★한달에 영어원서 한 권 읽기 3월의 책 A Long Walk to Water-Linda Sue Park(린다 수 박)
A Long Walk to Water: Day 19(A message from Salva Dut, Author's note)
1. A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 알게된 영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.
A message from Salva Dut
And deepset gratitude the to the people who have helped me with my project Water for Sudan, Inc.
*Inc [ɪŋk] ABBREVIATION 주식회사(Incorporated: 미국에서 회사명 뒤에 씀)
I overcame all the difficult situations of my past because of the hope and perseverance that I had. I would have not no made it without these two things. To young people, I would like to say: Stay calm when things are hard or not going right with you. You will get through it when you persevere instead of quitting. Quitting leads to much less happiness in life than perseverance.
*perseverance [|pɜːrsə│vɪrəns] 인내(심)
*persevere [ˌpɜːrsəˈvɪr] 인내하며[굴하지 않고] 계속하다, 인내심을 갖고 하다
Author's note
Some of the details in this story have been fictionalized, but the major events depicted are based on Salva's own experiences. I also read other books and accounts by and about Lost Boys.
*depict [dɪˈpɪkt] (말이나 그림으로) 묘사하다[그리다]
*be based on ~에 기초하다, 근거하다
*footage (특정한 사건을 담은) 장면[화면]
+)unaired footage 방송되지않은 장면
+)incredible footage 믿을 수 없는 장면, 놀라운 장면
Many factions were involved and numerous changes in leadship took place over the duration of the war, but in essence, the opposing sides were the Muslim-dominated government in the north and the non-Muslim coaltion in the south.
*numerous 많은 (=many)
*numerous changes in leadship 수많은 주도권 변화
*take place (특히 미리 준비되거나 계획된 일이) 개최되다[일어나다]
*in essence 본질에 있어서, 본질적으로
*in desperation 절망하여, 자포자기하여
*languish [ˈlæŋɡwɪʃ] (강요를 받아 어디에서) 머물다, (오랫동안 불쾌한 일을) 겪다, 약화되다, (진전이) 시들해지다
In 2002, nearly twenty years after the war began, the United States government passed the Sudan Peace Act, officially accusing the Sudanese government of genocide in the deaths of more than two million people.
*genocide [ˈdʒenəsaɪd] 집단, 대량학살, 종족학살
*referendum [ˌrefəˈrendəm] 국민 투표, 총선거
*secede[sɪˈsiːd] 분리 독립하다
The war in Darfur, in the western part of Sudan, is a separate conflict, not covered by the peace accord.
수단 서부 다르푸르에서의 전쟁은 평화 협정이 적용되지 않는 별개의 분쟁이다.
*accord (기관국가 간의 공식적인) 협정, 합의, (권위지위 등을) 부여하다
In size, Sudan is the largest country in Africa and the tenth largest in the world.
And amazingly, seven of the Lost Boys who walked with Salva from Ethiopia to Kenya met up with him again when they were relocated to the Rochester, New York, area.
*meet up with ~와 약속을 정해놓고 만나다 = meet with by appointment
*commander-in-chief 총사령관 = C-in-C
Time to meet up with our commander-in-chief.(매직트리하우스 22-3/22p)
This story could not have been written without him.
My family and I feel very fortunate to count Salva as a friend. It has truly been an honor for me to write this book about him.
*count 인정해주다, 점수로 계산하다
*be an honor for ...에게 있어서 영광이다
매직북클럽 3월의 책 A Long Walk to Water 함께 해주셔서 감사합니다.
아름답게 마무리하고, 4월 <Wonder>로 다시 만나요.