most of all, I will pray that Abuelita will get well. And that she will be able to get her money from Tio Luis's bank."(137p)
"I will pray for you, Esperanza. That you can be strong. No matter what happens."(138p)
2. 게시물 숙제로 Esperanza Rising를 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어 5개 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
"I've been thinking that you are old enough to bathe yourself, don't you think?"(126p)
She had not left the cabin since she had made a fool of herself yesterday.(128p)
"My mama said it is best to get it over with and face people. And that if they tease you, you should just laugh," said Isabel.(128p)
"Then I've made my decision. I will come."(129p)
"But most of all, I will pray that Abuelita will get well. And that she will be able to get her money from Tio Luis's bank."(137p)
"I will pray for you, Esperanza. That you can be strong. No matter what happens."(138p)
*crimp [krɪmp](불에 달군 기구로) 머리에 컬을 내다, 고데를 하다
*taunt [tɔːnt] 놀리다, 조롱하다, 비아냥거리다,
*hull [hʌl] (콩 등의) 깍지[껍질]를 벗기다, (배의) 선체
*meat 알맹이 (=substance), 골자, (식용하는 짐승·조류의) 고기
*pry (무엇을 분리시키기 위해 억지로) 비틀다, 속뽑히다, 비집어 열다, 엿보다
*meek [miːk] 온순한, 온화한 (=compliant, self-effacing) 온순한 사람들
*speak up 큰 소리로 말하다, (~을 지지·옹호한다는 뜻을) 거리낌 없이 말하다[밝히다]
*extravagant [ɪkˈstrævəɡənt] 사치스러운, 낭비하는