2. A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 알게된 영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.
"With the well here, no one will have to go to the pond anymore. So all the children will be able to go to school."
Nya stared at her father. Her mouth opened, but no words came out.(103p)
"I have come to visit you."
Salva smiled, his insides trembling.
"I am your son. I am Salva."
"Can it really be you?"
It had been almost nineteen years since they had last seen each other.(104, 105p)
Mawien Dut sprinkled water on his son's head, the Dinka way of blessing someone who was lost and is found again.(105p) 마우엔 두트는 아들의 머리에 물을 뿌렸는데, 이는 길을 잃었다가 다시 찾은 이를 축복하는 딩카족의 방식이다.
*sprinkle 뿌리다, 끼얹다, 흩뿌리다, 부슬부슬 내리다; 살수기
"The village wanted to kill a cow for you."
That was how Salva's people mourned the death of a loved one.
"I would not let them" "I never gave up hope that you were still alive somewhere."(105p)
He learned more about his father's illness. Years of drinking contaminated water had left Mawien Dut's entire digestive system riddled with guinea worm. Sick and weak, he had walked almost three hundred miles to come to this clinic, and was barely alive by the time he finally arrived.(106p)
*contaminated water 오염수
*digestive system 소화기 계통
*be riddled with ~로 가득찬, ~ 투성인(부정적인 것이 가득할 때 사용)
*guinea worm 기니 벌레 ((사람·말의 발에 기생하여 종양을 일으킴))
*by the time ~할 때쯤에는
Salva and his father had several days together. But all too soon, it was time for Salva to return to America. His father would be leaving the clinic shortly as well. The surgery he had undergone had been successful, and he would soon be strong enough to make the long walk home.(106p)
*all too soon 너무도 빨리, 어이없이 +) All too soon the party was over. 그 파티는 너무 빨리 끝나 버렸다. +) The winter vacation has passed all too soon. 겨울 방학도 어느덧 지나가 버렸다.
On the plane back to the United State, Salva replayed in his mind every moment of his visit with his father. He felt again the coolness on his brow when his father had sprinkled the water blessing on him.(107p)
And an idea came to him - an idea of what he might be able to do to help the people of Sudan.(107p)
Could he do it? It would take so much work! Perhaps it would be too difficult. But how would he know unless he tried?
He needed a lot of help. Chris and Louise gave him many suggestions. Scott, a friend of theirs, was an expert in setting up projects like the one Salva had in mind.(107p)
*have... in mind …에 관해 생각하고 있다; …을 뜻하다, 계획하다((=keep ... in mind))
Along the way,
But even with their help, it was much more work than he had imagined.(108p)
*along the way 그 동안, 그 과정동안, 그 과정에서
*it was much more A than 그것은 훨씬 더 A가 많았다
But he had to do it. If he didn't talk about the project, no one would learn about it. No one would donate money, and he would never be able to make it work.(108p)
Thinking of that made him feel a little better, and he spoke into the mike again.(109p)
*make (어떤 동작이나 행위를) 하다, ~을 만들다, ~이 되다
We made it!(매직트리하우스 2-8/53p)
(힘든 고비가 있었지만 잘 이겨내고) 해냈어! 성공했어!
Whenever he found himself losing hope, Salva would take a deep breath and think of his uncle's words.(110p)
A step at a time. One problem at a time - just figure out this one problem.
Day by day, solving one problem at a time, Salva moved toward his goal.(110p)
3. 게시물 숙제로 A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 배운 단어나 구문을 넣어 자신만의 문장을 하나씩 만들어 보세요.
The report was riddled with errors and typos.(be riddled with ~로 가득찬, ~ 투성인)