
★한달에 영어원서 한 권 읽기 3월의 책 A Long Walk to Water- Linda Sue Park(린다 수 박)

A Long Walk to Water: Day 16(97-102p)


1.  A Long Walk to Water의 오디오자료를 활용해주세요. 

A Long Walk to Water Chapter 16


2. A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 알게된 영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.


They had tools with them, hoes and spades and scythes.(97p)

*hoe 호미 

*spade 삽, (카드의) 스페이드

*scythe[saɪð] 큰 낫, 낫으로 베다 


Nya watched them for a few moments. Her father saw her and waved. She put the plastic can down and ran over to him.(97p)


At times, the cars whizzed by so fast, he was amazed that anyone on foot could cross safely. 

Snow fell from the sky for hours at a time and then stayed on the ground for days.(98p)

*at times 가끔은[때로는]

*whiz by 휙[쌩, 쓩] 지나가다

An arrow whizzed by.(매직트리하우스 14-7/41p)  

- 차나 화살이 휙휙 빨리 지나간다는 표현을 whiz by로

*at a time 따로따로, 한 번에 


The first several weeks of Salva's new life were so bewildering that he was grateful for studies. His lessons, especially English, gave him something to concentrate on, a way to block out the confusion for an hour or two at a time.(98p)

*bewilder 어리둥절[혼란스럽게] 만들다, 당황케하다

*concentrate on ~에 집중하다 

*block out 가리다[차단하다], 막다, (불쾌한 생각·기억을) 떨쳐 버리다[지워 버리다]

-마음이 복잡할 때, 오히려 무언가에 집중하면 좋지요. 

Salva는 낯설고 새로운 삶이 혼란스럽기도 하지만 그 시간 오히려 영어공부에 집중했다고 해요. 


It had taken four days for Salva to travel from the Ifo refugee camp to his new home in New York. There were times when he could hardly believe he was still on the same planet.(98p)


Salva had been in Rochester for more than six years now. He was going to college and had decided to study business. He had a vague idea that he would like to return to Sudan someday, to help the people who lived there.(99p)


Sometimes that seemed like an impossible notion. What could he possibly do to help? Salva thought about this question a lot, but no answer came to him.(100p)

*notion 생각, 개념, 관념


Salva immediately began planning to travel to Sudan. But with the war still raging, it was very difficult to make the arrrangements.(101p)

*rage 맹렬히 계속되다,  (계속) 맹위를 떨치다, 격렬한 분노, 격노

*as well 또한, 역시 


How familiar everything was and yet how different!

How could memories feel so close and so far away at the same time?(102p)

"얼마나 익숙하면서도 얼마나 다른지! 기억이 동시에 가까이 있으면서도 멀게 느껴졌다."

-이 느낌 아시려나요.


After many hours of jolting and bumping along the roads in the jeep - after nearly a week of exhausting travel - Salva entered the shanty that served as a recovery room at the makeshift hospital.(102)

*jolting and bumping along

*jolt 갑자기 거칠게[덜컥거리며] 움직이다[움직이게 하다] (=jerk)

*shanty[ˈʃænti] 판잣집

*makeshift 임시변통의, 미봉책의 
*the makeshift hospital 임시병원 


"I am looking for a patient named Mawien Dut Ariik."(102p)


3. 게시물 숙제로 A Long Walk to Water를 읽으며 배운 단어나 구문을 넣어 자신만의 문장을 하나씩 만들어 보세요.

I need to block out all distractions and focus on my English study.(block out 차단하다, 막다)


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